The serial number and the lock fast ferrule are a couple of clues to age. that ferrule showed up in the 1880's and was in constant use by multiple makers, I.E. Farlow's and Hardy who was the originator of that ferrule (Hardy) The use of steel cores goes back even farther. My best guess would be circa 1885-1940. Probably earlier than later because of the serial number yet there is potential for it being as late as the 40's.
the largest rod and reel caught Atlantic salmon in Britain was caught by Mrs. Ballantine out of the Tay river Perthshire Scotland and it weighed 64 pounds and it was caught in 1922 on a Malloch rod and reel. Find a copy of Graham Turners book titled "Fishing Tackle A collectors Guide". A great resource for English and Scottish and European Tackle.
Graham's book has a great Hero shot of Mrs. Ballantine and her tremendous salmon. She left a historical record that is important IMHO
Statistics: Posted by Gnome — 06/01/16 21:45