Again this year on the weekend that the Rodmakers at Grayrock Gathering is to be held, the Michi-Glass gathering will be held again as well. This year's expanded format with a variety of presentations has been scheduled to permit the Grayrock attendees to attend Michi-Glass in the afternoon on Saturday and take in these presentations.
Last year a number of Grayrock attendees came to this gathering and all of them said that they thoroughly enjoyed themselves, so I encourage all "Grayrock guys" to consider coming again. You won't regret It !!
Here is the posting as it appears on the Fiberglass Flyrodders Forum.
After last year's Michi-Glass gathering, a conversation between the people responsible for organizing this event who are Steve Taylor, my son Sean, Mike McFarland (who along with Dr. Todd Larson organized the first International Fiberglass Gathering held in New York's Catskills# and myself, spawned an idea about having the second International affair combine with the already popular and successful Michi-Glass gathering held here yearly. Mike had expressed how he thought it would be a good idea to have the "International" gathering somewhat of a travelling event held in different places from year to year, so it was decided, along with Dr Todd Larson's approval, to have it in Michigan this year.
This year will be a two day affair to be held on Saturday and Sunday, June 21st and 22nd at the same venue as last year at Warbler's Hideaway, 2704 Lovells Road, Grayling MI. 49738
This year will have an expanded format with some presentations given, a casting competition with prizes, a swap meet, and as last year, a rod drawing.
Here is the schedule of events lined up.
**************** BRING YOUR OWN COMFORTABLE CHAIR ****************
Saturday June 21st.
9:00 AM
Registration with name tags given to attendees.
Casting, comparing, shootin-the-breeze-a-plenty, as usual.
Lunch. Cold cut sandwich and condiments provided to "make your own", with bottled water available throughout the day.
1:00 PM
A presentation by noted author of the book "Fiberglass Fly Rods" Vic Johnson entitled:
"Fiberglass Rods, How They Changed The Fishing World, and Who Did It ?
One of the main points of this talk will be "How an American invention went worldwide in such a short time", and as well, who were some of the main people responsible for what we enjoy today.
2:00 PM
A presentation given by Mike McFarland of the McFarland Rod Company, and newly formed Seele Rod Company entitled:
"Making Fiberglass Blanks".
Mike will explain what is involved when rolling blanks, the differences in types of glass cloth and their properties, and have on hand some of the items instrumental in manufacturing fiberglass rods.
3:00 PM
Rodbuilders Panel Presentation.
This will be a presentation given by a panel of custom rodbuilders and makers who have taken a few steps beyond what is a hobby for most guys who dabble in rod building in that they have "hung out a shingle" so to speak, and offer their services to the public. Each panel member will briefly explain what led them to get started in this craft, how long they've been involved, what, if any, innovations that they've implemented in their craft, and what innovative ideas that they are planning for the future. After that, if any attendee has any questions to ask of panel members individually or collectively, they may do so.
The panel members consist of:
Chris Barclay, Shane Gray, Mike McFarland, Mark McKellip, Tim O'Brien and Fred Paddock.
4:00 PM
Casting, schmoozin, etc.
5:00 End of the first day. IT'S TIME TO GO HEX FISHING !!!!
Sunday June 22nd.
9:00 AM
Tycoon Cup Casting Competition.
This will be the fiberglass rod competition equivalent to the bamboo world's "Hardy Cup" that is held annually in New York's Catskills.
To take advantage of the likelihood of the morning being the time that is the most advantageous as far as wind is concerned, we will hold this tournament in the morning. We will set up a rod rack for all who want to compete to put their rods in so that they can be inspected by all who are involved, and to be practice cast by all who will be involved.
Here are the rules:
Equipment: Glass rods with rod blank made of 100% fiberglass with the exception of ferrules. No carbon cores or carbon scrims allowed. Ferrules can be any material including metal. All rods will be inspected.
Max length 9'.
Max line weight 7.
Floating fly line of at least 80' in length. No shooting heads. Shooting line can be used behind 80' fly line.
Min 7.5' mono leader with max of 9' in length with provided yarn or fly.
All rods must be inspected and placed in the tournament rod rack prior to the start of the competition to be inspected by all competitors. Any competitor is permitted to use any rod entered in the competition, regardless of who entered the rod or who owns the rod. With the durability of glass, their should not be an issue with broken rods. HOWEVER, you should probably leave your priceless Peaks and Claudios etc. out of the competition. NEITHER THE EVENT ORGANIZERS, SPONSOR, OR ANY CASTERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR BROKEN RODS DURING THE COMPETITION. If you will be upset if your rod is accidentally broken during the competition do not enter it.
Suitable rods will be available to anyone interested in entering the competition.
Casting order of participants will be determined alphabetically by last name beginning with "A".
All casting will be done on a grass course. There will be a sizeable staked down tarp provided for casters to stand on, to eliminate the entanglement of line in the grass at your feet.
Accuracy course will consist of five targets #approximately 30" in diameter# placed at measured distances of 20', 30', 40', 50' and 60'.
Accuracy Scoring:
Each caster will cast two rounds. Each round will consist of one cast at each accuracy target starting with the closest target and continuing in order to the longest target. As much false casting as you want prior to each cast is permitted.
Each target has a different point value based on the distance of the target.
20' is worth 5 points.
30' is worth 10 points.
40' is worth 15 points.
50' is worth 20 points.
60' is worth 25 points.
A caster will be given the above stated points for each target if: 1. Their fly lands inside the target. 2. Their fly hits inside the target and bounces out. 3. Their fly hits the ring of the target and bounces off. Judges will be stationed at each target on each cast to assure these rules are met.
A caster will receive a zero score if: 1. Their fly lands outside the target. 2. Their fly hits the ground outside the target and bounces in. 3. Their fly contacts the ground in front of the caster on any false cast. 4. The caster moves the fly before it can be scored.
All judge's decisions are final.
Distance casting.
Distance Scoring: Distance casts will be scored as one point for each foot from the casting line to the location of the fly. Each caster can make up to 2 practice casts prior to the casts that count for their score. Each caster will make three measured casts, with the two longest casts being added together to calculate their total distance score.
Each caster will receive a score equal to the total of all accuracy casts plus the total from their two longest distance casts to determine who the winner is.
The actual tournament will begin at around 10:00 AM after all participants can inspect the "battery" of rods available and do some practicing with whatever rod they should choose to use.
The winner will receive a "Tycoon Cup" placque to keep for his efforts along with having his name to be engraved on the actual "Tycoon Cup" which will be used for ensuing competitions in the future years.
Prizes to be awarded are:
First place: A Tycoon fiberglass fly rod awarded by Tim O'Brien of the Tycoon Tackle Company.
Second place: A Tycoon Tackle hat.
Third place: A Tycoon Tackle hat.
This tournament promises to be a lot of fun !!
12:00 Noon or thereabouts depending on the casting competion.
Lunch. Same fare as the day before.
1:00 PM
Swap meet.
Bring whatever you want to trade, swap, sell, and deal. Rods, reels, lines, flies, fly boxes, creels, books, artwork, etc., new and old. This year I am asking that if you can, please bring some sort of table to put your things on.
As this swap meet is going on, the usual casting and other stuff that goes on at a gathering will be going on as well, so not only bring yourself and your stuff, but bring your stories as well. Perhaps we'll have a "story competition" too !! ;#
4:00 PM
Rod Raffle.
Last year we had fiberglass fly rod that we raffled off that was won by a bamboo rod builder. This year we will raffle off a bamboo fly rod #maybe a "glass guy" will win this year#. It will be a Dickerson 8014 taper, built with a full-length, one piece, checkered, marblecake English walnut handle, with bag and tube. I am currently planing this rod out and when finished I will post pictures of it in this thread.
The raffle ticket comes with the price of admission for this event, which includes lunch for both days.
4:30 ish.
End of gathering. IT'S TIME TO GO HEX FISHING !!!!!!!!
The price for admission this year is $30.00.
Extra chances in the raffle for this rod can be had for $15.00 each, and can be purchased even if you do not attend. I will make sure that if you cannot attend that your ticket gets put in the "hat'.
To register for this gathering please contact me by phone, email or mail so that we can make the necessary arrangements "food-wise". We want to make sure that we have enough for all who attend and not be short in our food purchases. I can't emphasize enough to you how important this is. It doesn't hurt either to send in your fee to me early. Making out name tags and taking fees from a bunch of people the morning of the gathering's first day is a lot of work and will keep me from doing the extra work that will need to be done this year with the expanded format. So PLEASE send in your registration early !!!
To register:
Send check or money order, along with your name, address, phone number and email address to:
Mark McKellip
1306 Wilson St.
Bay City, MI. 48708
989-891-6691 cell
Make checks or money orders payable to me, not Michi-Glass !!
I will email you to confirm your registration upon your remittance.
Here is a list of places to stay in the general area.
Gates Au Sable Lodge
471 Stephan Bridge Road
Grayling, MI. 49738
At Stephan Bridge on the Au Sable mainstream "Holy Waters"
10.4 miles to gathering site.
Jim's Cabins
1706 S. Wakely Bridge Road
Grayling, MI. 49738
At Wakely Bridge on the Au Sable mainstream "Holy Waters"
9.9 miles to gathering site.
Bud's Cabins and Motel
8378 Twin Bridge Road
Grayling, MI. 49738
On the North Branch of the Au Sable in Lovells
8.1 miles to gathering site.
RiverviewLodge and Cabins
855-687-9501 Toll free
On the mainstream of the Au Sable
About 8 miles to gathering site.
Fullers North Branch Outing Club
6122 E. County Road 612
Grayling MI. 49738
On the North Branch of the Au Sable in Lovells
7.9 miles to gathering site.
Whispering Pines Resort
11763 W. County Rd. 612
Frederic, Mi. 49733
On the Manistee River
31 miles from gathering site.
Bear Paw Cabins
3744 M-72 West
Luzerne MI. 48636
15.7 miles from gathering site.
If you have any interest at all in bamboo rods you may want to consider taking in the "Rodmakers at Grayrock" gathering that is being held this year on June 19th, 20th and 21st just prior to our gathering. A good number who primarily attend the fiberglass affair also attend this gathering. As well, a fair amount of bamboo rod makers attended Michi-Glass last year and they said that they will be back again this year. Attending both gatherings would add a lot of "flavor" to your trip if taken advantage of.
For detailed information on the Grayrock Gathering, go to:
So dust off your gear, make your plans, and get your rear here up to Michigan, for the fourth installation of Michi-Glass, and the second ever International Fly Rod Gathering, for a great time to be had with your "Glass Freaks".
See you there !!!!!!
Mark McKellip.
Statistics: Posted by fishwoodrods — 03/12/14 16:34