






Don’t become so anti-sjw that you become anti-sj.

Don’t become so anti-feminist that you become anti-woman.

Don’t become so anti-fat acceptance that you become anti-fat people in general.

Don’t become so anti-BlackLivesMatter that you become anti-black people.

You know what they say about people who fight monsters; they’re very much capable of becoming one themselves.

And tumblr? Tumblr is infested with zombies. Don’t get bit.

Alright, I can see the differences between anti-SJW and anti-SJ, anti-feminism and anti-woman, and I won’t pretend there are no differences.

However, how is anti-fat-acceptance different from being anti-fat and how is anti-BLM different from being anti-black? Fat acceptance just means “Hey, you are acceptable as you are if you’re fat, and you’re not required to lose weight to get unconditional love and respect.” BLM just means “Hey, black lives matter too, contrary to what the rest of the world thinks.”

BLM is a movement, as such you can judge it not on what it claims to support, but by its actions. You have no obligation to support them. It is really no different than opposing feminism.

The difference between fat acceptance and people who happen to be overweight or obese is that you can be good person and not make someome feel horrible for being obese, but the fat acceptance side of tumblr and the movement that they are trying to create more than tolerance and politeness, but a false veil of support, which leads people to believe that there is nothing wrong with being obese. As this problem (which is almost always a result of personal choices) can drastically increase the risk of various diseases and health problems as well as the fact that treatment costs tax payers a lot of money, it is foolish to encourage people into that gaining large amounts of weight or discourage healthy weight loss. So yes, being anti fat acceptance groups differs from hating people who happen to be overweight.

You cannot actually judge feminism that way, because feminism as a hivemind of ideas does not exist. Feminists do not agree on what feminism entails, so what anti-feminists tend to see is an amalgam of all that they deem “bad feminism,” and then they point to it and call it feminism.

BlackLivesMatter is a movement within the black civil rights movement that thinks black people should not be killed for things white people would be arrested for or even let off with a warning.

BLM is against profiling and the shifting of rules when it’s convenient, it’s against demands of “Turn off your camera,” it’s against cops shootings black men in their cars, shooting black boys on mere suspicion that maybe they were holding a weapon, it’s against killing black people for noncompliance during an arrest, which, in case people have forgotten, is not grounds for execution.

BLM is against going too far for no apparent reason, it’s against the way we assume black people can take more pain than they can, it’s against the way we fear black people simply for being black (though of course we never say that, we justify our fear with words like “thug” and “gangster” and explain ourselves like “This is a shady area,” when we really mean this is a low income, generally non-white area.) Just what about all this is so evil? Please explain yourself with facts. Real facts.

Also, have you seen real fat positivity posts on here? Because… I don’t see a lot of encouragement towards skinny girls (notice that it’s always girls, we’ll get to that in a second) to put on hundreds of pounds. I don’t really notice that. What I do notice is attempts at combating the way that, for (not exclusively but most commonly, most socially-acceptably) women and people we perceive as women, “Fat” does not mean “Please, you’re almost 700 pounds, you can barely move or breathe and we’re worried for you.”

Oh no. Fat means “ugly, unlovable, unfuckable - and therefore worthless, unworthy of the right to live and exist, take up space, wear what you want to wear, eat without shame.” Fat-shaming encourages unhealthy behaviors, it doesn’t encourage health. What fat positivity is about, is combating fat-shaming - and shaming fatness is so prevalent that the sheer amount of positivity posts you see on Tumblr will never be enough to convince skinny girls as a whole to just put on a ridiculous amount of weight because being fat is beautiful. Tumblr is the only place not everyone looks at you as if you’re ugly, unlovable and unworthy of the right to exist if you’re overweight or obese.

Fat positivity helped me come to love myself, I don’t feel inherent shame in my body anymore. I don’t look at myself as something to fix. Any inclination I get to exercise more or eat less comes from a place of love for myself now, not shame and fear. Fat positivity, the idea that fat is beautiful, fat is okay, fat is courage, saved me from a lot of self-loathing that society drilled into my head - I am now able to divorce weight loss from shame. Talking about “health” does not come attached with all those ugly descriptors anymore for me.

If you really are “concerned” for us, you should stop standing against us, stop shaming us and condescending to us and treating us like a problem to fix.

Nope. Feminism is a movement. It is a combination of the actions of its members, good and bad. Feminism used to only be about white women for a long time. Now it helps other races. That is positive change. Feminism also used to not be so heavy handed with the misandry, but now it is. A negative change. Antifeminists see the good and bad and often judge that the bad is too large and too unchecked to support the movement. I would love if feminism kept its actions structly to its definitioni. Would also love if communism actually supported equality or if North Korea really was a democracy. But actions speak louder than definitions groups give themselves.

BLM is also a movement like you admitted, and just like any movement, is judged on the actions of its supporters. BLM also misjudges any situation that can be judged on race, often excusing the actions of a black suspect or criminal and blindly assuming that a white one would not be arrested. Dave Chappelle literally had a skit about black people refusing to admit that a black person can be guilty of a crime by denying or ignoring evodence. Tht is an actual problem in the black community, as is an actual threat to the lives of black people: gang violence. In the US, the average blavk person is many many times more likely to be killed by another black person than by the police. This isnt new. Black people killing other black people in incredibly high numbers used to be the topic of many black activists. BLM has on multiple occasion dome exactly what you have a problem with black people dealing withm they profile white people as bad. There are countless BLM supporters who are completely fine with claimong to want white people dead, and those that defend black people who kill white people. BLM has also highjacked many other events such as pride parades and memorials to make it all about them, when it certainly wasnt. It is this attitude that caused various races to come up with All Lives Matter, which of course was blamed on white people and thus labeled racism. These would be actions from the movement that call into question ones support.

First off, no one cares about skinny men because no one cares about men, especially on this website. Dont know if youve noticed, but people suffering anorexia or similar eating disorders actually do poat pictures of the weight gain and they do get support. Same with people who lose an appropriate amount of weight. It is not support of “yay now we dont have to make fun of you” it is “hey, you are working to be a healthy weight!” Because being too under or overweight most certainly cause or lead to health problems.

You may not belive this, but you 100k posts actually do have power. People treated being cis or heterosexual like an insult, and now people are making up genders and sexualities to not get labelled these things. So of course calling skinny or even fit women (not men because overweight men are made fun of on here too like neckbeard or mouthbreather) ugly or bitches is going to cause them to think they must become an ungealthy weight to be accepted. It also keeps people at unhealthy weights by discouraging weight loss. There is a difference between being against making fun of someone for their weight and telling then that they are healthy at any weight. And no, fat is not who you are. Fat is a choice. Your fat doesnt make you courageous, you do. Your fat doesnt make you sassy or smart, you do.

And no, i do not need to join your movements to support the causes. You even use the pronoun “us”. Well i am black and you have admitted to being white in another post, so instead of arguing with me about BLM, why dont you follow your own advice and discard your opinion and blindly support me? Anything else is opposition of race. Wouldnt want that, right?

No? You do not get to lump all feminists together as if we all agree on the same things. Try again. Saying it doesn’t make it true, there is genuinely no singular feminist movement anymore, and the fact that you are mixing two different sects of the general idea of feminism in your reply speaks volumes.

Last I checked, All Lives Matter had nothing to do with any of that, it was a flawed response to the false assumption that “Black Lives Matter” came with an invisible “only” before “Black.” Problems in the black community aren’t mine to solve, but it’s sure as hell my job as a white ally to shoot bullshit like this down. You can say a movement has to be judged by the actions its members carry out all you want, but it doesn’t mean it makes sense for you to only judge a movement by the worst of its worst.

I’m sorry, but Tumblr is just not the world. Tumblr is a website, it is not society. Skinny men get all the positivity they need just by existing in the world, they’re not worshipped for being skinny men but they are awarded the right to take up space, they are considered human beings worthy of respect when it comes to their weight and gender. That doesn’t take race or sexuality into account, but, for example, being gay does not erase the privilege you enjoy as a thin man, it just means you do not enjoy straight privilege - and rather experience homophobic oppression.

You are not understanding even a word of what I’m saying - people DO support those recovering from eating disorders because they are health-conscious. Most people don’t sit around like “Yes, time to bully a fatty because I think they are unworthy of respect!”, that is strawman nonsense. People don’t divorce health concern from shallow fat-shaming and misogyny, that is the problem. They think shaming works. They think condescending works.

For Christ’s sake, people aren’t making up genders to escape cis privilege. They’re making up words for how they feel because they’re exploring their identities. Stop telling people what they think and feel, that is genuinely pathetic of you. I fail to see how posts on a website, posts with attitudes that are echoed NOWHERE else, will make men as a whole believe that being male is wrong. When all you have to do is go on a different website to feel better about yourself, that should tell you a lot.

By “us,” I meant fat people, so I’m not quite sure what you’re trying to say here. I’m arguing with you because you’re judging a civil rights movement by the absolute worst of its worst people inside it which discredits the good this group achieves, I’m not here to tell you that your perspective as a black person is invalid. You should be doing what works for you. And I appreciate your unfunny attempt at a joke, but I believe I will do what I always do - take your perspective and add it to what I know so I can be a better ally and not end up saying and doing things that are racist in my attempts to help out.

Oh my, yes you can. You see, before joining any movement or group, it is your responsibility to research that group and their actions both good and bad. So either you saw all of the supported inequality in feminism and pretended like that wasnt a big part of the movement, or you simply failed to research properly. The problem with feminism right now, at least one of them, is the separation of feminism to exclude anything that makes the movement look bad. “Thats not real feminism” “those arent real feminists”. But none of that actually fixes the problem. Wild man haters still run rampant in the movement. Feminist groups still oppose equality for men in the by the thousands. And sadly, the feminists who actually care about equality are so miniscule in comparison that they do not have the numbers or power to change this. To top it off, i find it hilarious that you dont like groups being judged as a whole because you do the same thing to antifeminists, white people, and men on your blog, the latter two being increasingly unfair because they were born like that.

You seem to miss my response. BLM has on multiple occasions highjacked activism and efforts to bring attention to issues that are not about black people. BLM has on multiple occasions downplayed tragedies in other parts of the world because black people werent the main victims. And BLM constantly demanded media attention for even the most dismissable issues, which took attention away from bigger issues. The people that made BLM appear to suck up all the attention was BLM. So Native Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, and yes even White Americans started supporting All Lives Matter. And as expected, it was all blamed on racism and white people to make it alright to demonize. Again, we judge movements by all of their actions. The KKK has no recent bad actions. They clean up highways, hold bake sales, raise money for charity, but guess what? I will still judge them on the bad too. And the bad outweighs the good. Same with PETA. They do some good for animals, but there is too much corruption, too much false information, too many needless attacks and fear mongering. So surprise surprise, i can support helping animals and not support PETA. Under Nazism, animal safety and regulation skyrocketed, but did not outweigh the genocide. Communism does give most people equal pay, but exchanges it for freedom which outweighs any good that can come from it. Same with a ton of movements and groups.

The fat acceptance part of tumblr most certainly think people just sit around and make fun of overweight people, evident by the outrage of any overweight character having a flaw or assuming people lose weight purely to avoid being made fun of.

Oh my god, people are making up genders. Platonigender for people who like making friends, aquagender for people who like being around water, ursagender for people who identify as bears of all things, stargender for people who identify as aliens, sexualities for wanting to be friends first before love, sexualities based on race, sexualities based on age and so on. Tumblr and various other sites have so much blind hatred for people based on how they were born that it has fueled a regressive storm of fake genders and sexualities. You can honestly believe that you are a space alien or that you liking to be friends with people is a unique gender type all you want, but you shouldnt get mad when people end up not believing you. You cannot be mad when you identify as stargender and people refuse to use your voidself pronouns. Made up genders and sexualities are actually harmful for any cause you think you are suppirting because it fuels the notion that gender and sexuality is a choice. All because tumblr and other social media treat being straight or cis like the plague.

You are the one who brought up “us” as your group. I can use your same statement about black people. You stated that i should stop standing against your group. However i see your actions as standing against my group. In which case, you should follow your own advise. And again, judging a movement as a whole and not agreeing with it does not mean that you just looked at the bad. It means that you concluded that the bad outweighed the good, and feminism does support women like abuse and rape shelters for women, but doesnt support equality by opposing these same shelters for men.

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