E NOTES Be The Change
by Kai El’ Zabar
Executive Editor
E Notes
By Kai EL’Zabar
Executive Editor
There is much to do about everything. Without question or doubt America is definitely at a crossroads, but then again so is the entire world. It’s as if it’s all caught up with us. The inhumane practices that the world community participates in and then tries to pretend does not exist; from child abuse to child pornography, child molestation, the oppression of women, rape, female circumcision; human trafficking of men, women and children, slavery—the overt prejudice. Racial profiling and systemic institutionalized racism in America; classism throughout Asian cultures, tribalism throughout Africa, racial cleansing in other parts of the world, total disrespect and disregard for all forms of life, the earth, its atmosphere and beyond. Yes, the world is now converging upon itself. Centuries of European Caucasian dominion over the rest of the world’s people of color, colonizing, oppressing and robbing their lands, discriminating against and stripping their minds and spirit of their riches. Catholicism flooded the world with its belief, brainwashing people to seek salvation through it by confessing their sins to a priest who often abused or took advantage of them. Then under the guise of humanity they offered education only to enslave them even more.
Iman Malcolm X in his heyday speaking the Truth
Oppressed people believe that education is their key to freedom. The whole world bought into it— each group of people believing that they’d have the opportunity to sit at the table with the masters. It’s all a part of their indoctrination. The greatest hoax of course being that they have convinced people of color worldwide that they are the minority when in fact there’s nothing minor about us as we outnumber Caucasians. And, if truth be told, can wipe them out genetically without using any weapons. That is the real threat.
So here we are in a world where the colonized, who were afforded education, have flocked to the countries that colonized them looking for equal opportunity to exercise their new skills set all the while antagonizing the nationalists. Meanwhile, the five percenters, the puppeteers of the world sit back and watch the game play out as planned. Asian countries have emerged in second and third place behind the United States with Germany in forth place and France in fifth. The United Kingdom comes in sixth place, Brazil in seventh, Italy in eighth, Russia once holding the number two position now holds the ninth position and India places the tenth position as top economies.
Fred Hampton Chairman of Chicago chapter Black Panther Party
The distribution of wealth in the world—the inequitable distribution of income is present at the global level where the nominal gross domestic product (GDP) of the top ten economies adds up to 65 percent of the world’s economy, and the top 15 economies add up to 75 percent. The remaining 172 countries constitute only 25 percent of the world’s economy. Clearly there is no Black country close to such growth or acquisition of wealth and yet Africa is one of the riches continents with more resources than any other in the world.
Go figure. So this is the monster that we face on all fronts. That is why everyone is struggling to become a five percenter. They present the pictures, flaunt their images and wealth in our faces, the luxury of it all, the benefits, the easy breezy dreamlike lifestyle, so that everyone will covet and desire to buy into it. This is the very carefully orchestrated strategy from the architects of world domination.
Their carefully laid out plans affects everything we do or think. If you think that it’s a coincidence that Black people all over the world are denied access and opportunity then you are mistaken and most likely to fall prey to what is being coined as the new world order — a race-less world where only money and wealth matter to differentiate.
Race will come to be the mindset — a state of mind rather than the color of one’s skin or cultural distinctions. That’s what has been taking place overtime. What was meant to be integration became assimilation and that is the game changer. When one can assimilate into another person’s culture means that they give up their culture of ethnicty, tribal and religious origin and adopt the cultural philosophy and lifestyle of the colonist and/or oppressor, eventually succumbing to that which has taken their soul thus denying them their original self expression.
We all see it and witness it. The brothers and sisters who have lost all traces of their historical identity inside while maintaining their ethnic skin and physical features on the outside. The American born Asian who speaks perfect English is overweight and marries White; and of course there is the African who is of British influence, who looks down African Americans, seeks union with the European in the pursuit of affluence. Jews though they hate to admit it are facing this problem more often as fewer of each succeeding generation fail to attend the synagogues and marry outside their religion.
The architects of our destruction have discovered how to destroy from within. For years they sought to dominate the Black man physically and it did not work because of our spiritual connection to The Most High God. As our connection to God weakened so has our ability to empower ourselves. So here we stand in the midst of chaos.
Our children (not all) are unruly, they disrespect our elders, have no decorum, they are lost, have very little compassion or real people skills because they are a generation raised on technology that isolates them from one another and any real intimate interactions. They are confused because after graduation there are so few job opportunities. They have watched the educated generations before them, fall from grace and succumb to menial jobs, or they observe them stay on the job until they’re too old to enjoy retirement because their lifestyle costs. They live in a world riddled with life threatening diseases; a world of treachery, thieves stealing form the poor, and their peers committing mass murders, for 60 seconds of fame. They have observed the world let Africans die of starvation. Watched as little Black African girls were taken by rebels from their homes never to be found and the world stood by and did nothing. They watch as Black lives are shot down, man, woman and child, brutalized as if a piece of dead meat.
We witness our communities falling apart from self-disrespect, manifested as drugs and gang
violence, as schools are closed, businesses shut down, more liquor stores and store front churches open up as mega churches grow fat and deepens the pockets of the pulpit, all while preaching a new religion of self wealth first the European in the pursuit of affluence. Jews though they hate to admit it are facing this problem more often as fewer of each succeeding generation fail to attend the synagogues and marry outside their religion.
The architects of our destruction have discovered how to destroy from within. For years they sought to dominate the Black man physically and it did not work because of our spiritual connection to The Most High God. As our connection to God weakened so has our ability to empower ourselves. So here we stand in the midst of chaos.
Our children (not all) are unruly, they disrespect our elders, have no decorum, they are lost, have very little compassion or real people skills because they are a generation raised on technology that isolates them from one another and any real intimate interactions. They are confused because after graduation there are so few job opportunities. They have watched the educated generations before them, fall from grace and succumb to menial jobs, or they observe them stay on the job until they’re too old to enjoy retirement because their lifestyle costs. They live in a world riddled with life threatening diseases; a world of treachery, thieves stealing form the poor, and their peers committing mass murders, for 60 seconds of fame. They have observed the world let Africans die of starvation. Watched as little Black African girls were taken by rebels from their homes never to be found and the world stood by and did nothing. They watch as Black lives are shot down, man, woman and child, brutalized as if a piece of dead meat.
We witness our communities falling apart from self-disrespect, manifested as drugs and gang
violence, as schools are closed, businesses shut down, more liquor stores and store front churches open up as mega churches grow fat and deepens the pockets of the pulpit, all while preaching a new religion of self wealth first before service to one another.
Here in Chicago on our home front we know the reality of all this. We, after all, are the descendants of Robert Abbott Sengsatcke’s call to be self-determined. We hail from those, who heard his voice speak informing our people to leave the oppression of the South and come north to seek opportunity to be equals even if separate. Black people in Chicago know about hard work and its rewards and its benefits. We also know about the punishment if you are too smart, too successful; too outspoken about your right to be self expressed, self determined but mostly to be accepted as human.
We have witnessed the murder of Benjamin Lewis the first Black alderman ever elected for the 24th Ward and Democratic Committee man, who won in a landslide election and was shot three times in the back of his head the same night. Black Panther Fred Hampton was murdered in his sleep by Chicago police, Elijah Muhammad’s rebel Imam, Malcolm X, was gunned down in New York as he spoke truth, Martin Luther King Jr., was assassinated because he was uniting the poor, Black and white; we experienced our white colleagues laughing at Harold Washington’s death as we sobbed, and observed Michael Jordon forced to accept his place.
So it doesn’t surprise me when those who have risen to the top such as Barbara Byrd-Bennett like a tired old race horse running the race never reaping the windfall of their counterparts fall to the dark side forgetting all that we’ve been taught. She emerged as a raceless person in disguise as Black and gave a good-for-nothing nod to our community and cared even less about our children’s future. It’s time to stop looking outside ourselves. Now is the time to be the change.
We hope that you will join us at our town hall meetings where we will convene in our community to hear what’s on your hearts and minds. Stay tuned, we will announce where soon.