
For more upcoming events, click here for The Chester Telegraph calendar. To be included in our Upcoming Events briefs, email Susan Lampe-Wilson at calendar@chestertelegraph.org. Photos welcome. No PDFs, please. Notices must be received by noon on Fridays to be eligible for publication the following week.

Feb. 17: Good Neighbors holds President’s Day sale

Black River Good Neighbors’ used furniture store has been building up an inventory that cannot wait until the spring, so the organization will hold an inventory sale for four days, Friday to Monday, Feb. 17 through 20 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day.

The store started selling used furniture at the 105 Main St., Ludlow, location several years ago to help support its food shelf and financial assistance programs. “We are cutting our prices by up to 60 percent and staying open an extra few days over the holiday weekend” said Audrey Bridge, executive director. This is a cash-and-carry sale, so customers will have to take their purchase with them that day.

For more information, call the thrift store at 802-228-3663.

Feb. 18: Chester Disc Golf Club hosts Winter Carnival events

On Saturday Feb. 18, the Chester Disc Golf Club hosts two outdoor family-friendly events in conjunction with the 2017 Chester Winter Carnival.

At 11 a.m. the CDGC hosts its first Winter Carnival Disc Golf Outing for people interested in a round of winter disc golf. All players regardless of skill level are encouraged to participate. The club will have extra discs on hand for those who need to borrow one.

On Saturday evening from 6 to 8 p.m., the group hosts a tiki-torch and glow stick snowshoe hike around the nine-hole course. The self-guided, one-mile loop trail starts at the course kiosk and traverses through woods and fields with moderate elevation changes. Depending upon the conditions, snowshoes or boots with traction cleats may be needed to navigate the illuminated trail. A headlamp or flashlight is also recommended but not required.

The Chester Disc Golf Course is located at the Pinnacle Recreation Area, behind the skating rink on Lover’s Lane, where all winter carnival activities will be taking place. Although both events are free and open to the public, the club will be accepting donations in support of the disc golf course’s on-going improvement fund. Check out Chester Disc Golf Club’s Facebook page for more information about the course and events.

Feb. 18: Book Nook hosts Vermont ski author

Vermont author Karen Lorentz will sign her books at the Book Nook 136 Main St. in Ludlow from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday Feb. 18.

Lorentz is the author of the limited addition hardcovers: Okemo, All Come Home and Killington, A Story of Mountains and Men and in paperbacks: The Great Vermont Ski Chase; and Good Vermonters and editor of Tips, Turns, and Tales, a paperback anthology of 50 years of ski writing.

The Okemo and Killington books trace those ski areas’ histories from inception to their current owners. Each is a coffee table-sized book with 364 pages, including 32 pages of color photographs and more than 200 black-and-white photographs. Anyone purchasing either hardcover on this date can choose a free copy of one of the three paperbacks.

Lorentz is currently working on a history of Vermont skiing and would enjoy meeting anyone with an interesting story or bit of ski history to share.

Readers are welcome to bring in previously purchased books for inscriptions or to pre-order a book for signing through the shop by calling 802-228-3238.

Feb. 18: Kids’ Night Dive-In and movie at EdgarMay

Every month, the EdgarMay Health and Recreation Center hosts a children’s event. On Saturday Feb. 18 from 5 to 8 p.m., children ages 6 and older are invited to attend an evening of swimming, pizza, water games, and a PG-rated action-packed comedy adventure movie playing poolside. The center is located at 149 Clinton St. in Springfield. Call or visit its Facebook page to find out which film will be shown.

The event is three hours of supervised activity. There is space for only 25 children. Admission is $10 per child; members can attend at half-price. Children under 6 are welcome to attend with an adult.

Register in advance online or with Member Services by calling 802-885-2568.

Contact Sarah Tilden Gramling by emailing stilden@myreccenter.org or calling 802-356-1024 with any questions.

Feb. 18: Claremont Opera House showcases local talent

A local talent show hits the Claremont Opera House stage at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 18, sponsored by COH in conjunction with ClockTower Productions and World Under Wonder.

COH invited local and regional performers to showcase their talents, receiving an overwhelming response from participants for this year’s production. The group is finalizing the talent roster and will announce the line up soon.

General admission tickets are $10. Tickets will be available at the door. To purchase tickets in advance or for more information call 603-542-4433, or visit the theater at 58 Opera House Square in Claremont.

Feb. 22: Workshop helps identify scams and fraud

New frauds and scams seem to crop up daily. Identity theft, investment fraud and scams rob millions of Americans of their hard-earned money. AARP Vermont and Neighborhood Connections offer a workshop on how to protect yourself from these hustles at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 22 at 5700 Vermont 100 in Londonderry. The workshop is free and all are welcome.

Elliott Greenblott, the AARP Fraud Watch coordinator, will take you on a guided tour of how fraud is committed. Learn about how much fraud is out there and the behaviors that put you at risk; discuss strategies and tactics used by con artists; practice effective prevention strategies to avoid becoming a victim; and learn to access and share up-to-date information about fraud identification and prevention and where to go if you or someone you love has been a victim. The workshop will be followed by a Q&A session.

Space is limited: Call 802-824-4343 to reserve a seat.

Feb. 22: Talk on climate change’s affect on northern animals

Sue Morse, speaker and naturalist of Keeping Track returns to Cavendish Elementary School, 573 Main St. in Proctorsville at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 22 to present a talk titled The North—What Will Global Climate Change Mean for Them? The program is co-sponsored by the Grafton Nature Museum and the Cavendish Community and Conservation Association.

Impact of climate change on Northern animals to be discussed. Photo of Canada lynx by Eric Kilby.

The presentation is designed to educate audiences about ways in which northern wildlife species are affected by climate change and the serious challenges ahead. Canada lynx, moose, American marten, caribou, polar bear, arctic fox and arctic marine mammals and waterfowl are some of the species to be covered.

The program is for all ages. Suggested donation is $5 for adults and $2 for children. For more information, call Claire Walker at 802-226-7259.

Feb. 22-24: Kids art camps hosted in Chester

Community Art Garden in Chester offers a series of arts camps during the February school vacation week. The camps will be open-ended art stations with a focus on sensory and nature. Two age groups — 3 to 7 and 8- and up — will have the opportunity to play with ice painting, as well as create ice sculptures.

The Community Art Garden offers art camps for area children

The older group will have a chance to work on a large igloo-type structure outside, weather permitting.

Camp schedule is:
Ages 3–7

9:30–11 a.m.

Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 22 and 23
Tuition: $15 per day

Ages 8 and over

Noon–3 p.m.

Thursday and Friday, Feb. 23, 24
Tuition: $25 for one day or $45 for both days

Community Art Garden is located at 295 Main St. in Chester in the back of the Moon Dog Cafe building. Find more information about other programming and register for camps online at: www.communityartgarden.com or contact Emily Burkland at theartgardenvt@gmail.com or 802-289-3071.

— Susan Lampe-Wilson

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