Tired of traditional talk? People pontificating about this or that? The left or the right? Sometimes the truth is just off lost in the noise. Having learned life lessons the hard way, Chuck Gallagher, international speaker and author, cuts through the noise to share truth through transparency!
Nationally-known guests talk about what’s important to you – your life, your concerns and your success. So tune in, turn on to Straight Talk with Chuck Gallagher.
Now, here’s your host, Chuck Gallagher.
Here’s a link to this show with Deborah Olive.
CHUCK: And it is a great day on Straight Talk Radio! Hi, this is Chuck Gallagher and thanks for joining us on transformational talk radio. If you’re a regular listener to our show, you know we’re here to discuss issues and ideas that can literally transform your life and today, as always, we’ve got a great show lined up for you. I am really excited today. I have to say, on my end, I talk a lot about choices and consequences, and in fact, in every presentation I give, I start with the statement that every choice has a consequence.
You’ve heard me say the challenge often arises when we’re thrust in the situations that require us to make choices that we didn’t really want to make, situations we didn’t consciously choose to be in. Gosh, life sometimes hurls at us opportunities to make choices. Sometimes we don’t want them and here’s the kicker; we might choose that seems simple and limited to us can have profound consequences of what we might think is our sphere of influence. A bit like dropping a pebble into the proverbial pond; you just think it’s limited to that, but there are things that happen in life based on our choices that sometimes we just don’t see. And if we make bad choices, although some might say there are no bad choices, well, let’s put it his way, the consequences can be less than desirable. I know. I’ve said before; I’ve made some pretty poor choice in life and the outcome, well, let’s put it this way, the outcome wasn’t fun. Spending time in federal prison is just not fun, but I also can tell you that the opposite is also true; if you make positive, empowering choices in life, you’ll find that the outcome can be awesome and I am living that as well.
I guess it’s safe to say here on Straight Talk Radio that I know a thing or two about choices and consequences, but my guest today also understands the power of choices and change, not only from a practical perspective but from a spiritual perspective as well. In fact, I think it’s safe to say that she sees choices from a far broader perspective than most.
Deborah Olive is a professional speaker, trainer and transformational coach. Passion to support professionals to break through upper limits and live a full-spectrum life, Deborah provides time-tested, vision-based coaching programs that harness the invisible side of success. Those same proven success principles that have inspired people like Andrew Carnegie, or Eleanor Roosevelt, or Martin Luther King Jr., or Steve Jobs. As a speaker, she connects with her audience easy to understand techniques for unleashing one’s true potential. Her message is personable, actionable and unforgettable. People often say it’s just as if she was talking to me. Deborah is also a unity minister and there’s a dubious distinction of being a minister at the service, where my wife and I renewed our wows, and Deborah, it took, it’s still working. Against all odds, we’re together.
DEBORAH: [laughs] Good for you!
CHUCK: So, girl, you got the juice! I’m having a little fun here, but it is truly great, Deborah, to have you on Straight Talk Radio, so Deborah, welcome.
DEBORAH: It’s going to be here, Chuck, and we talked some about the opportunity to share a radio show actually for several years so it’s really, really a joy to be here with you today.
CHUCK: Yeah, it’s powerful to think of the times that we sat on the couch, I’m petting these two gorgeous, beautiful, snow-white dogs, oh, my goodness, and talking about what we envision for the future and speaking that into existence, and the next thing you know, years pass and the reality is, in both cases we are manifesting exactly what we thought about, what we spoke about what we envisioned. You’re already a unique guest, Deborah, in that not only are you a professional presenter but you’re also a hosted your own radio show about spiritual social action and today you help others find the invisible side of success. Let me just start off with what does that mean to you?
DEBORAH: To me, there are principles that we teach our children that are really, really obvious. Most of the time we rely on our five senses, what we see, taste, touch, feel, hear, but there are some invisible things, like gravity. We teach our kids about gravity and that means that they’re not going to go walking off the edge of something because the parents have already taught them that gravity works whether you can see it or not. Having [05:56] a child sitting in a window in a multi-story building and falls over the edge, nobody is going to blame gravity. They are going to blame parents. “How come you didn’t teach your kid about gravity?” These same invisible laws are present and we’re not taught about them. It has to do with the law of our thinking, the power of our thoughts to create.
If you think about it, everything is created twice. First we create it in our mind, then it comes into our world. Most of us right now that are listening probably have a shirt on, maybe we’re sitting in a [06:43], sitting in a chair, wherever we are, somebody thought of that shirt, that blouse, that jacket. Somebody thought of that seat first and we all know this, but we don’t know the power of knowing that.
So, what ends up happening is let’s take a business person for example and the business person is entering a new year. We’re looking at the economy and we say, “Gee, the economy is not going so well. People in my business are still kind of holding back on their expenditures and I don’t expect that this year is really going to be the year that we turn the corner.” That’s an expression of something that’s invisible, their thought, their expectations for what they believe can happen with their business. So there’s that invisible law of thinking that’s already setting them up not to have a great year.
On the other hand, somebody on the same business can be thinking, “You know what? Now it’s time to turn this thing around. This is what I can do. I believe,” that’s a key word, “I believe that this idea is going to take my business to the next level. This is the year we can absolutely increase our sales by,” whatever the number is, 30%, 50%, and that business does and the other business doesn’t. So those are the invisible laws. That’s one of them; it’s the law of thinking and it’s an invisible law and I work with my clients on all the time.
CHUCK: Deborah, number one, I can completely understand that would be a critical law to work on and I think it’s really fascinating to hear you put it as you did. The law of thinking, okay, I think about it and then it manifests. Well, our relationship is such, we’ve known each other for a number of years, that’s exactly what we did. I jokingly said, as we began this segment, that we sat on the couch and we talked about ideas and one of the things that I said to you was, “Gee, I’d love to have a radio show. I’d love to have you on that show. I would love to see the concepts be expressed in such a matter that they can be shared outside of just the local sphere of our physical influence.” That was exactly what you’re talking about. It was a thought that now was literally manifested with the magic of technology today. Literally, you can be on the other side of the country from me and yet we’re still connected through this radio show being able to share a message that really can empower people. I love that concept of being visible. Without spending too much time there, I have to ask you, give me another invisible law.
DEBORAH: Another invisible law would be the law of supply. What I mean by that is that there is sufficient supply for whatever it is that we demand. It’s like two sides of the coin. So if I’m not [10:13] my demand somehow into the world– When I say “demand”, that can sound really controlling, that’s not what I’m talking about. Let’s go back to you and I sitting on the couch and saying, “Hey, wouldn’t it be great if we did a radio show?” We created a demand for that radio show. We created a desire for that radio show, for this that we’re doing right now. So, in creating that desire, we also impress in a way when we understand that supply is sufficient, then we also create or have at our disposal the various tools we need to have that happen.
There is a lot of supply, but it’s not triggered until we give it some specific idea or plan that we want to generate. What happens, what I notice is when people are creating a vision for their life, and it’s fascinating to me that by and large we’re much more inclined to create our vision in our business than our life.
[Chuck laughs]
DEBORAH: We kind of throw around the statistic and as our listeners are hearing these words that people will spend more time planning a two-week vacation than they do planning their life. For the most part we don’t just sit down and say, “Okay, I’m going to plan my life. Where do I want to be 10 years from now, 20 years from now?” And do it in a serious way. Our society says, “Oh, you’re just a dreamer.” Just a dreamer. We use that word, we kind of tease each other about those sorts of things so when I come back to the law of supply, it’s saying those visions, those dreams are not only legitimate but they’re necessary and being able to create the kind of life that is totally fulfilling and expresses what we’re capable of bringing to the world.
CHUCK: That makes so much sense because you are right in that we spend a lot of time thinking about it and I’m guilty of this one, but we spend time thinking about our business and not necessarily about how we build the life that we want to live. And so, as we go into this break here on Straight Talk Radio, my guest is Deborah Olive and we’re talking about the invisible side of success. When we get back, what we’re going to do is we’re going to pick up, Deborah, on what you were talking about, which is building a vision. I’ll have you walk us through some of the details, but for right now, hang with us through the break, be right back here on Straight Talk Radio with Chuck Gallagher and Deborah Olive.
[Commercial break]
CHUCK: My guest today on Straight Talk Radio is Deborah Olive. Hi, this is Chuck Gallagher and let me say that Deborah’s first career incarnation was in the corporate sales world where she consistently exceeded her sales goals in the medical diagnostics industry and a turning point occurred for her in the nineties and as she followed her heart to become an ordained minister and a transformational leader in the non-profit world. Over the course of two decades she’s inspired and empowered thousands of people from all walks of life to achieve greater fulfillment in their personal and professional lives and today Deborah and I are talking about her work in the invisible side of success.
I know that you started talking about building a vision. Walk me through some of the details of building a vision for that success.
DEBORAH: Okay. One of the things that I generally do is– First of all, I’ll ask someone, “What is your dream and what is your vision for your life?” When I’m talking about life, I’m talking about several different areas. That would include one’s career, objectives, their creativity, their health, their relationships, their spiritual life so it’s really a full-spectrum life. I would ask, “What is your dream?” The interesting thing is, and I have found over years of asking that question, that that can be very intimidating to people. Again, right at the end of the last segment I was talking about how we have downplayed what a vision is or what a dream is. We say, “Oh, just a dream,” so what I do is I begin to encourage people to look. “What would you love?” and that’s a specific question, Chuck. That is very much designed to offset the question that most of us ask most of the time and that is, “What do I think I can have?” It’s amazing how many people design their lives, it’s just what our society teaches us by what do I think I can have. So when I ask, “What do you love?” it opens the door to new possibilities. Let me put a picture to this.
CHUCK: Okay, cool.
DEBORAH: There’s a man named John and John is a salesman. He sells real estate. Actually, he lives in Mexico. John’s life is pretty good. He makes a decent living, he’s well respected, he’s married, his marriage is fine, his kids are fine, going to school, get decent grades. He’s kind of in that place in life where he’s done a lot of the things that people expect to do and the question is, “John, what’s your dream?” And John says, “Well, you know, I don’t know. Everything’s going along pretty good, actually.” Then what I do is I start looking. We can ask a question, “What would you like to be three years from now?” By asking that question, [17:15] the mind up a little bit. Three years is long enough if something needs to change. Don’t know what that is, but it’s something. Three years is also a long enough time period that if we want something big to happen, we have a belief that that’s possible.
So it’s like, “John, three years from now, where do you want to be? How are things going?” Everything’s fine, but where is there an area of discontent? That starts triggering things. For John it was, “Well, since we’re going to be a little bit older and the house we’re in is just fine today, they are going to want their own space and a spot to bring their friends over and we just don’t have that.” Now we have identified an area of discontent. That’s really key in terms of building a dream. So I ask him, “John, what would you love?” “Well, I’d love to have a house that’s got more space.” He’s not really in a creative mode yet. So we talked a little bit more and asked him what would be the next step in terms of having a house that you love three years from now. He says, “Well, I guess that the next step is to sketch that out maybe just on a napkin or a piece of paper or just start doodling with what the layout of the new house would be like.” And I said, “Okay, great.” That was that. He was not a client, it was a conversation. The interesting thing is following that time period, next thing you know, he’s got some sketches, he’s starting to warm up to the idea and we talked again. It was like, “John, what’s the next step?” He’s like, “Oh, I guess I need to talk to an architect.”
The reason I shared that is for the person who doesn’t know what their vision is and might be listening to this show it’s, “What are your longings and what are your discontents?” Just take one step you can take right where you are with what you have. In the case of John, he started doing some sketches on a piece of paper.
CHUCK: Deborah, let me ask this question. One of the tenets behind this show, Straight Talk Radio, is I’m going to ask some of the questions that people want to hear but they don’t know how to ask or don’t have the guts to. As I hear you say that, number one, I think you know me well enough to know I get that. That makes perfect sense to me, but I want to say the ‘but’ is but it started with, “You know, John is pretty content with life so he had found a certain level of ability to create or manifest,” I guess that’s the word I like, “to manifest level of success that was comfortable.” I see so many people that are living an uncomfortable life, they’re discontented and they don’t even have a belief that they’re capable of having something like other people have or that success. To say to that person, “Sketch it out on a napkin what you’d want,” they would probably say to you, “[20:49] throw that away because there’s no chance I’m ever going to get that.” This is going to be tough, you hear it’s almost like getting out of the whambulance. They’re going to whambulance all about all of the problems they have in life, which really clouds the ability to have any vision for the future. How do you help people find clarity about their ability to get or create that success when they believe they’re not worthy of it?
DEBORAH: There are a couple places to go with that, Chuck. One place that I like to go is to ask them to think about something in the past, from their past, that they wanted and they were able to generate for themselves. Basically, what I want to do is find an experience of success that they have had. Maybe they don’t call it success, but I can shine that light on it. If they can find that place, maybe they graduated from high school, maybe they graduated from college, that first job that they got, maybe they found somebody that they’re going through life with, that they really appreciate. At one point in time they met that person and they were impressive enough that the relationship got started. [laughs] So I’d be looking with them to find a place of success. That would be the first place I’d start.
CHUCK: Yes, that makes sense to me and I don’t want you to lose your thought, but there’s a dear friend of mine who, and this is so simple, had said, “I’d like an iPad, I’d like an iPad, I’d like an iPad,” but every other thing that came out of their mouth was, “But I’ll never get that,” and I wanted to pull my hair out listening to it.
[Deborah laughs]
CHUCK: But the desire for the iPad and speaking it into existence and then the next thing you know, all of a sudden, someone gives her an iPad, and she’s like, “Wow.” The first thing I said was, “You manifested that. You need to be able to see what you’re just saying. Look, you can create, as much as you think you can’t, you just created what you wanted. You’ve got it so you do need to hang on to that anchor that you do have the power even though you might say you don’t. Here’s an example of what you do,” and I think that’s what you’re trying to say.
DEBORAH: Absolutely, absolutely. And the other part of that is, in some way that person who just manifested the iPad can say, “Well, this was a little bit random. This person heard me say that. They’re my friend, they gave it to me.” What I do when I work with people with invisible laws of success is to be able to start teaching how to move systematically in that direction.
So, for example, when somebody has a strong desire, the opposite side of that, the gentle side of that is a sense of expectancy. Desiring something is the energy going out into the world, expecting it is that which draws it to us. If we can couple expectancy with desire, it simply speeds the process up and an iPad is a perfect example because it’s something that the person can touch and feel and see. They go to the Apple store, they look at it, or [24:42] or wherever they go, it’s a tangible item. What I want to do in supporting people with their vision is to really bring it into a tangible experience for themselves even before it’s present. The more tangible that experience is, the more they can feel it, put themselves into the experience of their vision so they can describe it. It’s not unlike if you want a new home, Chuck, you can’t just [25:18] the architect and say, “Build me a happy home.”
[Chuck laughs]
DEBORAH: The architect is going to say [laughs], “What does a happy home look like?” “The kitchen looks this way and we want it big enough, and there’s an island, and a place for people to be around it.” That might be one person’s dream. Another person’s dream is, “I want a tiny kitchen, but I want it to look out over this beautiful view.” So we have to be able to describe that and the more that we can describe that, the more it builds up the desire, and that’s one side of the coin. The expectancy is actually triggered by our taking steps in the direction of our dream with the expectation that something is going to come back to us.
CHUCK: Now, we’ve got another break. It’s amazing, this seems to just be moving so quickly. This is Chuck Gallagher with Straight Talk Radio. My guest is Deborah Olive and she is talking about the invisible side of success and, man, there are some wonderful and profound things that have come out this far. You said something about moving in the direction of our dreams so when we get back from the break, we’re going to move in that direction. This again is Chuck Gallagher on Straight Talk Radio. Stick with me and after the break we’ll be back with Deborah Olive.
[Commercial break]
CHUCK: This is Chuck Gallagher with Straight Talk Radio and we’re back from the break. Deborah Olive is a dear friend of mine and a guest on the show and I need to say because we’ve been talking about the invisible side of success. One of the questions that has come up is, “What am I going to be able to get out of this show?” and I think I have to say it this way, if you want to truly tap into the invisible side of success, you need to contact Deborah. Deborah is certainly a master of that and she’s a truly inspirational presenter, but probably more important, she is a great life coach. Deborah Olive’s website is deboraholive.lifemasteryinstitute.com and after the show airs, we’ll actually have a transcription of the show on my website at chuckgallagher.com and you’ll be able to connect right there.
In fact, not long ago, March 2014, Deborah received the distinguished Life Mastery Transformational Coach Award of Excellence so this is a lady that knows what she’s doing.
Now, Deborah, you said when we were talking about taking steps to move in the direction of your dreams and there’s a different [28:13] Michael Gott who has got a great song called Move in the Direction of Your Dreams, truly inspirational. I know that you’ve said that one needs to take steps to move in the direction of your dreams, but okay, Deborah, some people like the confidence to take the steps. They don’t even have the confidence to know what step to take, so how do you help people to find the basic confidence necessary to move forward?
DEBORAH: You know, Chuck, what you’ve just asked is absolutely perfect so I want to paint a little bit of a picture for your guests. The first thing we do is take a look at where am I now? For each person there’s an assessment, kind of a point A, if you will. It’s like, where am I in my relationships? Where am I with my business? Whatever it is a person is most interested in and wants to work on. And that really does work because the area where I’m an expert is the area of transformation and change. I can apply that whether it’s business or personal, I can apply it to so many different areas.
So the first question is, where am I now? And we paint a picture of that. It’s pretty easy to paint; it’s what we tell ourselves and the people in our world every day of our life. The second piece is we paint a picture of the vision and the more clear that is, that’s what we were talking about in the last segment, the more clear that is, the better the idea we have of where it is that we want to go.
So now we’ve got two points; we’ve got where we are now, where we want to go and there’s a gap in between. That gap is the place where most people, actually seriously 97% of the people end up not [30:22] crossing that gap into their vision, which is a huge no-no.
CHUCK: Wow. That’s amazing. So here’s where I am today, here’s where I want to be, and 97% of the people won’t make the transition.
DEBORAH: That’s true.
CHUCK: Amazing. Let me just stop, I have to say this, if you want to make the transition and you’re listening to this show, you need to pay careful attention to where Deborah’s taking you and more importantly, that says to me people need to take action.
DEBORAH: Absolutely.
CHUCK: Okay. All right, keep going. I’m sorry.
DEBORAH: Absolutely. That is right on. Basically, what I’m doing is helping build a bridge across that gap and the part of this that I’m unable to do that is, well, I’ve had 30 years of experience working with that, is I’ve been trained by an organization called The Life Mastery Institute and there are specific steps that we can take. There are actually ten of those, [31:34] that I’ll try to do that over the show, but it’s like Trans-Pacific steps we can take. When they’re done in a particular sequence, and I’m not saying this is a linear process at all.
There are certain things, for example, at the beginning of moving into your dreams, there’s a place where we say, “Yes, I’m all in.” [laughs] It is really a vivid image of [32:03] fence that’s just a little bit too tall, one foot on one side and one foot on the other side. It’s painful until we put both feet in. So we want to get to a spot where both feet are in. That’s an early decision in terms of moving toward our dreams. That’s just one example.
So we’re building a bridge from where we are now to where we want to be. The interesting thing is, we have every bit of confidence that the best athletes are going to be able to excel when they have a coach working with them. In life, we haven’t really gotten to that place yet where we can have the expectancy that a coach working with us can really help us to navigate that gap.
That’s what I do and it’s amazing, no matter where we are in our life, in our career as we both cross the gap, it’s new territory for us, it’s unknown. There’s a certain relationship we have with that unknown. As a coach I can walk side by side with someone, but it’s not my green-growing edge the same way it is person who’s walking across that so I can see it differently. We create usually simple, small steps that begin to move a person toward their dream and as that happens, we see more.
Here’s an example. I live out in the Pacific Northwest and oh, my Gosh, we have such beautiful hiking trails out here. I can go for a hike and if I’m hiking with somebody else and I’m going up a hill, the person that follows me may only be five or ten steps in front of me, but all of a sudden I hear them go, “Wow! Look at that view!” I’m behind them, I’m down the hill. All I see are [34:29] and the bases of trees, but when I get that five steps further up the trail, I’m going to be able to say, “Wow! Look at that view.”
As my clients take steps toward their dreams, they begin to see things that didn’t see from the earlier vantage point. And being able to have the dialogues along the way, having the support of a specific system, having someone simply see things, not through their eyes– I have a different perspective as a coach. I’m not inside the frame with them. If you imagine a picture on the wall, from the outside in, we see exactly what that picture is. We can see the perspective, we can see everything, but if we put ourselves inside the frame and we’re looking out, we can’t even see what’s in the same picture with us. As a coach, I’m standing outside the frame able to see a bigger picture, and it’s through questions, it’s through dialogues, it’s through drawing force the patience and wisdom of my client and providing the encouragement often times, keep taking that next step and amazing things happen.
CHUCK: Deborah, what you just said makes a lot of sense to me and I have to say this, and some people that are listening to this will be a little irritated, but I’ve always been a little challenged with this personal life coach thing and only from this perspective because if you have a system and you follow the system, I am so with that, but so many people can say, “Well, I’m a life coach now.” Let me say this to the people that are listening to this show. Debora Olive, in March of 2014, received the distinguished Life Mastery Transformational Coach Award of Excellence. You are trained in a system that works and you have been acknowledged and received awards because of work that you do. I think that is a critical difference. At least it is to me.
Here’s the reality; if I want someone to coach me through a process, number one, I want someone that has experience, I want someone that has demonstrated success and I want someone that I can confidently believe knows what they’re doing. Let me be the first to say this, I’m not a great sportsperson, but let’s be honest. Mike Krzyzewski with Duke played basketball and no one can doubt his skill as a coach of a college basketball team. So if you want a coach, go to someone that’s the best, and in this case, Deborah, you’ve done a great job of at least setting the stage to help people understand how to navigate that gap. When we get back, I want to talk a little bit more about that. This is Chuck Gallagher with Straight Talk Radio. My guest is Deborah Olive. We’re talking about the invisible side of success and how you can find the success that you truly are seeking. Stay with us, we’ll be back from the break in just a minute.
[Commercial break]
CHUCK: This is Chuck Gallagher with Straight Talk Radio and my guest is Deborah Olive. I am so glad to have her on the show. Through her service on Boards such as the Hunger Project and the Association of Global New Thought, Deborah’s work extends internationally and radio show A World That Works continues to enjoy international audience, Deborah’s work with organizations and individuals repeatedly show that bottom-line results come from taking a holistic approach: one that incorporates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Many of Deborah’s clients experience double results in half the time. As I said before we went into the break, in March 2014 this year, she received the distinguished Life Mastery Transformational Coach Award of Excellence. She knows what she’s doing. We were talking about this whole concept of the gap. Here’s where we are now, here’s where we want to be. The difference between where we want to be and where we are is the gap and astonishingly 97% of the people have difficulty navigating the gap. I’m going to guess now, maybe I’m wrong, but the biggest impediment to moving forward or to navigating that gap is fear. Is that true?
DEBORAH: Yes, yes, and it comes up in many, many different ways. In the interest of straight talk, I’m going to share one of my own experiences and hopefully we’ll have time to share a couple of successes of some of my clients, but when we talk about fear of that gap, when I went through my studies at the university, I was pre-med. I expected to come out and become a doctor. Interestingly, the closer I got to my senior year, the more tired I got to being in school. I was like, “You know what? I don’t think the pre-med thing is where I want to go. I just want to get out and get in the world and start working.” That’s what I did.
Years later, when I look back on that time and [40:24] I’m very happy the way things turned out, but when I look back on that time, what I realize is that I never even applied to med school. That meant I could not fail so instead of looking at what would I love, it was I rearranged my own thought patterns. What I would love was to get out of school and get on with my life, but what I avoided was going through the process of potentially applying and not being accepted. Many, many people are in that 97% of not reaching their dreams because they don’t even try.
CHUCK: You know, that makes so much sense. Really, that makes so much sense. If you don’t try, you can’t fail, and therefore, you can at least maintain some level of comfort, I’ll use that word loosely, but comfort about who you are because we all would like, I think, to think that we have some level of success, but rejection is tough. I guess in a sense, you couldn’t be rejected if you didn’t apply.
DEBORAH: That’s right and I know many, many people who have similar stories so here’s one of my client’s that I worked with, who is an environmental geologist, who is very, very good at her craft. She and her team are often called in as expert witnesses. They’re in southern California and that team has even been called to Washington DC for certain federal cases. They are good. Her particular area of expertise is to read the jury and then at the end of the day when the team is debriefing, and they’re working with very complex mathematical equations and probabilities, and they’re trying to bring that into a story that the jury can really relate to. Her job is to read them and translate that information.
Well, over the years she never got the next level of certification because she didn’t want to deal with the math. So here’s a client that I’ve got that wants the certification, put it on the back burner, says, “I’m not even going to go for it,” and what ends up happening is during one of the cases that they’re expert witness on, one of the people who knows the math can’t make it. It falls on her to get the job done. In a week she crammed, with my coaching, for that experience and actually under one of toughest scenarios that I can imagine, with a prosecuting attorney in your face, she shined in stepping in to the shoes of that person and presenting those mathematical equations. After that it was like, [43:37] my client. I said, “Okay, are you going to take the test now and get certified?” So of course she did.
She has a certification today that she wasn’t going for and that’s over a period of some 20 years. The math just intimidated her. She never went for it. So in working with me as her coach, we walked through something that scary and she was able to achieve that in a very, very short period of time. I had many stories about clients, usually not quite that dramatic, but many stories like that for clients. It could be something, just to bring it to another level, a DP and an accounting firm who is really skilled at her job. What she wants to is spend more time with her art.
During the course of our coaching, she’s actually generated in nine weeks more art than she has in the last three years. It’s amazing, absolutely amazing what we can generate when we have somebody who’s standing with us, who’s trained, who’s skilled, who believes in us and who can give us the steps step by step to bring us into a high probability for success.
CHUCK: Deborah, both of us function comfortably in the speaking world and it’s easy in one sense of the word to sit back and to say, “This is something that I’m passionate about doing,” but really you kind of hit the nail on the head. Honestly, it’ kind of transforming that in my mind as well because you sit here and you say, “Okay, you’re able to look at someone’s experience from the outside looking in. I’m going to see things through my eyes and whatever my fears may be, I’m going to see them through my eyes, but if I can work with someone who has the skill and the knowledge base that I can respect to say, ‘Deborah, I trust with you, here’s my vision.’ I need some help making sure I get there.” If you’ve got somebody with you on the sidelines or wherever it happens to be, we can all connect with sports because it’s so natural. It’s just weird that we don’t seem to connect that naturally in life.
Now, for those people that are listening, I think this is very important, if you want to connect with Deborah, Deborah is on the West Coast, I’m on the East Coast, so we’re bicoastal at this stage in terms of this radio show, but if you want to connect with Deborah, its deboraholive.lifemasteryinstitute.com. The reason I say that and in promoting the concept with you Deborah is, it’s easy enough in one sense of the word to talk about the invisible side of success. We can talk about what our thoughts are and then how those thoughts manifest. We can talk about where we are today and where you want to be, but the gap to me is– That was so profound; 97% of the people don’t ever make it across the gap. Then you never get from one side to the other, which means you just never quite accomplish what as a human being you might be destined to accomplish, if you want to call it destined, here in this life. I think truly we all have interesting and unique gifts. We just need to able to focus our attention on how do we manifest that in a productive way?
I really need to say that so that folks that are listening can connect the dots with, “Okay, we’re great. I’ve heard this radio show, but how do I take action?” Now, let me ask you this last question before we ultimately have to complete. You talk about moving from unconsciousness to consciousness in our competency. Maybe it’s tough in the last minute or two that we have, but what advice would you give someone who says, “Okay, here’s where I am, here’s where I want to be and unconsciously, I’m making decisions that aren’t getting me there. How do I get to that conscious level where I’m making better choices?”
DEBORAH: Wow, that is a big question for a minute.
CHUCK: [laughs] For a minute, I know!
[Deborah laughs]
CHUCK: It’s terrible, I’m so sorry.
DEBORAH: You know how to do that. So the first thing is asking the question. Simply by asking, “How do I get there from here?” it’s bringing in a lot of awareness that I’m not where I want to be. So that’s the first thing. We start out unconscious and incompetent.
The next step is to be conscious and to realize we’re incompetent in that area. We don’t know how to do it and somebody that I’m sure you know well, Chuck, Mark Victor Hansen gives the idea of a little kid. He doesn’t know yet how to tie his shoes, his mom does it for him. This is before Velcro or the kid doesn’t have Velcro shoes, but in the beginning he’s incompetent, he doesn’t know how to tie his shoes, he’s unconscious, he doesn’t care. Then he comes in the level of awareness where he cares. Now he knows he doesn’t know how to tie his shoe so that’s what we’re talking about – conscious incompetence. Next thing you know, we start taking those small, sweet steps and we begin to, “Okay, take this shoestring, put it over top of that shoestring.” That’s not how my coaching is, obviously, but “put it over top,” and pretty soon the kid starts having some level of competency at tying those shoes, but you really have to work at it so it’s conscious competence.
Then after tying our shoes however many times it is, we just do it. We don’t even think about it. That’s unconscious competence. So, the first step is really a level of awareness that says, “I don’t want to do it this way anymore,” and then having the motivation to really take a step forward. The other piece is developing that vision. What is it that you would like to have? It doesn’t even need to be a vision you believe you can have yet. I can help you with that. So, Chuck, thanks for talking about my website. I want to spell it for people because ‘Deborah’ gets spelt so many different ways, so that’s D-E-B-O-R-A-H, Olive like the little green fruit, O-L-I-V-E.lifemastreyinstitute.com. Thanks for the invitation, Chuck, to be on your show and to talk about something that I absolutely love to talk about.
CHUCK: Well, Deborah, it’s been great, and I want to say this, if your organization is planning a powerful meeting that seeks a truly inspirational presenter, reach out, give Deborah a call. I’m sure she’ll welcome the opportunity to talk with you.
I appreciate you taking the time for joining me and one of the things I think is so critically powerful here on Straight Talk Radio is we take topics like success and the invisible side of success and explore them and try to find out what is it that we can do that is going to empower and potentially transform your life. I know my relationship with Deborah is friends over a number of years has shown me that she brings transformational outcomes to people’s lives.
So, thank you for joining us here on Straight Talk Radio, transformational talk radio to live by. This is Chuck Gallagher and remember, every choice has a consequence. Here’s to the power of positive choices in your life.
You’ve been listening to Straight Talk with Chuck Gallagher. Tune in each week on transformationtalkradio.com, each Monday at 2 p.m. Pacific, 5 p.m. Eastern, as Chuck Gallagher, international speaker and author, cuts through the noise to share truth through transparency. Nationally-known guests talk about what’s important to you – your life, your concerns, and your success. Visit chuckgallagher.com for more information and turn on to Straight Talk with Chuck Gallagher.
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