




I’m laughing bcos plebcomics accused us of ~not caring when rsjwarrios are sent death threats~ despite the numerous times we’ve spoken out against that. Despite the fact that I immediately took down greekgodsforsocialjustice Mod Rhea’s information (included in a screenshot of a previous conversation) as soon as she asked.

When that same blog’s Mod Panacea claimed she was doxxed over one of our posts, I immediately took that post down, I immediately offered her advice on how to avoid being doxxed, & our mods immediately expressed our outrage over the incident. (Panacea later admitted to lying about being doxxed but yknow).

But when disneyvillainsforjustice Mod Chernabog posts my personal & literally gloats at the death threats I receive from her followers (called it my “just desserts”), all mods but Ursula looked the other way.

So um. I mean, I understand you’re known for your strawmen but can u not.

You shouldn’t have posted the information to begin with,

You should probably keep your head up your ass where it belongs bcos when you pull it out to say things, it’s pretty clear you don’t know what’s actually going on.

But “you shouldn’t have posted the information to begin with” is pretty laughable coming from you people, all things considered.

and while I don’t agree with what Chernabog did,

This part is always pretty funny to me lol. It’s like “I don’t agree with this shitty thing, BUT…”

"I’m not transphobic, BUT…"

"I’m not homophobic, BUT…"

"I’m not victim-blaming, BUT…"

there’s a pretty far stretch from posting your personal blog which is still connected through Tumblr and posting actual personal information.

Except my personal blog has information about where I live, where I work, & who my family is. Feeding that to literally thousands of people who hate me for my opinions is giving them the means to harass me, so let’s not pretend that it was harmless.

Besides, she also threatened to release my phone number & she continued to harass me via messages until I blocked her, um.

This has gotten out of hand.

Ah, yes. Mentioning a thing that happened as an example of Real Justice Warriors being actual shit is “getting out of hand.” The horror.

[ #sarcasm ]

And I’m getting rather tired of it.

Good. (:

Shit happens.

Excusing shitty things that your mods have done. How very typical of RSJWs.

People are critical of each other, I get it. But this has become something of a game, wherein you paint yourself as the victim as much as possible while simultaneously doing the exact same stuff to others.

I am literally a victim or harassment? Bcos your mod has harassed me? She continued to message me long after I asked her to stop? Your followers have sent me death threats & doxxing threats? Do you even read what you’re typing holy shit lmao

You seem to believe that you are allowed to post private information as long as you take it down eventually (but only if they ask apparently?)

I can admit what I did was shitty & wrong. It was back when I didn’t know what doxxing even was, & I have since learned from that mistake. The point is that I actively did something about it, which is more than I can say about all of your mods but one.

Eventually is a pretty funny word for immediately. & you people didn’t do it even after I asked sooo..?

but when the same thing happens to you, you demand recompense. Far beyond what you typically provide.

I love RJWs’ warped sense of what is equal tbh. Here’s how it goes:

- I post a submission that is the screenshot of a message she sent to another blogger in confidence, so it is admittedly shitty of me to post it. When she confronts me about it, I realize that exposing the message is less important than compromising her safety. I immediately take it down. No questions asked. I apologize to her on skype & demand that nobody death threats on Tumblr.

- Mod Chernabog posts my personal. She also posts the messages I send asking her to delete the messages that include my personal. I receive nearly a hundred death threats & suicide baits. She literally gloats about the harassment I’m receiving & calls it my “just desserts.” The messages are left up for hours until Mod Ursula removes them.

I don’t give a shit about your contempt for people you deem ~social justice warriors~. I don’t care about your biases or which side you’re on or your apparent dislike for me. Does that actually sound like the same shit to you?

We don’t look away, we just have our own stuff on our plate and admittedly your CONSTANT and I mean CONSTANT harassment of our fellow mods doesn’t exactly incite us to rush to your defense.

Literally do you even know what harassment is

Lets try this -

Victim-blaming in 3…2…1…

maybe if you didn’t talk about others so much, if you didn’t make it your mission to “call out” the people you disagree with

"Maybe if you just silently & passively accepted the problematic shit people say"

(not that are wrong, simply that you personally disagree with)

Isn’t this what RJWs do? Argue with people they disagree with? The double standard is astounding.

Whether or not something is wrong does not depend on your decree, especially when it’s some general “no the people you  argue with aren’t wrong” dismissive bullshit.

and maybe if you made your life more about you, and less about others,

You literally know nothing about my life, so you can take your baseless accusations & choke on them tbh.

then I guarantee, you’d probably deal with these problems a lot less.

Idk, I feel like if people knew how to be decent human beings & not send others death threats over opinions & if people weren’t transphobic shits to other people, I’d deal with these problems a lot less. Just a guess, though.

That’s if you truly don’t want it though. But personally, cishits, I think you love ever ounce of negative attention you get. You’re going to play the victim card but in the end, you don’t care if people doxx you.

Alright, so here’s where you expose your own inaccurate ideas about what type of people you think we are.

I live with innocent people who would absolutely be harmed by doxxing. I obviously would never want that, especially not for attention from a corner of netspace.

If they send you death threats. You relish in it.

Yuh okay tell me more about how I personally & privately react to hundreds of suicide baits & death threats & rape threats & doxxing threats & transphobic slurs & threats of violence.

To claim that we ~don’t care if people doxx us~ is bullshit & a thinly-veiled attempt at justification for people who want to do us harm. Bcos if we supposedly don’t care, then it doesn’t matter if people do it amirite

Because even a fool can realize that avoiding these things is incredibly easy, but you ignore it, because you don’t actually care. You want people to look at you. By any means necessary.

I’d think you’d realize that these things are not incredibly easy to avoid when they depend on the actions of other people, but I’d guess that’d be giving you too much credit.

And that’s fine, if that’s what you wanna do then go ahead. Just don’t take it out on us. We’re not out for attention, we’re out to speak our minds, hence why we tend to come and go. I’d rather not. For me, please, go find another target willing to continue this cat and mouse.

- Mod Dawes Sr.

Not that your bloated sense of self-righteousness isn’t fun to observe, but I’m going to need you to save it for someone who doesn’t already know what sorts of transphobic shits you are & how you literally exist to silence marginalized peoples who say things you disagree with.

Speaking our minds is what we are also here for lol. You just happen to dislike what we have to say. (:

Oh dear, where to begin.

First: You realize a majority of our mods are trans right?

Oh, dear. Which tired copout are you going to hang your pitiful argument on? “They’re trans, therefore they can’t possibly be transphobic!!” or “these trans people agree with me, so I’m not transphobic!!”…?

And don’t start on your “internalized” deal or whatever. You want to talk victim blaming? Victim blaming is when people like you decide to try and dismiss the opinions of others, even when their status fully qualifies their opinion, by trying to claim they hate themselves.

That is not even close to victim-blaming, but I’ll give you a D for effort bcos I can see you’re really, really reaching.

Victim-blaming is, as you’ve done, blaming the victim of something for that something. It’s saying

Maybe if you’d dressed less revealing, he wouldn’t have sexually assaulted you. Maybe if you hadn’t passed out, she wouldn’t have taken advantage of you. Maybe if you hadn’t walked home alone, you wouldn’t have been mugged.

"Maybe if you’d been nicer, they wouldn’t have told you to kill yourself."

Internalized transphobia doesn’t mean internalized hatred of oneself & we’ve literally never said that it does. Internalized transphobia means harboring ideals that are harmful to you & others as trans people. We, the mods, as non-cis people, have every single right to dismiss the opinions of other non-cis people if we feel they are harmful.

I don’t really get how you can call us transphobic when we currently have 2-3 cis mods, myself included,

I don’t really know how you can feel you have the right to decide what is transphobic when you are cis but ay.

and about 6 trans/non-binary/genderfluid mods.

There we have it. “They’re trans so they can’t be transphobic!!”

Nevermind the fact that your cis mods have spoken over trans people on trans issues. Nevermind that your trans mods have attempted to erase trans people’s identities by calling us “loosely trans” & “transtrenders” & “genderspecials.”

It’s quite ridiculous. No one here is transphobic. What we have are people critical of neogenders and noun-self pronouns, which doesn’t equate to transphobia. It’s not out of hatred for this individuals.

If you sincerely believe that dictating trans people’s identities isn’t an extension of transphobia & that transphobia must equal active hatred, you have a lot to learn.

It’s out of annoyance and frustration for how they try to claim themselves as part of the “trans” umbrella when they literally make up gender names as they go.

I understand if you can’t possibly comprehend how some people can’t find existing labels to comfortably suit how they feel about themselves, cis girl, but not everyone fits into preset identities.

Inventing words to compensate for the fact that no existing word accurately describes their gender, which is largely a personal experience unique to individuals, does not = “pretending to be trans.”

You need to understand that no matter how bitter & frustrated you get, no matter how much you hate their neogenders or neopronouns, no matter how furiously you type, these trans people will still be trans. There is nothing you can do about it. You don’t have the power to decide other people’s identities or experiences, not now or ever.

It’s the same frustration I feel for political lesbians - it’s not a phobia, it’s an immense anger at people who don’t face actual oppression re-appropriating a cause to make it about something which is essentially a fad.

Transphobia is deciding you have the right to determine what “actually counts” as oppression, who “actually faces” oppression, just bcos you don’t like how other people express themselves.

Transphobia is calling other people’s identities “a fad.”

Congrats on being a transphobe.

Second: You started this off by insulting me. Directly.

Absolutely I did.

Notice I never directly insulted you, despite the fact that you’ve insulted my fellow mods many times.

Except you have insulted me. Your unapologetic transphobia hidden behind the guise of “real justice” bullshit insults me as a non-cis person.

Indirect insults are not less offensive than direct insults.

I gave you my opinion of your antics. That’s it. And you jumped to insults. No doubt because you felt a reasonable reply would not be dramatic enough, and you love drama. This is fucking, obvious.

I insulted you primarily bcos I’m tired of seeing you say shit to hurt people in my communities, but also bcos you’re trash & you deserve it.

But let’s not pretend that my replies were 100% composed of insults when I literally deconstructed your response piece by piece.

& let’s not pretend that insults are the be-all-end-all of an argument, especially when your blatant transphobia & your ability to spread this shit on a platform affects my life, again, as a non-cis person, while you can afford to be detached & calm about something that has no bearing on your existence.

I know what harassment means. Harassment is when EVERY FUCKING TIME I LOG ON AND LOOK IN OUR FEED THERE ARE POSTS FROM YOU. EVERY TIME I GET ON SKYPE THERE ARE PEOPLE SAYING “Cishits is at it again”. This has been daily. For the last week or so. Most of the time, we haven’t said a word to you. THAT IS HARASSMENT. And we have asked you to stop. I asked you to stop. And you continue. As hypocrites go, you are a fine fucking example.

Holy shit lmao.

Mentioning you on related posts is not harassment. If you never replied, we would never interact. I don’t care enough about you to actually talk to you people, but the moment you say shit like this, I’m going to tear into your presented argument.

Third: SILENCE? No, darling, that’s what you’re out to do. You are the one who wants to silence people. We don’t want to silence people.

Except your mod repeatedly refused to show our arguments even after we reblogged their posts about us & replied to every single point, opting instead to post the things we were saying as poorly-constructed strawmen. All to dance for your followers & notes. Bcos nobody loves anything more than they love caricatures of “~The Evil SJWs~.”

Go on now. Ask Oogie.

We wouldn’t mind if they stopped talking, but frankly, talk all you want. Just don’t cloud our feed with your putrid nonsense by consistently tagging us in “OH WAH THEY’RE MEAN! THEY HAVEN’T SAID ANYTHING TO ME IN A WEEK BUT STILL MEAN MEANIE HEADS”.

As long as you continue to be the transphobic shits that you are, you will see yourself on my blog. That’s why it exists.

YOU are the one who will silence ANYONE who dares disagree with you, the one who will label ANYONE who questions your ridiculous fucking opinions, who will COMPLETELY ERASE the identities of trans people who cross you. THAT is fucking silencing.

What the fuck do you think you people do? What the fuck do you think truscum do? I have seen self-identified truscum misgender trans people, even those who fit their criteria for being Tru Trans, just for disagreeing with them.

Every time you call someone “genderspecial” or “transtrender,” you are doing just that.

The difference between us is that I will apologize, even to people I disagree with.

You aren’t here to speak your minds, you’re here to tear others down. You continue this, when I asked you to stop. When you could’ve said “Fine, I’ll stop” since you insist you’re so fucking respectful of others, and that you totally STOP when people ask you too. But then you proceed to NOT FUCKING DO THAT.

What’s more important to you? Getting the last word or ending this conversation? Bcos you have continued this conversation when you can easily just back the fuck off, so it’s quite obvious that you’re in it for the attention & the pats.

As long as you continue to say harmful shit, I will continue to talk about it.

Because you’re hear to cause shit. To piss people off.

Absolutely I am.

I’d say you’re trolls but trolls have a bit more creativity than just saying controversial stuff they know is bound to piss people off then going “HA YOU GOT MAD AT SOMETHING THAT WOULD OBVIOUSLY MAKE YOU MAD”.

Except we have never said anything close to that? When people get angry & argue with us, we will reply to every point. Just as I’m doing now.

Grow up. You’re behaving like children. And again. Stop. Do not fucking tag us. Do not fucking talk about our page. Move the fuck on.

Do you not understand the purpose of this blog? We exist to point out harmful shit. This is a space to argue if we need to.

& I hope you get sick to death of seeing yourself on my blog, bcos I’m sick to death of seeing you people spew problematic shit to thousands who will feel justified in harming & invalidating others in my communities.

If you don’t, then let this be a fucking testament that you are not this kind, thoughtful group you claim to be,

When have we ever claimed that lmao

but rather will happily ignore any fucking page that pisses you off enough, and not listen to their simple requests. I don’t give a shit if you think you’re right in this. I’m asking again. GO PLAY YOUR GAME SOMEWHERE ELSE.

- Mod Dawes Sr.

For the last time: as long as you reply with transphobic shit, you will be seeing yourself on my blog. Whether or not you choose to reply is your business. So suck it the fuck up & deal with the criticisms as they come. Or ignore them, cos I couldn’t really care less if I tried.

As much as you try to convince your following otherwise, you are not a Shining White Knight for Truth & Justice. You are not somehow magically innocent of perpetuating transphobia. Your arguments are not free of logical fallacies. You are not exempt from criticism.

You are transphobic. You will be called out.

You are dismissed.

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