I love this routine, because it’s not a rape joke. It’s a rape culture joke. It’s not making fun of the people who have been raped, but of both rape culture (not being able to just jog because it’s not safe) but of the idea that the only thing of value in a woman is her vagina.
There is no rape culture. No matter how much a country spreads that a crime is wrong, people will still commit said crime. There will always be someone. Any man who “jumps out” to rape you probably knows that it is against the law. They know it is wrong. They have been “taught” not to do it. That is why they are a criminal. The same goes for murderers, theives, ect.
Everyone has a reason to be scared when going out at night, not just women. Gendering being cautious of criminals is pretty stupid considering that you are ignoring violent attacks and murder (something that the gender you are excluding suffer more from).
The only ones perpetuating “rape culture” is people like you.
Ok I guess if we pretend porn and the entirety of the sex-trafficking industry just doesn’t exist…. Which it wouldn’t without DEMAND for it….
Noptthing that you have stated changes anything said.
First off, both things that you mentioned are gender neutral. Not to mention that a very large amount of those perpetrators of child trafficking are women.
Porn can exist. It isn’t illegal and both men and women partake in it. Calm down.
Sex trafficking, like rape and murder, have been around for years. people who do it know that it is wrong. Society does not encourage it, that is why it is done in secrecy. There is a reason that it is a crime and generally accepted as bad.
Again, what you said changes nothing about our comment.
I never said anything about gender. I would think evidence of men and boys getting raped would be an argument for rape culture and not against it.
The fact that porn exists at all is a reflection of culture, as are the laws allowing it. Many times porn depicts violence done to both men and women, and not only that but the industry has made itself free and available to everyone with Internet access- including young children who will be affected by those ideas long before they really start contributing to the culture itself.
Yes, sex trafficking is illegal, but that does not stop it from happening en masse. And it is not only the people running this industry that contribute to it, but the masses of “consumers” who buy into it and make it profitable.
Added up with dismal sentencing for both men and women rapists, nude photos and videos of rape being shared across high schools and social media, rampant prison rape in both female and male prisons, and rape of prostituted individuals by police, I think it’s safe to say that there is a problem regardless of the fact that these activities are illegal.
We have the ability to look at posts on your blog tagged with rape. You have many posts here that only mention women, some posts specifically stating that it is a women’s issue and that we should not talk about men. So forgive me for assuming that this was one of the many times that you were speaking specifically about women.
Porn is simply something used for the arousal of others. It is a booming industry where people choose to record their sexual actions for money. Whether or not there is corruption in the industry does not change this fact. I am sure that you are aware, but porn comes in literally thousands of different categories from gentle intercourse to rough. You cannot zoom in on one and ignore the rest. To top it off, porn actors consent to these actions. You cannot claim that it is such a bad thing for children because children should not be watching porn. Porn is no more influential on children than violent movies or vulgar television. Again, that is a choice and something parents should be handling themselves. If you honestly think that children mimicking what they see in porn is a problem, then you should have the same attitude towards violence in media and harsh language.
Again, sex trafficking is illegal for a reason. Perpetrators sneak around for a reason. Consumers hide their actions for a reason. It is already generally accepted as bad. It is already accepted as illeagal. People know it is wrong. There is no first world culture encouraging it. and arguably not in other places.
you also have a harsh misunderstanding of rape. More often than not, male rapists get harsh sentencing. Rapists even get attacked in prison for their actions. Female rapists however get a fraction of the sentencing. In fact, until 2015, more than half of the world’s population lived in a country where women couldn’t be rapists by definition. The US also had this until recently and we still struggle to identify women who force sex on others as rapists. Feminists (since you also tagged it feminism) in many of these areas have fought to keep the term gendered so women don’t get punished the same as men.
For the last time, it is not rape culture. Even R.A.I.N.N. has stepped in on this. Rape is the fault of the individual. People, especially boys, are consistant taught that rape is wrong. Those who choose to do so anyway more than likely know it is wrong and simply don’t care. That is why they are criminals. That is why it is illeagal.
you can claim rape culture in places where rape is encouraged by society and by law, where people’s actions are excused under law (like women not being counted as rapists by default) or where equality activist support the inequal law.
Actually my stance has been to rescind the feminist definition that says men cannot be raped because I think it’s unethical. I have said it multiple times before. So I actually agree with you there. Recent cases of rape say otherwise though, with a lot of attention paid to making sure we don’t ruin the life of promising young rapists like Brock Turner and the stubenville sickos
Sorry but people don’t regularly jack off to other forms of media. An organism is a hell of a conditioning tool. In case you want to look this is a pretty comprehensive sourced article that lays out the research. Research shows that porn is a supra normal stimulus due to many interlocking factors. It also supports that watching pornography does increase attitudes of aggression toward women and men (from homosexual porn). Considering the evidence that the most popular porn is overwhelmingly violent, what exactly are we teaching young boys again? Probably that sexual violence is normal.
I just don’t see the argument that adding even more rapists and rape victims by acknowledging that men and women can do both is evidence that there is not a rape culture. The rest (like the sex industry patrons being overwhelmingly male, videos and nude photos being circulated on social media, the rape by police of prostituted individuals (the police it would seem are protected by their co workers), and even the rampant rape in prisons the government doesn’t seem to care about) you didn’t acknowledge.
Just because something is illegal (besides pornography, which is completely legal even though the evidence shows that is is harmful and does affect cultural attitudes towards violence and sex, and like I said free of access to literally any 12 year old with a smart phone) does not mean it cannot be a part of the culture. If rape was truly not okay with us, so many of us would not be choosing to get off on depictions of sexual violence regularly.
Another long response from my phone on the tumblr app is coming.
Your blog itself shows a bit of contradiction to your claim.
The Brock Turner case is iffy at best and was spun way out of proportion by the media similarly to matters girl. A lot of attention was brought to it specifically because it was rare that a man got the sentencing that a woman would get for that crime.
You clearly do not understand how young minds take in information. Porn will not change a child’s behavior any more than violent television. On the topic, scientific studies have been made proving that playing violent video games does not lead to violent behavior. Video games are fun and playing releases a number of chemicals in the brain, but still the actions watched do not lead to actions made. In addition, Anita Sarkeesian tried the same argument with sexism in video games and it was proven false. In that case, we can surmise that porn will have a similar result.
You want to know what young boys are taught? Not to harm girls. more so than being taught not to harm people in general, boys are taught not to hit or harm girls, even to the point of refusing to defend themselves against an attackong woman. This has become a code in being a gentleman, chivalry, and imprinted on men through life. You will notice that women and girls are not taught a gender specific code on who is and isn’t okay to harm.
Again, something being available to a child does not make that thing bad. Horror movies are available to children literally on cable, Hulu, Netflix, ect. American Horror Story can mentally scar a child for all you know. That doesn’t make AHS bad. You would look to parents or legal gardians to why your child is watching these things and hold them responsible. Same with porn. When I was younger, I technically had access to the alcohol in the house. The fact that I could have downed it doesn’t make alcohol bad jn general. That it’s s parental issue, not one with alcohol.
You don’t want to start on crimes and gender because I could bring up child abuse and murder, as well as sex trafficking having mostly female aggressors/criminals as a reason to point a finger to women. I could even call it a problem with the matriarchy, since women are typically in charge of these sex trafficking organizations and are typically the one trusted to parent/supervise the child. I don’t think you want that conclusion.
Don’t pretend like we didn’t acknowledge other points because we did. going out for a jog and being in prison are two entirely different things. Your chances of being attacked or raped in prison are astronomically higher than out of prison. Wanda Sykes is making a joke about a very rare crime.
Your argument is terrible. “If rape wasn’t okay with us, we wouldn’t watch it” but murder isn’t okay with us and we watch it. Child abuse isn’t okay with us yet we watch it. dismembering bodies isn’t okay with society, but we have game of thrones right there gaining viewers. dangerous car chases are highly discouraged, but I bet you will see them on the big screen. Slavery is frowned upon, and yet south park makes jokes about it. I bet you have heard of the itmtmnfamous feminist has tag #killalmen, with literally millions of hits infamous the internet, most in support. I assume you conclude that a crap ton of feminists think genocide is okay.
Someone enjoying an acted out version of something is much different than actually supporting it. Someone finding an act entertaining is not the same as them doing it. If this were untrue, we would also live in a murder culture, a child abuse culture, a false rape accusation culture, a torture culture, a slavery culture, a genocide culture, ect. People watch these things on television. These things are going on in prison. Very rarely do crimes like these occur. Occording to your logic, this means that we encourage it.
I disagree that the two rape cases I brought up were blown out of proportion.
You clearly do not understand the affect that orgasm has on the reward centers in the brain and on the brains neuroplasticity. Do you truly think simply watching something happen will have as an intense affect on neuroplasticity as masturbating to something? Because that is a false equivalency you laid out. I fail to understand why you would not see the whole business of porn as a totally moral aspect of the culture and a totally harmless one? And that you think it’s okay that this violent material is this easy for 12 year olds to access because hours and hours of it are free right on the Internet? And you think it’s totally harmless for 12 year olds to watch porn, many before they have even been with another person? Really, no logic at all to the “porn is harmless” argument.
Your parents bought that alcohol and placed it in your house within your reach. No ones family can stop kids from seeing porn if they wanted to or get shown it. It’s accessible inside anyones home anywhere. Access to it is virtually omnipresent. In truth it is highly unregulated. And most of it is violent.
Please explain how somebody ENJOYING something is them NOT supporting it?? People do not watch movies with the intent to “enjoy” watching slavery like wtf? Movies can evoke other feelings besides pleasure and enjoyment and they are meant to do that. People DEFINITELY watch porn intent on enjoying it.
I didn’t say “if rape wasn’t okay with us, we wouldn’t watch it” I said if rape wasn’t okay with us, we wouldn’t jack off to it. Do you jack off to murder depicted on screen? I’m sure some people do and those people would scare me for fucking sure.
You can disagree all you want with the rape cases, but you have to offer a counterargument. Both cases had social media in an uproar off of the accusation alone. No evidence was shown. Mattress girl had her story proven false by her own text messages. In fact there was next to no evidence that her story was true and that the accused actually raped her. But no one paid attention to that part. Despite him being found innocent in multiple courts, mattress girl was blindly believed. She got on magazine covers, got feminist awards, interviews, a free grade, blind support of peers and even a stupid rape reenactment porno (which actual rape victims typically wouldn’t partake in). Blown out of proportion means that without any evidence, she was blindly supported. It means that with contradictory evidence, this barely changed. Similar to the Brock Turner case. All people heard was rape and the sentencing and they shut off their brains. Do you know what that does? Girls and women everywhere will learn that lying about rape is profitable. People will know that a simple accusation is enough for blind support. People falsely believe that rape is taken lightly in a country that cracks down hard in it (when men do it), leading to poor activism.
No one said porn was harmless. Nothing is harmless. There is always a small fraction of something that isn’t on the up and up. Credible Porn businesses have incredibly detailed instructions on how to treat their employees. all men are required to wear condoms now, age of consent is strictly enforced. Consent forms are strictly enforced. Actors get checked for STDs like crazy, ect. There will always be people who do not follow the rules or people who try and get around them, actors included. That doesn’t make them all bad. The porn industry is surprisingly critical.
You fail to realize that orgasms are not the only thing to release chemicals to the brain. I can almost promise that 12 years old boys are playing hours more video games than they are watching porn. There are people who spend their lives working just afford and play video games all day. There is a reward given by the body for playing. And again, children do not suddenly think killing people is fine just because they have fun doing it on God of war or GTA.
You haven’t really disproven anything with alcohol and porn. children in my neighborhood who wanted alcohol could get it no problem. In your house, stolen, bought by a friend or family member, homemade, ect. If you can get alcohol in prison, children can find a way to it. Again, having access to porn doesn’t make it bad. No one said porn had no drawbacks. It can scar a kid. But again, parenting. Tell them no. and btw, porn can be very educational. Someone could easily have intercourse without watching porn and have a dangerous experience. condoms, pain, relaxation, ect. Educational.
You really lost the argument when you just got mad that enjoying watching something doesn’t equal condoning it. For like the 8th time, kids play violent video games all the time, but that doesn’t mean kids are okay with murder. people enjoy watching shows involving torture, killings, abuse, ect and it doesn’t mean that they support it in real life. I enjoyed 12 years a slave, south park’s episode on slavery, and even a recent family guy episode where Mort Goldman was a sex slave. You will notice that I am not cheering on the rampant slavery in Africa now. my neighbor and her child have been watching plays and movies of Sweeney Todd for over 10 years. Neither one has the desire to or supports killing people and turning them into pies to feed to others. But they found the story entertaining. The point of video games, tv, and yes even porn, is to entertain you by showing you different points of view and experiences that you most likely wouldn’t have experienced yourself. You don’t have to support crime to enjoy shameless. You don’t have to support antisemitism to enjoy south park. You don’t have to support cannibalism to enjoy Sweeney todd. It is borderline hilarious that I need to explain this.
You fail to see that someone enjoying something, laughing at a joke about jews on south park, enjoying beating up random people on GTA, or masterbating to pornography does not mean that they actually support the real life action. It is called acting. Someone enjoying a hackneyed porn scene of a pizza delivery guy coming in and having intercourse with the actor without a word is not the same as them wanting some stranger come after them in your own home in real life. That would be terrifying. A child fling a real plane into a building? Scary. Feeding on human meat in the form of pastries? Mortifying. But there is a difference. If enjoying something was the same as approving of it, we would have a whole bunch more restrictions on entertainment.
Not rape culture. Just adult choices.