I live in a relatively small community without much of a chess club. I find I'm a relatively big fish in a small pond and want to find players around my level (or stronger), but not under 1900, to work with to mutually improve each others game. My goal is to work toward getting the FM title, but next stop is NM.
A bit about me. My high rating is over 2150, right now I'm sitting at about 2100 slow national rating. I play only a sprinkle of slow and rapid otb tournaments a year. Mostly I'm playing a lot of online bullet chess. I'm probably worth at least a legitimate 2200 in this. (ie, I can easily get over 2400 at chesscube), etc. While playing a lot of bullet is fun, it isn't doing a lot for the slow game, which is what I want to improve.
Studying can be done solo, but at some point you have to reinforce theory with actual games, and at time controls other than bullet. It's also motivating to study and compete with someone of a similar level. When I try to get slower games online with random strangers, I end up getting nothing but casual or weak class players cheating with a program, which is why we all ended up playing bullet chess exclusively where online chess is concerned....to avoid such a tragedy. Now I want to find legitimate players who will not consult programs or databases unless we mutually agree to do so (ie; advanced chess), to work on certain concepts/openings. I'm willing to do chat/play sessions with skype, facetime, twitch, whatever. We can meet at any reasonable server. I have all the latest technology and most of the latest chess software, ebooks, etc, and am willing to share these resources. Lately I'm going through my Kasparov books. i have all twelve.
As for openings, my bread and butter is in black side of French, Dutch, Nimzo, QID, but am interested in learning more about Gruenfeld, SS, Slav, Sicilian, Ruy/Berlin, etc, and am open to others. For White I've mainly played 1.f4, 1.b3, and 1.e4, but am very interested in studying 1.d4/1.Nf3 and also 1.c4
I'm also interested in studying middlegame and endgame concepts. Mainly I want good legit players of around my level for rapid or slow sparring sessions and am open to chat and study suggestions beyond that.