
“THE GRUFFALO,” that delectable tale about the adventures of a clever little mouse in a forest full of predators, returns after sell-out seasons to Canberra Theatre Centre on September 26 and 27, bookings to 6275 2700 or canberratheatrecentre.com.au

Mouse can scare hungry animals away with tall stories of the terrifying Gruffalo, but what happens when she comes face to face with the very creature she imagined? The show has songs, laughs and fun for children aged 3 and up, and their adults.

LOCAL folk-pop group Pocket Fox are staging an evening that celebrates their new single, “Heartsong”. The launch is in the foyer of the Street Theatre this Friday, September 26 at 7.30pm. The evening will features performances from the Swing Katz (a local dance troupe), music from The Burley Griffin, some spoken word and a set from Pocket Fox that will feature special guests. The show is for all-ages with an entry fee of $15/10/5 (adult/student/child) which includes a limited edition booklet and download code for the single.

LINDA and Roland Gumbert are hosting the inaugural “Death Café at South Hill” part of a worldwide phenomenon aimed at those who feel coming to terms with death may enhance their lives. Meetings are non-sectarian, non-partisan, without agenda, participant driven, with few guidelines. Tea, coffee and cake by donation. 2pm this Sunday, September 27, South Hill Gallery, 3 Garroorigang Rd, Goulburn. Inquiries to 0411 131 515.

Work by Yasmin Masri

“IN Translation,” works by Kelly Hayes, Jemima Parker, Yasmin Masri, curated by Ellen V Wignell, can be seen at M16 Artspace Griffith until 28 September. Afternoon tea with artists and curator: 28 September, 2pm, all welcome.

ADFAS Molonglo Plains has a Lecture Presented by Charlotte Nattey this Thursday, September 25. Nattey is a graduate of St. Martins School of Art in London in Design, she will expose some of the myths and legends surrounding diamonds, including some of the famous and infamous diamonds. 2 pm, Thursday at the Airport International Motel (now Comfort Inn Airport International) 57 Yass Road, Queanbeyan. Members and Visitors welcome. Inquiries to 0437 538 529 or satsoc@ozemail.com.au

A Congolese woman displaced by recent fighting in North Kivu sews clothes at the Mugunga

“WOMEN Together: Conflict, Courage and Hope” is an exhibition of 37 photos by Kenyan photographer Thomas Mukoya, staged by UNHCR at Nishi Gallery, 17 Kendall Lane, NewActon, this Friday September 26 to October 5, Monday to Friday 10am-2pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm. It shows how the UN Refugee Agency and its partners help women rebuild their lives in often remote and still dangerous locations.

Janet Matthews, Turquoise Gems

THE Shine Dome (Academy of Science) is the location for the Australian Entomological Society’s Conference running next week 29 Sept to 1 Oct. In conjunction with the conference, Wildlife and Botanical Artists Inc. (WABA) has collaborated with the Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC) at the CSIRO to present an exhibition of artworks titled ‘Insect Art: Celebrating 50 years of Australian Entomological Research’.

EDITIA Press and Ainslie and Gorman Arts Centres present the official Canberra book launch of The N00bz: New Adventures in Literature on Saturday, 27 September, at 6pm in the Bogong Theatre at Gorman Arts Centre. The N00bz is an exciting new collection of writing in which authors experiment with their craft and document their personal quest to continually improve in a rapidly changing industry. This book of writerly experiments will be launched by a panel discussion led by literary agent Alex Adsett and featuring editor Duncan Felton, publisher Charlotte Harper and Manager of if: book Australia, Simon Groth.

Botanical Edge objects, Marian Hosking

BILK Gallery for contemporary metal and glass in Palmerston Lane Manuka is hosting an exciting new exhibition of work by one of Australia’s Living Treasures, Marian Hosking, opening on Friday September 26 at 6pm and running to October 26. Hosking creates intimate objects that are inspired by unexpected finds in the landscape. Some of the pieces have been made in response to visiting areas of the Northern Grampians in Victoria, 5 months after the January 2014 fires.

SYDNEY songstress Rachel Collis has released her second album “Nightlight”. The indie-pop-folk singer songwriter is ready to share her songs in what critics are already describing as her most important work. Rachel is performing in Canberra next Saturday evening September 27 at Smiths Alternative.

IT’S time to take a peek into the studios and galleries of Queanbeyan’s artists on the QBN Arts Trail! You can take a self-guided tour, or book a seat on the Arts Trail Bus Tour in a chartered coach, enjoying the sights with a picnic lunch and afternoon included, tickets $25 per person. Book at The Q Box Office 6285 6290 Programs and maps available at the QBN Library and The Q More information at www.qcc.nsw.gov.au

THE Members’ Exhibition Canberra Potters’ Society is running 25 September to 12 October, 10am – 4pm Thursday to Sunday plus the Monday public holidays on 29 September and 6 October. Opening event 6.30pm Thursday 25 September Watson Arts Centre, Aspinall Street, Watson. All Welcome.

By Ben Edols and Kathy Elliot, photo by Greg Piper

CANBERRA Glassworks now have an exhibition of curious and exquisite light works and lighting features by artists including Brian Corr, Ben Edols and Kathy Elliot, Nick Wirdnam and Jeff Zimmer, curated by Olivia Meehan with the exhibition concept by Clare Belfrage. Known for their sensitivity and innovation in working with glass and light and exploring the powerful relationship between alchemic materials and luminous energy, the show runs until Nov 6. The official  opening is next week, Wednesday, 1 October at 6pm.

Couples team

“COUPLES Don’t Talk” consists of 5 original short plays by Judith Peterson and Vince Melton about how relationships affect us. At Smith’s Alternative, 76 Alinga street Canberra City. Directed by Domenic Mico, with live music by Frank Zappia, Sept 26th/27th and Oct 3rd/4th 7pm. Tickets $15 to 6247 4459 or trybooking.com/96483 or at the door.

Baker Suite and Lisa Richards

THIS Friday September 26 at Smith’s Alternative (straight after “Couples Don’t Talk”). The tour is called and is a double bill with Lisa Richards’s “Dreaming of the Sun” Adelaide duo The Baker Suite who played the main stage at Womadelaide this year. Their latest CD “Your Dreaming Self” was CD of the week on RN.

THE Italian Connection’ exhibition continues at The Q Exhibition Space with six Ceramic Artists and one Painter exploring their diverse experiences of Italy, until September 27.

THE Inaugural Keith Reid Memorial Open Garden & Exhibition Fine Asian Sculptures in a riverside garden setting Sat 27 – Sun 28 September 10am – 4pm, 7A Thorpe Ave Queanbeyan $5 p/p admission – all proceeds to HOME in Queanbeyan.

GREG Daly’s rural NSW environment has long been the major reference for his internationally-respected ceramic art. Along with recent work Daly will exhibit a selection of work from the last 40 years, from 26 September–19 October at Belconnen Arts Centre.

ALSO at BAC is “Sharing a Bond,” the ACT Tenants Union Art Exhibition, running until 12 October in the Foyer. The first Monday in October is International Tenants’ Day, and through this exhibition of works by Canberrans who rent their homes, we can see what this means to them. Visitors will be asked to participate by voting for the People’s Choice Award.

FURTHERMORE at Belconnen Arts Centre, 118 Emu Bank, Belconnen is “Yarn Bombing – Wonderful World of Wool” on Saturday 27 September & Sunday 12 October from 1 to 4. Knitters and crocheters are invited to participate in free community workshops to produce creative and original decorations for the Spring Winds Festival. Bring your own needles and hooks (there will be some available if you are a beginner). Yarn will be provided, though donations are welcome. Cost Free.

Rachael Beck

THE Rachael Beck Musical Theatre Workshop runs on September 27 – 28 at Gungahlin College Theatre, 23 Gozzard Street, Gungahlin. Students will get a taste of life in the professional theatre industry. Junior/Adult Workshop 9:30am – 12:30pm Senior/Adult Workshop 1:30pm – 5:00pm Tickets: Junior $195 Senior/Adult $225 Bookings to stagecenta.com

AMY Kerr-Menz and Melinda Heal are both ANU alumni. Having both spent time living and studying in Kyoto, they combine the stunning beauty of Australian nature and modern fresh imagery with the centuries-old resist-dyeing techniques of Katazome and Yuzen in “resist & reveal,” at the ANU School of Art Foyer Gallery. The exhibition continues until Saturday October 4 and entry is free.

LIANG Xiao Ping, a pioneer in Australia of Chinese calligraphy, has launched a solo exhibition of her works “Soaring to the Sky” at the Great Hall of Parliament House in celebration of Australian Citizenship Day 2014.

IF you are a clown, dancer, poet, comedian, or circus performer you might want to get involved in the 2014 Mindscapes Festival Mish Mash Variety Night on Thursday October 9, from 7-11pm for Mental Health Week. Whether you’re an amateur of professional, the Mish Mash is a great way for you practise performing your craft in front of a live audience while helping to raise awareness for Mental Health. Coordinator Ben Drysdale will be hiring a videographer to set up a number of cameras and edit the show together. Expressions of Interest are due by Wednesday October 1, but it would be appreciated if you could let Drysdale know earlier if you wish to perform. Inquiries to Ben.drysdale@bcsact.com.au or 6264 0252.

MELBOURNE based four-piece band Kingswood have just released their debut album ‘Microscopic Wars’, which premiered at #6 on the ARIA charts. They’re on a 22 date regional tour and will be at ANU Bar on Thursday September 25, bookings to premier.ticketek.com.au or 13 28 49.

SANDI Thoms got her big break when she went viral on the internet by staging a live-streamed tour from her London flat in 2006. Since then she’s had multi-platinum sales with a major label and topped the singles charts both here and in the UK with the folky hit “I wish I was a Punk Rocker (with Flowers in My Hair)”. She’ll be at The Abbey this Thursday 25 September, 7:30 pm, bookings to theabbey.com.au

The post Gruffalos and other arts creatures on show this weekend in arts around Canberra appeared first on Canberra CityNews.

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