
When you have come to your senses and cast aside Wikipedia and Google in the quest for serious research solutions - then the library has what you require. The best research tool to start with is eResources Discovery Search or eDS for short. No matter how tight the deadline is this online treasure is available 24/7.

What makes it so great? Well it provides you with access to most of our eResource collection, articles, eBooks, journals, and photographs, through a single simultaneous search at a single access point. So with one search in one place you can search across huge swathes of information just like Google – but all of the information you find is authoritative and referenced without funny yet distracting cat videos.

For example what if you had to research Donald Trump? Put that name in eDS and these miraculous things happen ...

Research starters - at the top of your search results there will be a "research starter" on Trump. There are starters for most topics which is useful if you want a starting point or a brief background.

To the left - tools to refine results to the most relevant. These include:

Publication date - maybe you only want articles from the last six months?

Source types - do you need a video, journal article or book on Trump?

Subject - are you interested in his talk shows or his political campaign?

Content providers - maybe you want a biography from Gale Biography in Context?

To the right - you get images, videos and newswires you can use or access the library catalogue. If you get stuck there is also Live Online to get you back on track.

Basically eDS is all you need in your answer arsenal and can be used anytime of the day but is most effective when you are really stressed and have a deadline looming. All you need to use this solution to all your research requirements is your library card number and password/PIN. Bookmark it now.

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