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Name: Saleme Roth
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Looks: ... /68972.jpg
Other looks?:
Home Planet: Earth
Race: Tamerianain/Azerathain
Powers: Dark Matter Control and Bolts, Smoke Swarm, Healing Factor/Aura,
Weapons: None
Vehicles: Smoke Form
Side: Neutral
Bio: Saleme was originally created by Cadmos from a sample Ravens and Starfires DNA. He was one of many splices that Cadmos had created. Saleme may have been the first created but Saleme was the first one that actually displayed some level of emotion and free will and the last in the line of the Tamerianain and Azerathon Splices.
Cadmos had the Salemes fighting each other on a regular basis due to the fact that they were still in Beta stages of their development. During another of one of Cadmos's tests Saleme was tasked with eliminating the other creations of Cadmos. Refusing to fight at first Saleme was forced to defend himself when he realized he couldn't stop the others from attacking him. Once all the subjects had been eliminated Saleme powers went haywire destroying the facility and all the information samples of DNA that Cadmos had collected.
Saleme spent the next six months travelling and avoiding Cadmos whenever he could but it didn't take long for him to cause a scene that caused not only Cadmos to find him. It didn't end well for cadmos and enough damages were caused to get Saleme noticed by the league. This ultimately lead Batman to passing on all the information they had on Saleme to Robin due to the fact the titans city was the last place Saleme was heading.
Other: Saleme loves Ketchup somewhat to much he pretty will drink a entire bottle of it a day. He also cannot speak yet has made many attempts to speak.
Statistics: Posted by Karanto — 9 minutes ago