
wannabe wrote:

I do. I've got a James Reid Salt Special 8'8" #8 that I love for bonefish and redfish. Below are a few shots from a South Andros trip a few years back. In my opinion, bamboo excels in flats/sight fishing situations, as it loads quickly and fully even on short casts for those fish that pop up out of nowhere. James built a prototype of a big #11 that he let me test out on my annual FL tarpon trip a few years ago, but unfortunately the weather and tarpon-migration gods did not smile on me that trip so, alas, I never got to test the bamboo against one of those brutes.

Simply beautiful! After waking up this morning to -5°F and looking out into the yard at several feet of snow, I'm thinking that the Bahamas is exactly what I need right now. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to settle for these pictures. Thank you for posting.

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Statistics: Posted by AK Troutbum — 03/01/17 16:03

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