
by: homemakers

Description: Okanagan Christian Counselling is available for individual, marriage, family, children/youth, seniors and group counselling.

Marriage counselling, parenting & family, youth & children, addictions, sexual health, pornography addiction, eating disorders, anxiety / panic, depression, suicide, dissociative disorders, trauma recovery, post-traumatic stress, complex traumatic stress, identity & self-worth, freedom from New Age & occult, deliverance, home spiritual cleansing & blessing, healing prayer, generational cleansing, pre-natal / pregnancy prayer

PREVENTATIVE COUNSEL & CARE -- Okanagan Christian Counselling believes that a little bit of preventative counsel and care can help you, your marriage and your family avoid some of the pitfalls of life that often take the wind out of our sails and set us way back.

Pre-Marital counselling is NOT just good for BEFORE you get married! Often couples do not get pre-marital counsel, and sometimes the counsel they got just didn't cover the things coming up in married life. We can help! It's worth talking to someone BEFORE there are problems, because it truly can save a marriage.

Okanagan Christian Counselling offers day, evening and weekend appointments, we are mobile (you can come to our office in Kelowna or we can come to you), and we offer in-person, telephone, text and Skype appointments. We are affordable, we are safe and confidential, and we care. Let us help.

Like us on Facebook, follow our blog and get more info online our website at www.okanaganchristiancounselling.com, email us at info@okanaganchristiancounselling.com or phone/text us at 250-718-8856.

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