
Myofascial Pain Syndrome Facts

In order to evaluate Myofascial pain syndrome, it is important to evaluate some facts revolving around the syndrome in an objective and straight forward way. Myofascial is a combination of two Latin words- “Myo”, meaning muscle and “Fascia” meaning the connective tissue surrounding the muscle. The condition refers to the triggering of pain that is from the muscle, yet the pain is felt elsewhere in the body.

To take a closer look, Fascia is the tough connective tissue that lies just under the skin. It is surrounding every organ, muscle, bone, nerve and blood vessel in the body, and extends uninterrupted from head to toe. This is how pain can be delivered from one trigger point to another part of the body, because Fascia exists throughout the entire body. A trigger point is a hypersensitive area that is palpated as a nodule within a tight band of muscle. Trigger points are able to cause pain, tingling, burning, weakness, and a loss of range of motion. Myofascial pain syndrome might be more prevalent among the general population than otherwise thought.

It is reported that currently Myofascial pain syndrome can affect approximately 85% of the population at some point in their lives. With Myofascial pain syndrome being so prevalent, it is suggested to be aware of the syndrome in the event of potential future issues with the syndrome. Though it is so ubiquitous, many people suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome overlook the symptoms of Myofascial pain syndrome and are not aware of the consequences, so they leave the syndrome untreated. This is not recommended, and if you suspect you may be suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome, it is best to go immediately to a doctor and seek professional health. .

If left untreated, Myofascial pain syndrome can cause tightness, tenderness, stiffness, popping and clicking, and loss of motion. Depending on the muscle involved in the Myofascial pain syndrome, there may be several different reactions which depend on which part of the body you are feeling pain in. The most common experience of Myofascial pain syndrome is that it has referred pain, which is pain that arises in a trigger point but felt at a distance of the actual point. Often times, this pain is remote from the actual source.

The mean prevalence of Myofascial pain syndrome occurs among middle-aged adults (30-60 years). This syndrome is also a lot more prevalent amongst women than men. It is reported that 65% of women deal with issues and complications of Myofascial pain syndrome, while merely 37% of men deal with the syndrome. Overall, in the elderly population, there is a prevalence rate of 85%. The elderly are more susceptible to Myofascial pain syndrome due to a weakening of the muscles and a less active lifestyle, which in turn will effect the elderly population at a higher rate.

Most research that revolves around Myofascial release is based on the professional opinion that is formed by the techniques that they use and the outcomes that they are observing based on their practice. Though Myofascial pain syndrome is ubiquitous and commonly felt, it is also common to be misdiagnosed or not be aware of the specific problem at all. In order to avoid this miscommunication, it is recommended to make a doctor’s appointment. All precautions are best to be taken as an untreated Myofascial pain syndrome will result in worse pain over time.

What is Myofascial Pain Syndrome

If you are unfamiliar with Myofacials pain syndrome, there are a few things you should know about it in order to see if you may be suffering from it. Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic pain disorder that is typically associated with pressure points that exist in your muscles and act as trigger points. These trigger points cause pain in other unrelated parts of you body, which is known as referred pain. This means that a sharp pain can shoot through the body, but the original source of the pain is from a trigger point within the muscle.

While you may be experience shart pains in other parts of your body, it is common to overlook the root of the problem and not be able to decipher that the origin of the pain is from Myofascial pain syndrome. Though many experts do not know the exact origin of Myofascial pain syndrome, there are a couple of common themes of the syndrome that are prevalent in many people suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome. In many cases, Myofascial syndrome occurs if you use a muscle that has not been used for a while. This could be the case after having a stroke, breaking a bone, or waking up from a coma.

Myofascial pain syndrome is often developed from a contracted muscle that has been contracting repetitively or excessively. People who are prone to Myofascial pain syndrome tend to be people who are working strenuous labor with repetitive motions for their work, people who engage in demanding physical hobbies, or even could be triggered by stress related muscle tension. Muscle pain may be common with a lot of people yet should not be mistaken with Myofascial pain syndrome.

In the case of Myofascial pain syndrome, it is discomfort from muscle pain that is persisting or worsening with time. In addition to persisting pain, there is also a notable deep aching pain that is in a muscle and is associated with Myofascial pain syndrome. Other symptoms may include a tender knot within a muscle as well. The pain I usually intense that you might have trouble with sleeping soundly due to the pain, which is not to be confused with common muscle pain.

There are many treatments that are available for Myofascial pain syndrome that varies in methods for treatment. Options for treatment can vary from physical therapy to injections in trigger points within the muscles. There are also a wide range of pain medications that are available on the market in addition to relaxing techniques that can help you with rehabilitation. If you are suffering from any of the aforementioned symptoms or believe that there might be a possibility that you have Myofascial pain syndrome, it is best to not hesitate and to see a professional immediately.

With Myofasical pain syndrome, it is commonly known to be a syndrome that does not go away on its own. In order to take precautions, go to a professional in order to realize the best way to seek therapy for you. While Myofascial pain syndrome is not fatal, it is a condition that is better off not to be lived with. Make sure to consider all forms of therapy before deciding which option is for you.

What are the Causes and Risk Factors for Myofascial Pain Syndrome?

If you are experiencing Myofascial pain syndrome, it is best to look at some of the effects as well as causes and risk factors. With Myofascial pain syndrome, there are many potential characteristics that may be experienced. Some of these characteristics can be categorized under muscle pain. In addition, tenderness and spasms are often correlated with Myofascial pain syndrome, which are very common among the general public.

Myofascial pain syndrome can affect any possible muscle in the body, especially regarding muscles that are routinely contracted over a large period of time. This means that Myofascial pain syndrome may also affect muscles in asymmetric areas of the body, in which it is best to pursue treatment as soon as you are sure that you are suffering from Myofascial syndrome.

The precise cause of Myofascial pain syndrome is not well known, but there is strong evidence that Myofascial pain syndrome can be attributed to stress on the body, particularly in specific muscles that are routinely contracting tighter and more often than the other muscles in the body. This is especially a risk for those who are subject to extreme exercise or who are working manually on a continual and long-term basis.

The more certain muscles are under stress and contracted tightly, the more that you have the risk of developing Myofascial pain syndrome. Myofascial pain syndrome leads to localized pain in the muscle tissue. This is especially true for those who are consistently using the same muscles and straining muscles over and over again. If you are experiencing Myofascial pain syndrome, it is also common to be suffering from poor sleep and fatigue, as well as stiffness surrounding the affected muscle. This is a good determiner in order to check to see if you are suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome, in which case will help with your diagnoses and jumpstart your chosen and preferred treatment method.

While the cause of Myofascial pain syndrome is unknown, there are many risks that may lead you susceptible to Myofascial pain syndrome. Some of these risks include if you had a major prior injury in the past, which could affect the condition of your muscles later. Also included with risks are poor sleep patterns or stressful life situations which tense up the body and put you more at risk for developing Myofascial pain syndrome. In addition, depression could be a common underlying condition that may also play a role in inciting and aggravating Myofascial pain syndrome.

These risk factors that are mentioned may lead to a change of the ability of the brain to properly process pain perception, which is referred to as central pain processing. If the risk factors lead to the ultimate change in your brain’s capability of processing pain perception, this may ultimately lead to larger problems in the long run which is why it is recommended to address the root of the problem complicated by Myofascial pain syndrome immediately. The sooner you treat Myofascial pain syndrome the less drastic the following symptoms are, so it is best to take any precautions that may pose a risk to your future health.

What are Myofascial pain syndrome’s symptoms and signs?

Myofascial pain syndrome is causes issues in the body such as localized muscle pain. Affected muscles in the body include but are not limited to neck pain, upper back pain and lower back pain. While symptoms may be felt in the neck, lower back, and upper back, it is also possible that Myofascial pain syndrome can be prevalent in the shoulders and hips as well.  Generally these symptoms affect one side of the body or the other side much more than the other.

In addition, there are symptoms that are commonly referred to that attribute to tenderness and spasms in tender areas. Even in areas that are not feeling pain commonly, it is possible to experience spasms and tenderness because of Myofascial pain syndrome. These spasms tend to be painful and can also have a symptom of tingling sensations or pulsing sensations as well. Usually Myofascial pain syndrome effects one muscle at a time, and is not generally attributed to many varying muscles throughout the body at once. Another symptom of patients with Myofascial pain syndrome is that they tend to have poor sleep patterns and are restless throughout the night.

Many are unable to reach REM state when sleeping, which further exacerbates the problem of feeling sore or tightness in the body. The sleep that they endure does not have proficient recovery, and is known to be decreased recovery sleep, which is also referred to as non-rapid eye movement sleep. When suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome, it is common to feel unrested and experience daytime fatigue which is due to the symptom of lack of proper sleep when suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome. Many patients that suffer from Myofascial pain syndrome resort to sleep treatments, which is not addressing the root of the problem.

It is a better scenario in order to take care of the Myofascial pain syndrome problem at hand versus adding a diagnosis of sleep apnea, which would only add unnecessary medical  treatments and medications to your system. If you find that you are suffering both from muscle pain and lack of sleep, it is better to acknowledge the possibility of having Myofascial pain syndrome versus trying to treat both symptoms separately.

In addition to spasms and pulsing of the muscles, lack of sleep, and daytime fatigue, it is common to experience stiffness after a period of inactivity. If you find that you are sitting for a lot period of time and feel stiff after moving again, this may be attributed to Myofascial pain syndrome. In addition, other signs and symptoms include tight muscles, tender points within the muscle, palpable nodules, and weakness without atrophy.

There are also other signs and symptoms that you may be suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome, which includes a decreased range of motion, and experiencing a “dull”, “achy”, or “deep” pain that radiates and is non specific. There are also common local spasms that are affected in the muscle. All of the above reasons are signs and symptoms of Myofascial pain syndrome. If any of these signs or symptoms relate to you, refer to assistance or help immediately in order to avoid further destruction of the muscles. Seek help from a professional in order to ensure you get the right diagnoses in order to start the correct and relevant treatment.

How is Myofascial Pain Syndrome Diagnosed?

There are many different ways that professionals diagnose Myofascial pain syndrome and are able to determine the diagnoses from different complaints. The diagnoses is usually based on the areas of complains of muscle pain and associated tenderness during a physical examination. In order to diagnose Myofascial pain syndrome efficiently and properly, usually extensive laboratory testing is unnecessary and you will be able to be diagnosed upon visitation of your doctor.

While there are no appearance changes when suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome, such as a lack of redness, warmth, or swelling, there are ways to determine if you are suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome based on description and evaluation of the pain alone. While Myofascial pain syndrome typically affects one side of the body, it is also possible that the appearance effects similar areas of the other side of the body that is not experiencing Myofascial pain syndrome. The widespread, diffuse body involvement that is typical of fibromylagia is not present, which means that you will no be experiencing the typical characteristics of fibromylagia and your body will be tightened.

Myofascial pain syndrome cannot be detected through standard tests which include x-rays, CT scans, or MRIs. Instead, it is up to the professional to accurately identify the location of the triggers as well as determine the type of location that the trigger point may be located. A thorough knowledge of Myofascial pain syndrome is necessary in order to properly facilitate a methodical physical exam. It is best to get a pain management technician that has a thorough knowledge of Myofascial pain syndrome.

There are many different types of Myofascial pain syndrome that can be diagnosed, which includes active, latent, secondary, and satellite. During the physical exam, it is customary that your doctor applies gentle finger pressure to the painful area, which feeling for tense areas. There are certain ways of pressing on the trigger points that are palpating. This generally elicits a specific response, which will aid in the professional in their Myofascial pain syndrome diagnoses. One of these signs is that you may experience a muscle twitch when pressing a trigger point.

This means that your response of the trigger points will depend on how the medical professional will diagnose you. There are many possible causes to muscle pains, and your doctor may recommend other tests and procedures in order to verify the causes of muscle pain as well as rule out other sources of muscle pain. That being said, the diagnoses treatment is generally  quick and straight forward, assuming that your medical professional is a expert with muscle treatments and syndromes. In order to be properly diagnosed, you will usually undergo a thorough physical examination which will take your medical history into account.

Past physical injuries may be a common precursor to patients that are suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome, so it is vital to take a look at past injuries and see if they have any correlation with current pain. Tests that are conducted to determine the strength and range of motion are standard during the diagnostic process of Myofascial pain syndrome. Additional tests such as blood tests may be performed for medical causes of muscle pain. A common root of Myofascial pain syndrome is a lack of Vitamin D as well as hypothyroidism.

What is the Treatment for Myofascial pain syndrome?

The best way to treat Myofascial pain syndrome is to go with an approach that is holistic and multifaceted in practice. It is important to be educated in the possibilities of how to treat Myofascial pain syndrome effectively while keeping in mind that there are many different options to choose from when you are choosing your preferred treatment session. Included in the possible treatment for Myofascial pain syndrome is to reduce stress.

There are also stretching and exercise programs that undoubtedly help with Myofascial pain syndrome. Physical therapy is a great option to treat Myofascial pain syndrome. It includes stretching, postural and strengthening exercises in order to help you cope with Myofascial pain syndrome. In addition, massage therapy is highly recommended to use as a treatment for Myofascial pain syndrome. The therapeutic massages can loosen tight muscles that will also relieve cramping or spasms that occur with Myofascial pain syndrome. In addition, injections also seem to be a common way to loosen the muscles. Injections include a pain medicine or local anesthetic that is then directly applied to the trigger points.

These treatments can be coupled up together with physical therapy, sleep improvement, and medications which can all be prescribed by a single medical professional who will be able to tailor the therapies over time by customizing them for the individual patient. Most of the aforementioned methods of treating Myofascial pain syndrome do not necessarily have to involve medications. In fact, it is entirely possible to treat Myofascial pain syndrome without resorting to a pill or medication prescription. If you find the alternative methods do not work for you, it is possible to use medications but perhaps is best to be kept at a last resort if you find the problem persists after trying the other methods first.

The medications that are used to treat Myofascial pain syndrome can vary depending on the individual’s condition. These medications also may vary by the terms of use, which means they may be used temporarily or longer term. There are trial periods that can be used to find the best treatment for each individual. Not all medications for Myofascial pain syndrome are made the same, and so they also vary on the trials as well. For some examples of types of medications that may be used to treat Myofascial pain syndrome, there is trazodone (Serzone) or amitriptyline (Elavil).

These two medications may be used at bedtime in order to improve sleep while relieving pain. It is through a good nights rest that your muscles relax and are able to release tension, which will undoubtedly help with any Myofascial pain syndrome complications. They also may contain pain relief properties, which can be used in order to lessen the sharp pains that pulse through your body. In addition, cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril) or orphenadrine (norflex) can also be used at bedtime in order to relax the muscles and assist with sleep. Antidepressants also may be prescribed such as sertraline (Zoloft), fluocetine (Prozac), duloxetine (Cymbalta), which can all be used to help control plain.

In addition to this, gabapentin (neurontin) and Pregablin may also be used. There are a myriad of synthetic medications that can be used in order to help treat Myofascial pain syndrome. It just depends on your choice and preferences of what kind of treatment you are looking for in order to receive the maximum benefits.

What is the Prognosis of Myofascial pain syndrome?

Myofascial pain syndrome may be resolved with the ideal treatment regimes of your choice. However, there are also cases of patients suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome for years. The best outcomes are a result when there is a multifaceted practice of treatment that is administered for a patient that is suffering from Myofascial pain syndrome. The outcomes vary from person to person, yet generally the symptoms do not last for very long and usually last for about a couple of months. Though, there are many cases of Myofascial pain syndrome that lasts for years with symptoms persisting consistently.

It is recommended that in the event where a multifaceted treatment is taking place, that you will be able to use a single physician who is monitoring the response to various therapies. This is recommended in order to avoid confusion over what works and what does not, as to also keep track of a healthy way to manage Myofascial pain syndrome. There are some complications that can be associated with Myofascial pain syndrome. In some cases, the pain of Myofascial pain syndrome can affect additional surrounding muscles, which will complicate the syndrome. It is possible that a muscle can be stressed when there is another muscle affected by Myofascial pain syndrome and the muscle refuses to function properly.

In general, the outlook of Myofascial pain syndrome is good. There is a great chance of a speedy recovery if Myofascial pain syndrome is diagnosed early and it is properly diagnosed and treated as well. Usually when the syndrome has proper treatment, the pain of Myofascial pain syndrome is controllable and the muscle is able to be fully recovered. In order to receive the best prognosis possible, it is recommended that physical therapy is the best solution to turn to. It is recommended to get a good stretching program from your doctor or therapist. Sleeping aids and anti-depressants can help, though it is best to avoid synthetic medications if at all possible in the event it will not help with drowsiness and could be highly addictive.

Trigger point therapy is also a popular treatment over a period of time. For one time use, it is not exactly beneficial. Use the multifaceted approach to therapy in order to limit the amount of time you will suffer from Myofascial pain syndrome. It is also a good idea to engage in low pressure exercise such as walking, water running, stretching and swimming for about twenty minutes at a time. Avoid physical or mental stress and take as many precautions as possible The worst case scenario is that Myofascial pain syndrome could last years with no direct relief from any of the treatments. This usually happens when there is no other way of treatment or if treatment is not done fast enough.

It is recommended that in the first sign of symptoms from Myofascial pain syndrome to not let too much time pass, or it will be harder to treat the condition. It is important to keep healthy during treatments in order to maximize your benefits of the treatment. This will aid in your recovery time and limit your pain that is from Myofascial pain syndrome. With these steps in mind, you will be able to recover from Myofascial pain syndrome if you are suffering from pain from this treatment. If pain persists, it is admissible to use Tylenol or Advil in small doses, but be aware if this will be acceptable if you are taking any other types of medication.

Can Myofascial pain syndrome Be Prevented?

There are some preventative measures of Myofascial pain syndrome, but overall it is a difficult thing to prevent. Myofascial pain syndrome is developed when a latent trigger point becomes hyperactive, which results in a localized spasm. This creates a palpable knot and inevitably produces referred pain. Usually Myofascial pain syndrome is developed after intense physical trauma, such as car accidents or the like. These are hard to be prevented per se, but ultimately it is important to take care of you and your surroundings and make sure you are not engaged with strenuous physical labour that can result in Myofascial pain syndrome.

At times it is enjoyable jobbies that are the culprit of starting Myofascial pain syndrome, which is hard to avoid if you are practicing your physical hobby on a regular basis. The best way to prevent Myofascial pain syndrome is by being aware of your posture and making sure that you are consistently in a good postural position. In addition, make sure that you engage in light exercises and stretching daily- this is especially true if you do engage in strenuous physical labour or exercises. If you engage in exercise daily, also make sure that your positioning is correct so as not to add unnecessary strain to your body and muscles.

It is also important to stretch the muscles on a daily basis in order to ensure that the muscles stay relaxed and are less prone to cramping. The other ways to go about warding off Myofascial pain syndrome is by avoiding reinjury if you had a significant injury in the past. By reinjuring a part of your body, you are more susceptible to Myofascial pain syndrome that before. Even with small motions such as spending too much time at a computer, it is important to take a break and stretch so that your muscles are not susceptible to tightening and will be able to stretch easier.

It is also important to minimize stress as well, as stress tightens the body and may lead to Myofascial pain syndrome over time. In addition, make sure that you maximize your optimal sleep patterns in order to keep your body well rested and your muscles relaxed. If you are prone to underlying depression, also keep this in check as this will be able to influence your Myofascial pain syndrome or add to any unnecessary stress. It is also vital to keep your stress management consistent, which means it is often recommended to practice in calming activities regularly, such as meditating or yoga. Yoga is a great preventative measure because it stretches your body, reduces stress, keeps your body weight low, and is a low impact way to exercise.

With all of the benefits yoga has to offer, it is surely worth engaging in in order to ward off Myofascial pain syndrome. All of these preventative measures should aid with warding off Myofascial pain syndrome, but it is not limited to these preventions either. You may be able to help lower your risk of developing Myofascial pain syndrome if you keep your body weight low and eat healthily. Make sure you have a lot of Vitamin D in your diet in order to keep your muscles getting the nutrients they need in order to function healthily. A well balanced diet is a sure way to keep your body healthy and to add to an overall sense of health for your muscles.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Home Remedies

There are many home remedies that can be taken at home if you have already developed Myofascial pain syndrome and are looking for simple solutions that you can add to at home. There are many ways to get your body relaxed easily in order to maximize your recovery from Myofascial pain syndrome. One of these home remedies is to take long hot showers. The heat from the water will loosen the muscles and help you with your Myofascial pain syndrome. It is also recommended to do additional stretching while you are in the shower, as your muscles are dilated and able to stretch more when under direct heat.

If you are looking for other sources of heat, it is also recommended to place heating pads on the directed area. You can put heating pads on the trigger source or on the referred pain source, or alternating in between both points in order to maximize the possibility of loosening and relaxing the muscle. In addition, another great heat source is jacuzzis or spas. These are great resources and give you the opportunity to submerge your body in hot water, which will ultimately loosen the muscles and relax the body as well. A simple change to your diet will work wonders as well.

If you stay away from stimulants such as tobacco and  caffeine, this will ultimately help in your recovery process from Myofascial pain syndrome. Alcohol is also to be avoided because it dries out the muscles and may attribute to you feeling groggy or unhealthy. The importance of keeping stress under control is also vital to the recovery process of Myofascial pain syndrome, which means you can do simple things in order to keep your body more relaxed on a regular basis.

Avoid clenching your teeth and relax your face by avoiding it from being taut. It is also possible to administer over the counter medication in order for you to have a better recovery process. By using these home remedy methods, you will be aiding your recovery of Myofascial pain syndrome and should find yourself in better state overall.

The complications of Myofascial pain syndrome vary and undoubtedly are felt differently depending on the person that is suffering from the syndrome. While many times it may be a minor ache and pain, it is also possible that the pain is so unendurable that Myofascial pain syndrome ends up effecting all facets of your life. In order to have a speedy recovery process that is not lasting long term, it is best to keep the prevention methods in mind and keep your body consistently healthy in order to keep Myofascial pain syndrome at bay.

If you decrease your stress, keep a good posture, stretch daily, and have a healthy diet, your chances of developing Myofascial pain syndrome in your lifetime are dramatically reduced. By keeping these methods in mind, you are ensuring that your future health will be maximized. All of these prevention methods are in your reach, so there is no reason to not engage in them for the sake of precaution. If you find yourself with symptoms of Myofascial pain syndrome, make sure to seek assistance from a medical doctor immediately in the event that Myofascial pain syndrome can get worse over time.

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