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Solution Explorer in SQL Server Management Studio
The best links from community
Immutable & Isolated Types Likely in Future C# by Wesner Moise
SafeList, SafeDictionary–fast immutable structures by Oren Eini
Keeping Parts of Your Codebase Private on GitHub by Harry Roberts
ASP.NET MVC 5 Attribute Routing by David Hayden
How to monetize Bonobo Git Server? by Jakub Chodounsky
Probable C# 6.0 features illustrated by Damien G
3 Surprising Things to Do with the Console in C# by Jason Roberts
The Responsive Hover Paradigm by Jenn Lukas
Micro optimising web content for unexpected, wild success by Troy Hunt
Are Your Programmers Working Hard, Or Are They Lazy? by Mike Hadlow
And finally more great link collections
Dew Drop - Alvin Ashcraft’s Morning Dew,
The Morning Brew - Chris Alcock,
The Daily Sixpack - Dirk Strauss,
Interesting Finds - Jason Haley.