
Accidents caused by drunk drivers major concern during the holidays

Article provided by Clancy Law Offices

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The holiday season is a very popular time of the year for

gatherings with friends, family and coworkers. It can take a lot of

planning for individuals to be able to attend as many of these

events as possible. If they plan on consuming any alcohol, they

know that they should also consider appointing a designated driver

or finding a sober ride home.

Unfortunately, not every person takes these steps to prevent a

drunk driving accident from happening. During the holiday

season, there are a number of crashes caused by impaired drivers

that could easily be prevented. According to data compiled by the

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the number of

individuals killed in these accidents increases substantially from

Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve.

While most motorists are very familiar with the penalties in

place for drunk driving, it is often unclear when exactly they may

be too drunk to drive. Many individuals may think they are

completely fine to drive when in fact they are above the legal


Law enforcement agencies throughout Illinois are committed to

removing impaired drivers from the state’s roadways, however, it is

very difficult for them to be able to spot every driver operating

under the influence. Motorists who observe another driver that may

be under the influence should report this information to law

enforcement in the area.

It can be very difficult to stop someone who has been drinking

from driving. If you are hosting a holiday party, be sure that you

discuss transportation options before having any drinks. By putting

these plans in place, you can help your guests understand what they

will need to do to ensure that they have a sober ride home.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle

accident caused by a driver under the influence of alcohol or

drugs, speak to a personal injury attorney about your claims for

compensation. An attorney will be able to determine the parties

responsible for causing these injuries, and help you pursue

recovery from those individuals and businesses.

It is important that you seek treatment for any injuries that

you suffered in the crash prior to engaging in any discussions

concerning a settlement of your claims. If injuries persist, it may

be necessary to receive more in-depth medical care for these

issues. Those who settle their claims too soon may be unable to

recover any additional compensation for the costs that are

associated with this treatment. You do not want to have to deal

with these expenses on your own.

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Accidents caused by drunk drivers major concern during the holidays

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