
English: Allergic angioedema. Note that this child is unable to open his eyes due to swelling. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How to Best Clean Indoor Air for the Allergic Child….the hay fever season is over; the trees are not pollinating your sinuses, yet your child still has allergy symptoms. Perhaps it isn’t what is going on outdoors, but inside your house the allergens lurk.

Thankfully, with persistence and consistency you can make home smelling “Home Sweet Home” for any allergic child. Perennial allergic rhinitis, also known as year-round inflammation of the nose, consists of several indoor allergens.

The most common are: dust mites, pet dander/saliva and indoor mold. Not all kids are allergic to all of these, but just one severe reaction to any of these can leave your child miserable all year round.


How do you know if your child is allergic to any of the above indoor allergens? An appointment with your primary doctor is the best start.

They will find out when the allergies are worse and might be able to make a diagnosis with their exam. You might be referred to a specialist, who would do a more extensive exam and possibly a skin test.

According to Nemours Foundation , these allergists may do a quick skin test, which “usually involve(s) putting a purified form of an allergen either on the skin or underneath it to elicit an allergic reaction.” An immediate diagnosis to these allergens comes from this type of testing.

Treatment for Allergies

Reducing the amount of indoor allergens is your next step. This can be a tedious and time-consuming process, but you will see a world of difference. Tips for cleaning your indoor air:

• Dust Allergies: Regularly vacuuming with a HEPA air filter vacuum will reduce dust mites. In extreme allergic cases, you might want to not have carpet or window treatments in the child’s bedroom. Valences and drapes are a great place for dust mites to harbor.

Also, keep extra stuffed animals out of the bedroom and clean special lovies often in the washer and dryer on the hottest settings. Anti-allergen pillow and mattress protectors will help keep out dust. And make sure to clean all bedding weekly in hot water and use a hot dryer to get rid of the mites.

• Pet Allergies: You will have to keep the pets out of your allergic child’s room at all times to reduce the amount of hair and dander in the air. Unfortunately, if your child is severely allergic to your pet and these suggestions don’t help; you probably should find another loving home for your dear pet.

• Mold Allergies: Any area that is prone to wetness can be a mold magnet. Basements, bathrooms, under kitchen sinks need to be checked and kept dry and clean. Also, it isn’t a good idea to have a basement playroom for a kid with mold allergies. Constantly running dehumidifiers, or air conditioners can be extremely helpful for these kids. Also you might look into buying a home filter to reduce the allergens found in your home.

To test if you even need a home filter, you can first start with a home mold inspection. These all dry out and clean the indoor air in addition to the other work you are doing to prevent allergens. If you need professional assistance in assessing your indoor air, AirMD.com is one company that offers a mold inspection or testing service. According to their website, AirMD is “licensed and certified and all testing is confirmed by independent accredited laboratories.” Keeping your children safe is every parent’s goal, and allergies are not something to brush to the wayside.

Please remember that smoke of any kind, cigarette or other types (yeah, I’m talking to you, Colorado!) leaves a residue on furniture, clothing and hair, which is an allergen – especially for newborns!!! Please don’t smoke around your kids. They aren’t asking for that junk to be in their little lungs. If you think your child has food allergies, and you have to pay attention to the foods you buy, here is another helpful resource.

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