
Saturday – A big day for our family, C was baptized!  We believe that at age 8 children can choose to be baptized.  We are so happy that C made this choice!

We had a fun treasure hunt at the after party for C to find his gift of personalized Scriptures – a TRUE TREASURE!!  (This treasure hunt was part of our review for Kids Clued In, so stay tuned!)

Monday – Spent the day canning peaches – peaches in light syrup, honey-spice peaches and peach jam (36 jars in all!)  Then we went to dinner at a older couples home from church.  She wanted some help on her computer and invited our family over for dinner.  Such a sweet couple!

Tuesday – Q went back to work today (he has been off with his mom in town).  Back to school, gymnastics, C’s first day of cub scouts and Z had soccer practice!
It was a rough day school wise, so hard to get back to school after being off (which is why in some ways I hate taking breaks at all!).  Trying not to stress it too much since we are off on another adventure anyways.  We spent the first 45mins of “school” organizing the basement to get it back in order (that felt good, at least something was accomplished!).

Wednesday – hit the road for Jamestown!  We stayed at the Williamsburg/Colonial KOA while there and after setting up camp the kids got some exercise in on the Bounce Pillow and the Banana Bikes!

Thursday -  We headed to Jamestown had a tour and a class.  It was a long tiring day, but oh so much fun! Pictures will be posted on Field Trip Friday this coming week!

Friday – We headed to Yorktown. Here we also had a tour and then spent part of the afternoon looking around the museum.  Then we hit the road for home (we have a busy day on Saturday!).  We stopped and met my parents for dinner in my hometown as we drove by.

My ‘unsocialized’ homeschooler made lots of friends at Homeschool Days!

Today (Saturday) – The boys have their first soccer games AND C has a mini triathlon.  We are hoping the weather holds out!  Then It’s MNO with a couple other homeschool moms to see Hunter Hayes in concert!  It’s ‘Back to School’ on Monday!!

Link Ups this week -

Workbox Wednesday
Field Trip Friday

Reviews this week -

No new reviews were posted, but we are working on a few items so,
stay tuned for reviews on:
Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW) - Fix It! Grammar: The Nose Tree [Book 1] (Student Book)

Preschoolers and Peace: Homeschooling older kids with success while loving the little ones at your feet (e-book)

Clued In Kids (coming next week)

and we started the following for review:
Middlebury Interactive Languages ~ Chinese Courses
Standard Deviants Accelerate Homeschool Courses

We have an exciting week coming up next week starting with C’s baptism and ending at Jamestown/Yorktown Homeschool Days!!  Can’t wait to share it with you!!

Linking up at:

and Weekly Wrap up with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers Blog

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