
I hit the big 3-0 this weekend!!! Not in years, of course, I’m only 26 today. I feel like 30 weeks is a huge milestone for some reason. I’m not going to lie – from here on out I’ll be thinking in terms of two week increments. 32, 34, 36 (fingers crossed!). It seems crazy that in a matter of a few weeks we’ll have our baby girls with us!

Almost every night when the Husband comes home from work, he looks at my belly and says “wowza, that’s a big belly”. Yes dear, yes it is.

Weight Gained: I had an appointment last Thursday, and I’m up to about 23 pounds gained. I only gained a little bit in the last few weeks, and I’m sure it went straight to these girls. It’s getting so hard to eat at this point – it’s either too hot or I have no room. I’m trying though!


Contractions, contractions, contractions! Honestly, everything I do gives me contractions at this point. I’m full? Contractions. My bladder needs to be emptied? Contraction. Walking more than 50 feet? Contraction. Obviously I am watching these like a hawk, and my doctor told me she would only be concerned if they become rhythmic. Otherwise, she told me it’s totally normal for me to be having SOOOOOO many Braxton Hicks Contractions at this point since I’m measuring just about full term (for a single baby). They typically go away when I’m laying on the couch, but I even pull out a few when I’m laying around doing absolutely nothing!

I’m also starting to feel a lot of pressure right around my pubic bone. Baby A is super super low, so as she is growing, I’m definitely feeling it. It’s the worst in the morning (when my bladder is full) or when I try to get up from a position laying down (or trying to roll over in bed at night).

I’m also starting to get a bit swollen – not too bad though! My feet feel like sausages at the end of a long day, and my wedding rings no longer fit. I’m sad I don’t get to wear my pretty rings every day!

All of these “symptoms”, however, feel normal to me at this point. Last week when I went to my acupuncture appointment, he was asking me if I was feeling okay and I said yes. He then got more specific and asked if I was having back pain or slowed digestion or swollen feet (etc.) and I said yes. He looked at me like I was crazy, but I looked at HIM like he was crazy. Isn’t that part of the package deal at this point? I feel like I’ve had it relatively easy thus far – I’m not complaining!

Movement: Always always always. These two are starting to get into a pattern. Early morning/late night is their party time (lucky me, right? )

Food Cravings:  No cravings, per se. It’s so hard to actually want food when it’s a zillion degrees outside! I’ve been drinking like crazy though. Water is my best friend.

Food Aversions: Nothing.

Sleep: My sleep has been off for the last few days. I spent the weekend at my mom’s watching my childhood dog (he’s 14) while she was out of town. I was so paranoid that the dog was going to have an accident if I went too long without taking him out. Because of that, I went to bed late (for me) and woke up early. Not a good combination! I also had a late night on Friday when I went to that concert – I didn’t go to bed until 2! I can’t even remember the last time that happened!

Stretch Marks? My cousin thinks the marks I thought were stretch marks last week are just veins. In that case, we’re still stretch mark free over here!

Miss Anything? An entire wardrobe of clothes to choose from. I actually asked my mom for a few things that I can wear once the girls are born for my birthday because I am soooooo sick of wearing the same five outfits over and over again.

I’m also missing sleeping on my stomach still.

Looking forward to: These last few weeks of summer!

Belly Button in or out? Half in, half out!

Happy or moody most of the time? I only had one breakdown this past week. I had a really busy first part of the week last week, and by Wednesday night I was DONE for. I ended up sobbing on the couch crying about how I’m “so tired of not being able to do anything right now”. Of course that was just a weak moment. I’d lay on the couch for many more months if that meant healthy baby girls!

I also thought I would be kind of moody/sad about my birthday (my dad and I share/shared (???) a birthday) today, but I’ve actually been okay. Maybe that’s because I’m excellent about not thinking about things – but I’m sure it’ll hit me eventually.

New Baby Items: Not really anything new for the girls, but new for mama! I took advantage of Destination Maternity’s nursing sale (Buy 3 Get 1 Free through the end of the month!) yesterday. I had a coupon for $25 off that I wanted to cash in, so it turned out to be a pretty good deal. I got these two bras and two of these tanks. I’m in love with these bras by the way. I’m already wearing them constantly. I didn’t want to get any of the one that would be like a normal cup size because who knows what my chest is going to do when these two are born, but the two that I bought are super comfortable and I can see myself lounging around the house in them all the time.

Exercise: Washing dishes? Walking to the bathroom? Folding laundry? Yup… all exercise. 

My goal for this week is to get MY hospital bag packed (the girls’ bag has been packed for weeks) and to get the Husband to put up a few shelves and to put up their name decals in their room.

Questions for mamas: What were your hospital bag essentials? What were items that you DIDN’T pack but wish you had?

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