

2000 Honda Civic

D16Y8 engine, EX (i think)

I've read many Google search results about my rough idle, including many linking to this forum, and I decided I should clean my throttle body and IACV. I did label connection with a sharpie, but, like a dummy, I forgot that the intake cleaner would wipe away my markings for determining which coolant hose goes where on the IACV. Can anyone point me to a resource describing which one goes where? I've got the manual, but I don't see any diagrams that show exactly which hose goes to which port. They all just show an "engine coolant" loop. Does this mean the order doesn't matter? If it's just measuring coolant temperature, it may not care which direction the coolant is flowing through the box. Not sure.


I tried to highlight the hoses and ports with colors and letters. I think hose A goes to port C and hose B goes to port D. That way they won't cross over each other near the ports. I also tried to show that hose A loops around behind the intake and B pops up from around the bypass hose. Am I correct?

Any help is appreciated! :)


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