
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is the fastest growing waste stream in the UK. Around 2 million tonnes of it are produced every year, which is enough to fill the Olympic stadium twice. Extra care must be taken when disposing of electrical items. It is important for you to know why this waste needs to be separated and the damaging effects of not recycling electrical waste. As a business, you are obliged to keep WEEE separate. It shouldn’t be thrown in the general commercial waste or recycling.

Before throwing out electrical appliances, it’s a good idea to consider the alternatives. One option is to look into repairing the item. There are companies in Westminster that are happy to repair a range of electrical items. However, if an electrical item is beyond repair, specialist arrangements must be made in order to dispose of them properly.

Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2013

There are strict rules for anyone who places electrical and electronic equipment onto the market and on how WEEE is disposed of after use. WEEE can never be presented for collection as part of regular general waste and recycling collections. We can help you comply with these requirements by separately collecting your WEEE for dismantling.

Disposing of small electrical items

All electrical office and business products such as mobile phones, computers, small display/screen equipment, projectors, printers, calculators, lamps, keyboards, mice, transformers, speakers, faxes, lamps and adapters, must be collected separately from general rubbish to be reused or recycled. Small electrical items can be taken to one of several bring banks around Westminster free of charge. We can accept those items in the small appliances recycling bins that fit through the 40cm (16”) chute. If you have a large volume of them or if you prefer for us to collect from your doorstep then please request a collection via this link.

Bulky electrical waste collections

Large electrical items are not collected as part of the general refuse collection. Instead, they need to be recycled through our bulky waste collection service. Air conditioners, ovens, microwaves, fridges, freezers, photocopiers, TVs, computers and other large appliances that no longer work can be collected via the bulky waste collection service. All electrical items collected will be dismantled and recycled appropriately. Whether you’re having a clear out, an office refurbishment or are updating electrical equipment; we can help. We also offer regular scheduled bulky waste collections to landlords and managing agents of (residential) properties.

Our bulky waste collections are competitively priced and provide an efficient and reliable way to get your large items of waste collected. If they can’t be re-used, they are recycled to a high environmental standard. You can receive a quote for a collection of bulky waste by filling out this form.

For information on producer responsibility for electrical waste, click here.

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