








Question: Are your RPL qualifications different to TAFEs?

Answer: This is a great question! And, luckily we have a concise answer for you – In short: No. Nationally recognised qualifications are one and the same, wherever you choose to study (hooray!)

They are absolutely the same.

To explain a little further, we at Churchill Education issue nationally recognised qualifications. These are the exact same qualifications that are issued at TAFEs around Australia.

Nationally recognised qualifications are courses that have been accredited under the Australian Quality Training Framework. These courses are designed to address industry need in a number of areas.

They require the exact same level of achievement from the student within the same units of competency. The manner in which the student is assessed is also the same as in TAFEs.

In order to offer these nationally recognised courses, a training company has to go through a rigorous application and accreditation and ongoing audit procedure to become a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). TAFEs are simply government funded RTOs. They are therefore no different to RTOs such as Churchill Education.

If you were to look at a Statement of Attainment from a Diploma of Management from Churchill Education and one from a Diploma of Management studied at a TAFE, you would see no difference. Both are qualifications that are recognised by universities and other Institutes of Higher Education across the world.

You can view the full range of nationally recognised qualifications at www.training.gov.au. This website also shows which different RTOS and TAFEs currently offer each qualification.


That’s great, but my friend/manager/potential employer refuses to believe that they’re not the same.

Ah, there’s always one, isn’t there! Although it’s a pretty simple concept, if someone is not familiar with national vocational training, it’s an easy mistake to make.

Not every ‘Diploma’ is nationally recognised…

You see, there are plenty of training companies out there who are not registered to offer nationally recognised qualifications.

What they do is devise their own courses, containing their own unique units and assess their students in their own unique way. Don’t get us wrong, many of these courses are well developed, informative and extremely beneficial things to study. But- and this is a big but- they are not the same courses that have been developed by the Australian Quality Training Framework They don’t have to meet the same standard of excellence that nationally recognised ones do. They may not even cover the same main topics.

Many people assume that any Training Provider that is not a TAFE only offers this type of ‘qualification.’ They do not realise that private training

providers can offer Nationally Recognised qualifications also.

There’s no need to weigh up the differences..

What can I do if someone tells me that my qualification from Churchill Education is not as valid as a TAFE qualification?

Firstly, don’t worry! As we’ve said, not everyone understands the question: vocational education fully. They see a logo on a certificate that is not a TAFE and automatically assume that the qualification is worthless.

Secondly, simply put them onto us! (you can show them this blog post if you like!) We are more than happy to explain to anyone who may be a little confused exactly what we issue here. Tell them to give us a call at 1300 793 002 and we’ll happily help them out. Also, direct them to www.training.gov.au. There they can look up Churchill Education and see for themselves exactly which nationally recognised qualifications we offer!

Enjoy your qualification. Enjoy the hard work and commitment it represents. Don’t allow any institution or person try to devalue it. Apart from being illegal (yes it is illegal for anyone to devalue a qualification!) it’s unfair.

Be proud of what you have achieved. Go forth and let it help you reach your dreams.

If you’d like to know more about RPL, then simply click the link below and grab your free copy of our eBook that explains all you need to know about Recognition of Prior Learning..

Churchill Education 1300 793 002

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