
Recently I shared a (what I thought was) funny meme on my Facebook where Jesus was depicted making a joke (see below). It turns out, not everybody has a sense of humor when it comes to Jesus. I got some reactions from people who were ‘offended’ and ‘disappointed’ that I would post something like that.

I admit, it bothered me a bit, and you know why? I never even hesitated before posting it. To me, it was so clearly funny, and not even close to being offensive. Or a profanity, as one commenter labeled it.

It has really made me wonder:

Where do you draw the line with Christian humor?

Take Jon Acuff for instance. I think he’s brilliant and I love his sense of humor. Every time I see or hear a Jesus juke, I chuckle.

And I’m pretty sure God has a sense of humor. There’s the fact that He made us in his image, and a lot of people have a sense of humor — though admittedly, some don’t, and the British seem to have gotten twice the amount everybody else on the planet got.

Plus, He made giraffes.

Have you ever seen a giraffe up close and personal? You cannot see a giraffe, and be unconvinced God doesn’t have a sense of humor.

So if God has a sense of humor, Jesus must have one as well, which means He must have cracked a joke or two when He walked this planet. Would He really mind of we made some funny jokes about Him, ones that don’t diminish the Gospel in any way?

I took that post down (which is why I’m feeling like a bit of a rebel for posting it here again!). Not because I agreed — I still think that meme was hilarious — but because I don’t want to cause strife or irritation. That’s not why I’m on Facebook.

It does make me wonder, however:

Where do you draw the line in humor?

Do you find this meme offensive or profane?

The post Where Do You Draw the Line with Humor? appeared first on ChurchMag.

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