
Does your church use ChMS (Church Management Software)?

I would curious to know what percentage of churches use a ChMS solution. This is often overlooked or ignored by smaller churches, as it seems like something only a large or mega church would need.

But the truth of the matter is, a church of almost any size can benefit from using ChMS. The key in that statement would be “use.” Unused programs, apps, and tools never help if they’re never used and never reach their full potential if they’re not fully implemented.

If you’ve ever looked into ChMS, it can be a little overwhelming. There are many to choose from.

For those of you who are already using ChMS (Church Management Software), it would be wise to dig around it a little. You may find it terribly outdated and missing some key features that can be found elsewhere, or you may find there are new features that have been added that you didn’t know about.

No matter the case, there are only a handful of ChMS apps that I would recommend.

Here are the top ChMS solutions—in no particular order:

By the Book


ACS Technologies

Church Community Builder

Shelby Systems


ACTIVE Network’s Fellowship One


Excellerate Church Software

I have looked through over 30 different ChMS apps and I have found these to be a great place to start to find the right ChMS solution that fits a church’s unique needs. However, in no way do I think this list is bullet proof. If you are using ChMS that you would recommend, by all means, let us know and we’ll take a look at it. If we’re impressed or find that it is to par with those listed above, we’ll be sure to add it to our list.

What ChMS does your church use?

The Top Church Management Software (ChMS) Solutions first appeared on ChurchMag and is sponsored by ChurchMag Press.

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