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The Together Counts Campaign

Via The Girl Scouts

of the Nation’s Capital

Here at ChiIL Mama, our family has 3 generations of Girl Scouts. My mom was a scout back in the 40's, when the only kind of Girl Scout cookies were Trefoils. I was a Brownie and a Girl Scout in the 70's, and now my 12 year old daughter has been a Brownie, Junior and now a Cadet over the past 6 years. That's why we were more than happy to be asked to join with The Girl Scouts of the Nation's Capital to promote their Together Counts Campaign.

ChiIL Mama's daughter, Sage, as a Brownie

Disclosure: ChiIL Mama is a proud member of the Mom It Forward Blogger Network and we're pleased to partner up with Together Counts/Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital for this sponsored post. We have been compensated for sharing this information with our readers. As always, all opinions are our own.

Most people instantly think cookies, like the iconic Thin Mints, when they hear the name Girl Scouts. But Girl Scouts also provide STEM training, multicultural and cultural events, and camping. Sure the cookies are pretty great, but Girl Scouts troops also pretty awesome at encouraging girls to develop leadership skills, and healthy, balanced living.

In partnership with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, Girl Scouts developed three "healthy habits" booklets to easily incorporate energy balance into meetings, outings, events and adventures. The free booklets help guide girls as they learn to lead active, healthy lifestyles.

Through the use of these free resources for Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, Girl Scout volunteers and families can guide girls in fun, easy ways to achieve "energy balance."

My daughter's Cadets troop just did both the Get Moving! with Healthy Habits workbook and the WOW! Wonders of Water with Healthy Habits. We highly recommend both. Check out these fabulous resources right here as a free download.

The three Healthy Habits booklets available for free download here include:

Between Earth and Sky with Healthy Habits - girls learn about the many plants, trees, and animals that flourish in nature, and also build important leadership skills.

WOW! Wonders of Water with Healthy Habits - girls discover the many forms and paths that water takes and how to protect it. They also learn how to engage in teamwork, speak effectively to convey a message, and inspire others

Get Moving! with Healthy Habits - girls learn how to use their energy to protect Earth’s energy and build important leadership skills.

The Together Counts™ campaign is a nationwide program by the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation to inspire active and healthy living via physical activity and nutrition, a fundamental underpinning of efforts to reduce obesity. The principle behind the program is called Energy Balance, which just means balancing the calories we consume with the calories we expend. Achieving Energy Balance outdoors is easier than ever during the warm summer months. It's a pretty easy concept to follow Energy In is the calories you get from eating and drinking. Energy Out is the calories you burn from physical activities.

*Health and fitness have been part of Girl Scouting since girls ran foot races in 1912!*

Camp Out
Camping is essential to Girl Scouts mission. It is about the outdoors, and developing a deep appreciation for nature. Girls enjoy camping with their troop or attending a Girl Scout day and evening or resident sleep-away camp. From high adventure with kayaking, archery and rock climbing to traditional camps with crafts, singing, hiking and cooking over an open fire, Girl Scout camps give girls an opportunity to grow, explore, and have fun under the guidance of caring, trained adults.

Find your local council to enroll girls in camp programs.
Girl Scouts’ leadership program is girl-led. And Girl Scouts sure do a lot with guidance from caring adult mentors! From national badge programs to council-wide events, each council offers a variety of exciting program opportunities for girls of all ages.

Help Out

I've been a volunteer for my daughter's troop for the past 6 years. Volunteers are supported with program level and subject training courses online and in classroom settings. There is a lot of peer-to-peer support and mentoring, and quality publications to support the delivery of high quality programs.

Get Social With Girl Scouts Social Media, Free Downloads & Handy Links Below:

In partnership with the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, Girl Scouts has developed three Healthy Habits booklets for volunteers to use in conjunction with their Journey Adult Guides.

To locate the council nearest you, see the Girl Scout Council Finder.

Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital Twitter: On Twitter, GSNC shares council information including awards, resources, highlights from council events and volunteering opportunities.

Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital Facebook: Similar to Twitter, the GSNC Facebook page shares photo albums of troop activities, news from around the region, and partner content from Together Counts.

Together Counts Website-The website is consumer friendly—aimed at parents and educators and provides resources, tips, recipes and more.

Together Counts Blog- The Together Counts blog is the main source of all consumer-friendly news including HWCF campaigns, announcements and content from HWCF partners around the topic of healthy eating habits and incorporating more physical activity.

Together Counts Twitter- On Twitter, Together Counts shares everything from digital assets (video, infographics) to industry or conference news related to food in addition to campaign and partner news.

Together Counts Pinterest- Together Counts’ resource for sharing recipe inspiration from across the network, family activity ideas and pins from partners that relate to family eating and activity including Girl Scouts, Healthy Dining Finders, etc.

Disclosure: Once again, ChiIL Mama is a proud member of the Mom It Forward Blogger Network and we're pleased to partner up with Together Counts/Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital for this sponsored post. We have been compensated for sharing this information with our readers. As always, all opinions are our own.

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