
As technology changes, so do the ways we create and present worship lyrics and media in church sanctuaries. Sometimes big and bulky church media presentation programs aren’t what we need, but rather slim and agile mobile applications for tablets. These tools allow for more flexibility, portability and can keep you running lean and clean. Here are four iPad presentation apps that can get your church visuals running on your big screens via Apple TV or Apple Video Adapter.

Planning Center Projector

Planning Center Projection Official Website
Planning Center Projector iTunes Preview Page

Planning Center Projector is the most well developed church presentation application for the Apple iPad. The app connects to your existing Planning Center Online account and displays lyrics, images, videos and slides during your service.

Key features include:

Cloud based

Select an image or video background for any item

Apply new formatting to any item

Import PowerPoint or Keynote presentations

Add or edit lyrics on the fly

Reorder your slides

Use online or offline

Choose 16:9 widescreen or 4:3 standard definition aspect ratios

Limelight App

Limelight App Official Website

Limelight App iTunes Preview Page

Limelight is a presentation management application that easily lets you create slides to show on your projector. It is ideal for church worship services when a laptop is not available.

Key features include:

Supports any sony lyrics in .TXT format

Create new presentations on the device

Sync files with iTunes

Supports bible versions ASV, KJV and WEB translations

Supports PowerPoint files and images from photo gallery app


Keynote Official Website
Keynote iTunes Preview Page

According to Apple, Keynote is the most powerful presentation app ever designed for a mobile device. It can create world-class presentations with animated elements and transitions with a touch of a finger.

Key features include:

iCloud integration

Apple designed themes

Slide masters, animations, fonts and style options

View and edit Keynote ’09 or Microsoft PowerPoint presentations

Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck Official Website
Haiku Deck iTunes Preview Page

Haiku Deck is a simple and fun way to create stunning presentations. It has been featured on iTunes “What’s Hot” list for it’s ability to create beautiful slideshows quickly and easily.

Key features include:

Helps you create stunning presentations

Connects with free Creative Commons photo library

Create numbered and bulleted lists

Import, crop and reposition images from your iPad, Flickr, Instagram, Facebook, Dropbox and other sources

Apply fonts, image settings and color palettes easily

Honorable Mention

Proclaim Remote

Proclaim Remote Official Website
Proclaim iTunes Preview Page

ProPresenter Remote

ProPresenter Remote Official Website
ProPresenter Remote iTunes Preview Page

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