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“You’re looking for hope? This will be a short conversation!”

That was David Yepsen, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, returning my call. Yepsen spent 34 years covering politics for the Des Moines Register. I’d left him a message asking to talk over some ideas for people who are fed up and frustrated with Illinois’ budget stalemate.

Hope is needed. Desperately. Last week on Reboot Illinois, I wrote a column wondering, “Why aren’t all of us up in arms and screaming about our state?” It got more reaction than anything I’d written in some time. All of us should be up in arms. I think if we were, and if enough of us truly let these officials hear it, the impasse would end.  Every day this budget mess prevails is another day that costs us more money and more spending cuts that hurt loved ones and friends.


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Comptroller Leslie Munger, who was appointed by Gov. Bruce Rauner, told WROK-AM radio last month that a higher, 5 percent income tax won’t be enough now because our debt is so high.

Politicians do listen and respond to public opinion, eventually. That’s why Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel keeps tweaking his tax and fee plans. Gov. Bruce Rauner’s ratings slipped in a Simon institute poll recently and he made some stops around there shortly thereafter. Coincidence? Maybe.

So, what can you do to help demand better? Yepsen and I have some solutions, and hope:

1. “I do think it is effective for people to personally buttonhole lawmakers … tell them that you want something done,” he said.

An email helps if you’ve got an email the legislator actually looks at, he says. Reboot Illinois also offers Sound Off, a tool that allows you to send a message, all at once, to your individual state representative and senator along with Rauner, House Speaker Michael Madigan, Senate President John Cullerton and the two Republican caucus leaders.

2. Use the power of social media. It’s worked wonders already. People have a bad experience with a retailer, they take to social media. People want to show support for breast cancer or marriage for all, they change their profile pictures. The moves go viral and change happens.

Yepsen adds, “To be effective, you’ve got to be civil.” Communicate you know there will be pain. “It’s good to tell a Democrat we know we have to sacrifice,” he said. “We know we need cuts. It’s good for a Republican legislator to hear that we know we’re going to have to pay more. It can’t all be fixed by cuts.”

3. Sign the petition for a more independent legislative map in Illinois. Better yet, walk around your neighborhood and collect signatures. Or donate cash to the effort. Or both. Less-politicized maps mean more competition for legislative seats and the potential for more officials who are less beholden to party bosses.

4. Have a party, host a coffee or send out a group email to get others on board to raise a ruckus. A few weeks ago, a new friend invited me to his house in Arlington Heights. I spent a few hours talking to him and more than a dozen of his friends and neighbors about our budget and pension crises. I hope they’re ready to demand better from their politicians.

5. Politicians pay attention to polls and, despite rigged districts, they still fret about winning re-election. Get involved in a campaign for a candidate you like. Fight to defeat an incumbent you don’t think is doing enough to end the gridlock.

6. Run for office yourself or help someone else. Right now. Candidates are collecting voter signatures due to the state elections board by Nov. 30. It only takes a few hundred signatures to secure a ballot spot.

7. Protest, politely. Speak up. Staying quiet and busy is only costing us more money, jobs and time that could be spent on tackling our bills.

8. All of the above.

“Lawmakers need to know people care and they’re angry and they want something done,” Yepsen said. “They need to know people understand there needs to be compromise and that we have to take the cure” of cuts and taxing services or retirement income above a certain amount, or all income at a higher rate.

Mostly, they need to know you want a resolution. “Nothing’s going to change by staying away,” Yepsen said.

Madeleine Doubek is chief operating officer of Reboot Illinois.Follow Madeleine Doubek on Twitter: Follow @MDoubekRebootIL

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