
While perhaps not a locale that would cross your mind as a trout fishery, the mind-boggling rains in Texas and Oklahoma have pummeled a prime cold-water fishery on the Lower Mountain Fork River in SE Oklahoma.

The Lower Mountain Fork is a tailwater fishery (Broken Bow Lake) and by all reports is quite scenic, accessible and beloved by local and regional fly anglers.

Flow out of the gates is normally in the range of 90 cfs and was recently raised to over 21,000 cfs , scouring the river canyon and seriously damaging a small, family owned fly shop – the Beavers Bend Fly Shop owned by Eddie and Roberta Brister.

A Go Fund Me page for the shop has been set up with a very modest goal of $5,000 – they’re already over half way there – and we though if enough fishers learned about this that goal could be easily met in just a few more days.

Time for the fly fishing brotherhood (and sisterhood!) to lend a hand.

(Disclosure – we’ve never fished in Oklahoma, other than chasing stripers a few years back on Texoma, and have never been to the shop or met the Brister family. This just sounded like a damned good idea to help out with…)

River images per the Go Fund Me page linked above.

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