
Long time no talk!

I hope everyone is well. I’m not going to lie – I miss coming around here and writing every day. However, something had to give with my busy little life these days. My little ladies sure do keep me busy. They turned 3 months almost two weeks ago (how?!), so I thought it was time to give you all an update.

Brooklyn (left) and Emerson (right)

This past month has been the most fun month yet. Both the girls have started to interact with us, and we love the daily smiles, coos, and squeals that come from their little mouths. It definitely makes parenthood even sweeter than it already is.

I also think the girls are starting to resemble each other a little more as Brooklyn continues to fill out. Emerson’s head is definitely rounder, but there are times when they’re wearing hats or certain bows that I have to do a double take to figure out who I’m looking at. Their facial features really are the same – it’s just the face shape that throws you off!

We have all transitioned well to me being back at work. The girls have wonderful family members taking care of them while I’m away at work which is definitely the best case scenario for us. I am so grateful for our family stepping up and offering to help out with them while my mom is still healing. We are crossing our fingers she will be able to take them sometime in January to fulfill her nana babysitting duties. Thankfully, she is staying at my aunt’s house (who is taking the girls a few days a week), so she has been able to get her grandbaby fix.


Oh this little lady is too too sweet – and SO happy! I think she would win the award for the happiest baby in the world. Emerson loves everybody and just about everything. This little one even smiles at the wall every day. She is definitely turning into her mama’s daughter – she is an early bird and is happy as a clam for her first morning feeding. A lot of time she has us in stitches because she won’t eat due to the fact that she’s smiling so much! Emerson also definitely found her crying/whining voice this month. She’s doesn’t have quite strong a personality as Brooklyn (dear Lord THANK YOU), but she definitely lets us know what’s up when she isn’t happy.


Emme is still eating about every 3 hours during the days, and is guzzling down 4-5 ounces at each feeding. She typically eats about 24 ounces a day. It doesn’t matter how much she eats, she is ALWAYS spitting up. This one constantly has a bib on at all times, and when she is laying flat on her back, there is always a burp cloth under her head. Her spitting up makes me nervous for the transition to the crib, not necessarily because I think she’s going to choke, but because I am dreading the laundry I will be doing with all the spit up on her sheets.


Emerson loves play time! Her favorite things are looking in the mirror on her kick and play piano and listening to mama sing “You are my Sunshine” and “Itsy Bitsy Spider”. Those two songs always get a lot of smiles and squeals. Emerson rolled over a few times this past month from her belly to back, but nothing consistent. She is getting much better at holding her head up when she is on her tummy, and she loves standing on our laps and talking to us. She hates tummy time, and usually only lasts a few minutes before she lets us know it’s time to be done. Emme loves to be talked to as well. Her smiles make me laugh so hard because she gets SO stinking excited!


Emerson is not a restful sleeper. She actually sleeps best when we are out running errands and she is in her car seat. For the most part, she will take one really good 1.5-2 hour nap every day without waking up. The rest of her naps (usually 2 more longer ones and 1 cat nap) she either has a really hard time falling asleep or staying asleep. Most days she winds up getting held for some of her naps until she’s in a deep sleep. I believe that sleep begets sleep, so whatever – it works. Nighttime sleep is a different story most of the time. We put her down when she is drowsy/almost sleeping at night after some cuddles (my favorite time of the day!) around 8’ish. We dream feed around 10, and girlfriend will usually sleep until around 6. She will sometimes wake up for her pacifier around 3’ish, but will go right back to sleep once I pop it in.


I constantly told Brooklyn all month long I was so happy she wasn’t crabby all the time anymore. Something clicked with this child this month and she realized she didn’t always have to be so high maintenance. She still knows exactly what she wants and will let us know when that is, but for the most part this little girl loves to smile. She used to be pretty hasty with her smiling, but now she smiles and coos all the live long day. I am going to just chalk this up to her having an insanely strong personality. As much as Emerson is my daughter, Brooklyn is a clone of her daddy – inside and out! There are so many times when I look from her face to John’s and I just cannot believe how much they look alike.

gaaah – I seriously cannot take the cuteness.


Brooklyn is also eating around 24 ounces a day. She’s not quite as voracious of an eater as Emerson is, but she loves eating. When she’s hungry, she’s hungry NOW and you better fix that problem. Girlfriend spits up a lot less than she used to, which makes me so happy I only have one baby that spits up constantly. Plus, her spit ups were more like projectile vomits – yuck.


Brooklyn LOVES to be on the move. We call her “Nosy Rosy”  because she cannot stop taking in everything. In fact, if you hold her and talk to her, 9 times out of 10, she will look at anything BUT you. I joke that she has ADHD at 3 months old. Brooklyn is a kicker, and if she is on her play mat, her legs are constantly moving. Brooklyn isn’t a fan of tummy time, but she’s getting really good at lifting her head up high enough to look in front of herself on the ground. Brooklyn’s favorite time to talk to me is when her diaper is getting changed. She “coo’s” quite literally. It is the cutest thing in the world.


Brooklyn is a rock star sleeper, and I seriously cannot even believe I am typing those words. I thought for sure she would be our problem sleeper, but nope! When she falls asleep, she is OUT and barely moves an inch until the morning. She is never happy when it is time to wake up in the morning. I can already foresee her being a late riser. Brooklyn naps and sleeps well when she is toasty warm. She can be sweating, but she loves it (It goes without saying that I make sure her temperature is regulated and she is not too warm). Girlfriend can really sleep just about anywhere… well, maybe not her crib. We are still working on that one. I’m scared to make the transition, but it will probably be sometime this week. Same as Emerson, Brooklyn will be put down around 8’ish when she is drowsy (sometimes asleep), get a dream feed at 10, and some days sleeps until 6:30! She takes two long naps every day (about 2 hours each) as well as two shorter ones (usually around an hour and then maybe 20-30 minutes). It’s working for her!

Did I mention they both cannot live without their pacifiers?

We are looking forward to what the next month will bring (okay the next two weeks). They are getting more fun with every passing day!

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