
When it came to breastfeeding, I was very lucky. Jack wanted to eat right away, picked up nursing like a champ, and beyond a little bit of discomfort for the first few weeks (and a couple cases of mastitis), it went very smoothly. Some may too smoothly, since Jack didn’t stop nursing until he was almost two. Ha!

I’ve had some friends ask me at different times for tips for breastfeeding success. While I’m no expert, I feel like I learned a lot about it, and I do have some tips for success. I’m not writing this post to make people feel bad if they couldn’t (or just didn’t want to) breastfeed – I know for some reason, it’s just not an option. However, I hope this may help someone out there who can be successful…be successful!

Ask for help

I think a lot of women are afraid to ask for help, or they don’t know where to turn. Fortunately there are so many wonderful resources out there, with people who really want to help mothers succeed with breastfeeding.

At the hospital

Before I had Jack, my mom told me that when I was in the hospital, request to have a nurse come every time I fed him to make sure I was doing it correctly. I took this advice, and I really think it made such a difference in my experience. Labor & Delivery nurses are there to help you, and I found that all of them were more than willing to come in and make sure everything was going right. They gave me some great tips and advice, which made it so much easier.

The hospital I delivered at also had a lactation consultant that worked there during the day, and she made rounds to see all the breastfeeding mothers. She gave a free consult and gave me some good advice on how to succeed.

When You Go Home

Obviously you won’t be at the hospital forever, so thankfully, there’s still many resources to help you afterwards.


WIC (Women, Infant, and Children) is a program that offers a lot of benefits to lower income families. One of the valuable offerings that they have are free classes, as well as breastfeeding support. While I didn’t go into WIC, I know several women that did, and they had a lot more success with nursing afterwards. Just search for your counties local WIC office to get started. They also offer free breast pumps for women who qualify.

La Leche League

The La Leche League is a non-profit organization whose goal is to help women successfully nurse their children. They are a world-wide organization, and there is free support for women who need it (whether it be by a phone consult or in person.) They really have some wonderful resources available to all women. Their website has some great resources as well.

Make sure the latch is correct

If your baby isn’t latching on correctly, chances are, you’ll have issues breastfeeding. BabyCentre.UK offers the following tips when checking if the latch is correct:

Her mouth is as wide open as possible before she attaches to your breast.

Her tongue, bottom lip and chin touch your breast first.

Once attached, her chin is touching your breast, and her nose is free

Typically, if they start eating right away without an issues, they latched on just fine. It may take some time to get them to latch on correctly, but once you get it done, it will be much easier. The link I referenced above has some more information on this topic.

Try different positions

There are so many different nursing positions out there, and they don’t always work perfectly for everyone! I remember trying these different positions when I was in the hospital, and feeling like some of them were so awkward and uncomfortable. I quickly learned this – it shouldn’t be uncomfortable to hold your baby when nursing. For me, I found that the cradle hold was the easiest for me, and it was basically all I did from then on. Here is a little slideshow that shows several different positions. Experiment to see what works best for you and your baby!

Avoid Bottle at First

I’ll admit, we gave Jack a pacifier from the day he was born, and he never had issue with nipple confusion (like the lactation consultant warned us would happen.) However, if your child seems to be having issues nursing, avoid using a pacifier or giving them a bottle. They may get confused, or start to prefer a bottle over nursing. While you should absolutely NOT starve your child and force them to breastfeed (and withholding a bottle), it is important to try not to introduce a bottle until they are in an established routine and you both have breastfeeding down!

Are they Getting Enough?

While I was doing research for this post, I read that many women quit or reduce breastfeeding in the first few months because they are worried their baby isn’t getting enough food. That is totally understandable – don’t we all want to make sure our babies are growing?! Fortunately, with the majority of women, they are producing enough milk, and their child is getting enough. When you are breastfeeding, it’s hard to gauge this though.

If your baby is growing and gaining weight, they are getting enough to eat. In the first few months, babies eat a lot, and often cluster feed – so you may feel like maybe you aren’t feeding them enough for the first time. However, it’s not something to be concerned about unless they aren’t gaining weight. Most pediatrician offices (as well as places like WIC) are more than happy to do a weight check to make sure your baby is growing.

Here are a few other ways to know if your baby is getting enough to eat:

Seems content after eating

Regular bowel movements and 4-6 daily wet diapers

Is alert

They may not be getting enough if they aren’t gaining weight (as I mentioned), they act hungry ALL the time, they don’t have enough wet diapers, or they cry all the time. I’d be careful with equating fussiness with hunger, though, because that can be related to different issues (which I will mention later.)

I was told that you should just nurse your baby whenever they seem hungry when they are a newborn, so don’t feel like you have to get on a strict schedule right away!

Don’t suffer

Some discomfort and pain during the first few weeks is normal and to be expected. However, it shouldn’t be an excruciating experience, especially after you’ve been nursing for awhile. If it is, chances are something might be wrong. It may be something as simple as your baby not latching on correctly, but there may be a larger issue at hand. My good friend, Anita, wrote a post about what to do when you can’t breastfeed, including her experience with Raynaud’s Phenomenon (which I will explain more below.)

If you are in excruciating pain, I highly recommend speaking with a lactation consultant. They are trained to identify issues with breastfeeding, and they may be able to give you suggestions or ideas on what to do. There may even be an underlying health issue causing you to have issues.

I think the worst thing you can do to yourself is just suffer in silence. You shouldn’t go on in pain, feeling like you have to keep breastfeeding, and that pain is normal. It’s worth it to to talk to a professional to see if they can help you. And, if you just can’t keep breastfeeding (for whatever reason), it is okay to stop. For most women, it does get easier. But don’t feel like you are a failure if you aren’t one those women!

Possible Issues

While the majority of women and babies should be able to breastfeed without too many complications, there are some conditions that may make it harder. Here are a few common ones.

Lip Tie and Tongue Tie

This is something that is fairly common – I feel like I’ve had quite a few friends who had this issue with their child.

The baby should be examined by a pro who knows what they are doing. They should examine the in a certain position it’s on LLC Websites. Also it’s a factor of how far it allows the babies tongue and upper lip to stretch.aurora has bad lip tie and it I force her lip into the fish-like position she gets blisters on her upper lip. I’ve looked into having it cut but overall from what I’ve read it may not be worth it. I have yet to see a ENT though

I don’t know if you want to put all that in there but lip tie and tongue tie common things that often go over looked

Low milk production

At one point or another, most women will be concerned about the amount of milk they are producing. In most cases, this isn’t actually the case…but it can be distressing if you don’t know if you are producing enough milk. In the first few months of breastfeeding, you will leak milk, feel more “full”, etc. This is because your body is trying figure out just how much milk it needs to produce. Once your body regulates it a little bit, some of those initial “issues” stop happening, which might cause concern.

However, if you are concerned, it’s fine to get checked out (because if you truly have a low milk supply, your child may be at risk for malnutrition.)

So, why might a woman have a low milk supply? Sometimes it is related to certain birth control (that contains estrogen), not drinking enough water or eating enough calories, or not nursing your baby enough. Sometimes it may be related to a condition that a woman has (such as a thyroid problem), or a procedure she has had done. More often it’s related to

There are ways to make sure your supply is higher though. Here are a few tips:

Feeding your baby more often! This is one of the best ways to boost your production. Even if your baby isn’t hungry, you can try and pump in between feedings to stimulate more production.

Lactation cookies (there are tons of recipes for these on Pinterest.)

Drinking lots of water

Avoid supplementing with formula

Breast Infections

I didn’t experience a lot of pain or discomfort when I was nursing Jack, except for two very specific times – when I had mastitis. Mastitis  is when your breast tissue becomes inflamed. Typically, it’s due to some kind of infection, though this isn’t always the case. It can occur from having cracked nipples, plugged milk ducts, or even engorgement.

It typically occurs within the first few months of breastfeeding, though it really can happen at anytime. It happened to me when Jack was about three months old, and when he was almost a year. And boy, was it painful.

If your breast is red, sore, or warm, or you have a fever and are particularly fatigued, you may want to consider talking with your doctor. They will likely give you some at-home ideas to try before they prescribe any medication.

Raynaud’s Phenomenon

I mentioned my friend Anita above, and she talks in her post about how she was diagnosed with Raynaud’s Phenomenon. This has made breastfeeding very difficult for her. I’d never heard of it, so I thought I’d mention it in case someone who reads this does. Basically, it’s where your nipple doesn’t receive any blood while the baby is latched on. This makes it very painful when a baby is latching on and off, and other times as well. Anita said if your nipples turn white, are very painful and turn from red to deep red, you may have this disorder. She writes more about this here.

Plugged Ducts

Sometimes your milk can get backed up into the duct, which causes the tissue around the duct to become swollen/inflamed, which can cause a blockage.

This doesn’t always cause a lot of problems, but it can be uncomfortable and lead to an infection, such as mastitis. If you start to have symptoms (which include small lumps or tender sports, redness, or the area feeling hot), you should definitely treat it right away. The best way to treat it is to nurse – it may be painful, but it will hopefully relieve the pain soon. I experienced this a few times, and yes, it was painful, but it did help heal it. If your baby doesn’t want to eat, you can try pumping or hand expressing. You can also relieve the pain with ibuprofen or by applying heat (such as with a heating pad).

Fussiness – burp them, eliminate foods, etc.

As I mentioned above, fussiness shouldn’t always be attributed to low milk supply or your baby not getting enough to eat. Many babies have sensitive tummies, and if you are nursing, they are going to be affected by what you eat. Most babies will outgrow these sensitivities (though not all do – Jack sure hasn’t!) If you are noticing your baby is super fussy, first of all – make sure you are burping them! This is super important, especially with younger babies. If you are doing that, you can try eliminating foods. Here are some common foods babies have issues with.

Anything spicy





I think Jack bit me once, which was when he was almost one. I know a lot of people who stop nursing the first time their baby bites, and while that’s fine, it’s not necessary. It does hurt, yes, but it’s not something that will probably go on forever.

According to La Lechae League, it is impossible for a baby that is latched on correctly to bite. So, as soon as your baby appears to be satisfied or about ready to latch off, take them off. It will prevent them from biting you. The post linked above has some great tips, including the importance of proper nursing position.


Before I had Jack, I wasn’t even sure if I would need or want a breast pump. I wasn’t planning on being away from him much, I wasn’t working full-time (I was mainly trying to finish my degree)

Tools for Breastfeeding Success

There are definitely ups and downs when it comes to breastfeeding! However, there are many tools and resources that can help it be a little easier. I’ve already mentioned several resources and tips above, so I thought I’d share some of my favorite products that I think make breastfeeding easier!


This is a MUST for everyone. Lanolin helps prevent and heal sore nipples. I would definitely have at least a tube of this when you first start nursing

Nursing Cover

I know some people are all anti-nursing cover, and if that’s what you choose to do, then so be it. However, I know I personally wouldn’t have felt comfortable nursing without a cover in public, so I spent a lot of time finding one that I felt was functional and worked well. I had no qualms nursing wherever, but I did want to make sure my back and front was covered! At first I tried out this free nursing cover apron (just pay shipping with the code C113D4), and while it worked fine, I just really wanted something that would cover my back. So, I made this nursing cover shawl, which was AMAZING and super easy to make. I also recently learned about the Bomb Shelter Baby Cover, which I really want to try with my next baby – it’s like the shawl one I made, just a little cuter and sturdier. If you use the code CLARKS you can get $15 off one!

Breast Pump

I really didn’t think I would need a breast pump, since I felt like I’d be around Jack most of the time. He really only took a bottle twice the whole time he was nursing, but I am still grateful I purchased a breast pump. It was so helpful in the first few months when my body was still trying to regulate how much milk to produce, and I would sometimes feel very engorged when Jack wasn’t hungry (or he was asleep.) Pumping helped relieve that so much! I only bought a single electric breast pump, but it was so nice to have.

Nursing Pads (include the reusable one link)

Most women will experience breast milk leaking at some point or another. To save yourself from embarrasment, or having to change your shirt, these are great to have. I only used them for about four months, but they are good to have. I just used disposable ones, but if you want to save money or the environment, I recommended these washable nursing pads (you can get them free, minus shipping, using the code C113D4 again.)

Nursing Pillow

I had a Boppy, and it was one of my favorite products. It made it easier to nurse, my arm didn’t get as tired trying to hold Jack up, and it was just nice to have. I don’t recommend using it when you are first trying to get the hang of nursing, but it is helpful to have later on. It’s also nice to prop your baby up in! I loved my Boppy, but you can also get a free nursing pillow (minus shipping) here with the code C113D4. I can’t personally vouch for the quality, as I don’t own one, but it’s definitely cheaper than other nursing pillows out there

Nursing Bras

Invest in quality nursing bras. You won’t regret it, and it will make your life so much easier. My friend, Courtney, wrote an awesome post with everything you need to know about buying a nursing bra. Read it.

Nursing Tops and Dresses

It may be annoying to not be able to wear your favorite shirts, but trust me on this one – you want shirts and dresses that make breastfeeding easy. One day I was at church, and I realized that my dress was not one that made it easy to do, and that made for a rather awkward day!

The post Tips for Breastfeeding appeared first on Clarks Condensed: A Family Lifestyle Blog.

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