









Doesn’t like that women are viewed sexually, but has hot shirtless guys all over their blog.

Doesn’t like that women can be judged on their breasts size, but has no qualms about making fun of men’s penis sizes.

Claims that all women’s voices should be respected, unless they disagree with feminists.

Doesn’t like women being called bitches, but has no problems calling men dicks, assholes, and bastards.

Bases their entire opinion on men’s struggles and mras on stereotypes of men and what they hear from friends.

Thinks the opinions of anyone who is white, male, straight, or cis matter less or not at all.

Thinks gay males have a privelege life becuase they’re male.

Tells people to “check their male privelege”, while ignoring the many many benefits and advantages of being female in western society.

Uses the word “privelege” to erase the opinion of others.

Tells people to kill themselves.

Talks about how ugly males are/furthering the assumption that their worth is determined by their looks or money.

Demands respect from men but does not offer the same in return.

Claims rape jokes aren’t funny, but joke about killing all men (genocide/murder joke).



“Check your privelege.”

Refuses to be critical of their own movement.

Supports Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe quinn, Mary Koss, or Amy Poelher.

Assumes anyone who disagrees with them is cis/male/white/heterosexual.

Thinks “manspreading”, “stare rape”, or being called bossy is oppressive.

Makes gender nuetral issues or issues that men experience more (such as domestic violence, murder, rape, or gendered jobs) into “women’s issues”.

Thinks anyone who isn’t a feminist or disagrees with them is a misogynist.

Dilutes the meaning of misogyny by claiming even the smallest inconveniences as misogyny.

Thinks misandry doesn’t exist.

Ignores or even encourages the abuse of men.

Encourages negative stereotypes and criticizes “not all men”, while opposing negative stereotypes of other groups.

Thinks the exact same problem isn’t a problem when it happens to males.

Encourages treating males poorly.

Uses the definition that feminism gave itself to excuse their actions.


Yes, the mindless question marks instead of a valid counterargument could go on this list as well. Thank you for the addition

Some parts of this post, yes. Other parts, noooooooooooooooo. I’ve broken what I disagree with or have questions about down:

“Doesn’t like women being called bitches, but has no problems calling men dicks, assholes, and bastards.”

You know how slurs are words that have been used to assist in oppressing large groups of people over time? Do you think ‘dick’, ‘asshole’, and ‘bastard’ have that same pull? You can argue that ‘bastard’ might, but I would argue that it very much started out as a gender neutral, descriptive term to describe someone who was illegitimate and wouldn’t be eligible to an inheritance.

“Thinks gay males have a privelege life becuase they’re male.”

They do! They have male privilege. They don’t have straight privilege or straight male privilege. There are different types of privileges that can add up or take away from each other. For instance, I’m mixed: black and white. In some instances, I do benefit from white privilege. In others, I do not. It’s important for me to recognize this about myself because I canNOT put myself in the same basket as someone who is full black or has dark skin - we don’t experience racism or prejudice the same way.

“Tells people to “check their male privelege”, while ignoring the many many benefits and advantages of being female in western society.”

This is tricky. What advantages are you talking about? Often times a lot of the things people see as benefits are actually positive stereotypes (which means they are only thinly disguised disadvantages). Let’s take the “advantage” of being more likely to get away with a crime for example. You might look at this and think, “Damn, women have it so lucky! They can get away with anything!”, however, you have to think about why this is the case. Why are women let off more easily? Is it because they’re viewed as better than men and just less likely to do something bad? No! It’s because they’re generally viewed as weaker, more dumb (although more conniving - as an art history major I can tell you that oxymoron goes WAYYYY back), and not deserving of harsher punishments because they’re supposed to be a mother/caretaker of some sort. So, like I said, a thinly disguised disadvantage because it reinforces quite a few negative ideas about women. This is not an “advantage” feminist want! It’s why we talk about toxic masculinity.

“Claims rape jokes aren’t funny, but joke about killing all men (genocide/murder joke). #killallmen”

Let’s look at this realistically for a second. One of these is a LOT more likely than the other. And I could understand your issue from the perspective of joking about genocide and being insensitive towards members of groups who have had to deal with genocide, but a few people online joking about killing an entire 50% of the population when they aren’t even paid equally to that 50% is a little too ludicrous to be taken as seriously as a rape joke (when I believe 1 in 6 women & 9% are the victim of rape or attempted rape during their lifetime), in my opinion.

“Thinks “manspreading”, “stare rape”, or being called bossy is oppressive.”

Have you ever heard of the term “microaggression”? It refers to small things, like those you listed above, that add up over time. In terms of anti-black racism it would be things like touching someone’s afro without their permission, not believing them when they say they’re from Illinois, talking about your “inner black girl”, etc. These things promote the idea of objectifying black people, taking away their agency, emphasizing their “exoticism” and so on. The same can be said for the things you listed! Manspreading reinforces the idea that a woman should not take control over her own space; that she should be small and submissive in general. “Stare rape” is something I’ve never heard of, but it sounds like it’s when you keep staring at someone and you just won’t stop no matter how uncomfortable they seem? Like how women are supposed to respond positively to most interaction so you just keep going with it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And being called bossy is sort of obvious to me, since it generally starts when girls are very young and just testing out their confidence, therefor influencing them from a very young age.

“Makes gender nuetral issues or issues that men experience more (such as domestic violence, murder, rape, or gendered jobs) into “women’s issues”.”

If by gender neutral issues you mean issues that members of both party experience, you’re right. But if you mean gender neutral issues as something a relatively equal amount of both parties experience, you’re wrong on at least one account. As I’ve listed above, many more women are raped than men. And true! Many male rapes go unreported, but the numbers are so drastically different I doubt that would even them out. I also feel like we have different views on the term “women’s issues” - to me, it sounds like something that affects mostly women that women are trying to figure out how to fix.

“Thinks misandry doesn’t exist.”

If misogyny is institutional (like racism), how/where does misandry exist? Do you also believe in reverse-racism or is this just something you’re using to support this specific argument?

So! No mindless question marks. Sorry it was so long - I wanted to explain myself well. Also, it was a bit hard to put this into easy-to-read sections, so I apologize for that as well! I hope this argument was valid enough to meet your standards.

You would be one of those feminists who does not believe in equality. You have already adhered to quite a few bulletpoints

1. Whether you think one insult is better or worse than another, you are trying to justofy a gendered insult that have the same effect. Bitch is the female version of bastard. Synonyms include dick, asshole, pig, ect. These are typically directed at men in the same way that dick is used. If you think one is bad, you must also conclude that the other is bad. Examples of this are people like Nicki Minaj condemning the use of the word bitch while consistantly referring to men as assholes, dicks, bastards, and n*gga (which is almost always reffering to males). Double standard. You see it as less terrible to say because a bigger deal isnt made about it. And one isnt allowed to be without backlash.

2. Everone experiences racism. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. To try and overlook and cover up what homosexual men go through with that is insulting. If anything, the stricter gender roles that men face make being homosexual harder.

3. Again, you are incorrect.

Here we have a group of women discussing another woman who cut her husbands penis off and put it in the garbage disposal. She did a horrible thing and the response was laughter. The women, who usually take attacks like this seriously when they happen to women, laugh and make excuses for the woman when she does it to a man. They had to publically apologize and couldnt even do that woth a straight face. No where in there is the woman deemed weaker. They acknowledge what she did and found it comical.


Here we have a woman publically attacking a man. She is verbally and physically abusing him in public. The woman is on a clear position of power and clearly committing a crime, yet the viewers see no problem with it. “He probably did something to deserve it” was a frequent response. Even an off duty police officer saw no problem with it.

Do you know #bringbackourgirls? Of course you do, because people gave that attention. But before that, in the same schools, in those same countries, Boko Haram brutally murdered the boys and let the girls go. It was only recently that girls also became effected. Unfortunately, no one cared about the boys who were being murdered.m even after focus from social media turned to the situation. Neither social media nor news media gave any attention to the literal gendered terroriam tje situation only became relavent and newsworthy when women were effected.

Now with a society that sees the health and well being of women to be of greater value instead of equal, we see abuse shelters, rape shelters and suicide hotlines being gendered. As of now, the amount of mens abuse shelters can be counted on ones fingers. For a majority of the world, rape is considered a crime that only men can commit by definition. In many countries, women who rape men and boys receive no prison sentence based purely on their gender. Despite men being the majority victim of suicide, homelessness and and murder, many if not moat campaigns against this are often geared towards helping female victims exclusively.

And yes, lower prison sentences, less likely to be arrested for a crime, more liely yo be treated as innocent until proven guilty, ect. The same as white people vs. Black people, with the added bonus of literally getting points for parole atrictly because of gender. Are black people treated this way because white people are deemed weaker? Are you admitting that it isnt white privelege?

That would be female privelege. Getting away with the same crimes, having ones life being seen as more important, ect. When it happems to people based on race, it is apparently white privelege, but the same advantage for women is somehow actually misogyny? To ignore or excuse the clear advantages women receive would be yet another example of you not actually caring for equality.

4. Murder is actually more a more likely crime than rape. The 1 in 4 atatistic that is often used is false. It was made by feminist mary koss, who has admitted on multiple occasions to having bias. She has admitted that she does not consider wen capable of rape or sexual assault. She has also revealed that her definition of rape, included in the study, was very wagered down. She considers that if a guy promises breakfast for the wan before intercourse and doeant deliver, he has raped her. That if both the man and wan are drunk, it is rape, but only the woman was raped. She is not a person who can objectively prepare a study.

The common feminist reaponse to rape jokes is that they encourage rape. It has already been proven that the other argument regarding video games and rape amd sexism were false. But let us pretend like joking about a crime encourages it. #killallmen would be encouraging murder and genocide. Men are already the majority victim of murder all over the world, and we know women often get much lower sentencing if any for serious crimes. By feminist logic, joking about murder encourages murder, and there are a lot of murder jokes in feminism. Murder is easily arguably worse than rape. If you believe rape jokes encourage rape, you should believe murder jokes encourage murder. Equality.

5. “Manspreading” is not a thing. Biologically, men have smaller pelvises and external genitals. This means that widening ones legs is not only natural, but more comfortable. Even while alseep, a man will spread his legs. This protects the testicles, which are sensitive enough to not work properly if heated too much. Women may not be able to tell the difference, but men can. It is not an attack on women. If you want to talk about taking up space, how aboit the tins of women who put bags on the seats and lay down on seats? That is a choice and in no way is needed. I could easily turn your argument around and say that it is microaggression towards males.

“Stare rape” is when a person looks at you (doesnt even have to be staring) without your consent. It started out as a joke, but people began believing it to be true and accusing people of raping them by looking at them without permission. It is laughable.

6. You have no idea how many men are raped, especially in the US. Until about 5 years ago, the united states classified rape as a crime that only biologocal men could commit. Women who forced sexual intercourse on men were not counted. This means that while women raped by men was recorded, the only rape of men was only recorded if it was man on man. When you include female rapists, and the same definitions feminists use for rape, men are outaode of prison are reaped at roughly the same rates, and women are rapists roughly 40 percent of the time.

With rape being assumed gendered, government funded rape shelters are made for women only. This continues to be true all over the world. As with the video shown with the wan assaulting the man and the cop not caring, the same treatment is given to male rape victims. If a man is drunk and a sober wan has sex with him, it typically wouldnt be considered rape. Women who rape boys often have the crime labeled as something dofferent like “had sexual encounters with a 9 year old boy”. A male in the same situation would be called a rapist undoubtedly.

Homelessness is a gender neutral issue, but effects more men than women. However, many homeless shelters are women only. In fact, in Ohio, both my father and I were refused shelter from a “gender neutral” shelter because they had a quota for women, for the minority of victims. Suicide is a crime that effects way more men than women in almost every country in the world. Even calling this a gender neutral issue does not stop favor from going to women. Suicide hotlines in the UK and the US, are typically gemdered the fact that men are often laughed off the phone or not taken serioisly. The speakers have been recorded in treating suicide ad a womena issue.

The recent US recession was gender neutral, but hit male dominated jobs harder. When asked for governent help, the people in charge were persuaded by feminists to give that money to female dominated jobs. Again, making it into a womens issue.

7. Misandry most certainly exists, and there is no such thing as “reverse racism”. It is just called racism. Hating and negatively gemeralizing someone based on race is juat racist. It doesnt matter what race the ravist is and it doesnt matter what race the victim is.

You have already been shown examples of misandry, but here are some more.


So basically, you are a feminist who picls and chooses whem an action ahould be fought against, depending on the race and gender of the victim. You just make assumptions about how little you think people go through and make excuses for the things that are already out there.

You are a feminist who does not believe in equality.

Whoa, I actually didn’t know that about myself! Thanks so much for telling me who I am - I’ll make sure to make the necessary changes to my resume to make sure there’s no more confusion. :)

Let me return the favor of picking apart an argument without any of the silly quotes and whatnot. Oh, but I can’t forget to put on my little hat of knowledge that tells me everything I need to know about you!

1. You think calling someone silly is just the same as using a slur against them, since all insults are the same.

2. You think that if you look at someone’s advantages instead of their disadvantages 24/7, you’re completely ignoring the problem.

3. You are physically incapable of reading the words “toxic masculinity” anywhere they might be, since that doesn’t ever seem to help your argument at all.

4. You really like making yourself sound wrong!

5. You think laying down on seats is something only females do.

6. You have a really good idea about how many men are raped. WAY better than any idea I could have had on it. You’re the authority on this and you hold all the knowledge about it - so why would I even try to argue?

7. You don’t believe in institutional racism.

So basically, you’re someone who has a set argument, set agenda, and doesn’t need to take care in their response because you already have all the knowledge you could possibly want.

See how ridiculous that was?

Now, pettiness aside, let me give you an actual response.

1. As I said in my post: “…slurs are words that have been used to assist in oppressing large groups of people over time.” The word to emphasize in there is ‘oppression’. Maybe even emphasize the phrase ‘over time’. In my post, I also detailed a bit of the history regarding the term ‘bastard’, and how it was not used to oppress men, but rather used as a descriptive term for people (regardless of gender) who were considered illegitimate. ‘Bitch’ is not the female version of ‘bastard’. They’re closer in meaning now, but their histories tell different stories, and that’s important when it comes to slurs.

2. No. Not everyone experiences racism. You can say that everyone experiences hate or prejudice, but not racism. Racism is institutional. White people are not discriminated against by the country/system/society as a WHOLE for being white. Gay men are not discriminated against by the country/system/society as a whole for being men. They are discriminated against for being gay. They have male privilege. Not straight privilege, but male privilege. I’m not sure what part of saying that homosexual men don’t experience straight privilege is me ignoring what they go through, but I have a feeling we’re not going to see eye to eye on this and I can’t make myself more clear.

3. To quote you: “Getting away with the same crimes, having ones life being seen as more important, ect. When it happems to people based on race, it is apparently white privelege, but the same advantage for women is somehow actually misogyny?” Now, if you will refer to what I wrote in my previous post, you’ll see that I pointed out how looking at why something happens is basically how you tell whether it’s a positive stereotype or not. Why do more white people get away with the same crimes black people don’t really get away with? Even if you say that we put both white people and women up on pedestals, then it does go back to white privilege and misogyny! Putting someone up on a pedestal is a way of dehumanizing them (again, thinly veiled positivity). But! The difference here would be who’s putting who on a pedestal. Relating to the whole court case theme we have going here, the question becomes “who’s the judge?”. Is a black judge putting a white person on a pedestal? Or is the judge white as well. Is a female judge putting a female on a pedestal? Or is the judge male? With this example, you need to zoom out and look at general positions of power throughout thousands of years. Also, to quote myself: “It’s why we talk about toxic masculinity.”

4. Ok, first of all, I never used the 1 in 4 statistic. I used the 1 in 6 one, and actually later I found one that said 1 in 5 and I believe that one was from a federal source. I also would like to correct my statistic on male rape victims! I found 1 in 71 on two other sources, so that statistic is probably more accurate (as far as reported cases go). Now, you said, “The common feminist reaponse to rape jokes is that they encourage rape. It has already been proven that the other argument regarding video games and rape amd sexism were false.” I haven’t heard of whatever study this came from before, but I’ll definitely take your word for it! (Although in my personal opinion the issue is more along the lines of normalization and desensitization than encouragement). But going back to your quote - why is #killallmen so important to you, then? I get that it’s a double standard but why put your argument there instead of arguing against false facts about rape jokes? “If you believe rape jokes encourage rape, you should believe murder jokes encourage murder.” Once again, I understand what you’re trying to say, but also you’re wrong on murder being more likely than rape, which really doesn’t help your argument. If you look at the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, you’ll see that while yes, males are more likely to be murdered than females (77% of murder victims are male) they are also most likely doing the murdering (90% of murderers are male). In addition to that, there’s a difference between genocide and murder and one requires massive amounts of power. This answer’s getting pretty long, so I’ll leave it like this unless you want more of an explanation.

5. Hopefully that was just poor phrasing, but do you believe that laying down on seats is a predominantly female thing to do? Because I would argue that it’s not, just because of the vulnerable nature of that position. Speaking of vulnerability - manspreading! From my perspective, your biology argument really doesn’t take into account that it’s comfortable for anyone to spread their legs. Girls don’t naturally cross their legs or sit with their legs together - just look at little kids! I (a girl) sit with my legs spread all the time! But I was taught that when other people are sitting close to me, I need to make room for them. That’s where the difference comes in. Putting your bag on the seat when it’s crowded is rude, yes, I agree. Unless you have something going on where you really don’t want someone to sit next to you. Maybe you’ll get them sick or have a panic attack or something. Other than that, yes, it’s very inconsiderate. And I think we both agree about “stare rape”.

6. First of all, I’m very sorry that happened to you and your father. There really shouldn’t be quotas on something like that, and I hope you or someone else can make a change someday. Second of all, what you’re talking about quite a bit here is toxic masculinity! Thinking men can’t get raped, thinking they can’t be abused, thinking they can’t be depressed, etc. etc. That’s alllll toxic masculinity, which is something all the feminists I know are against. So I feel like we’re sort of on the same page here? Maybe with some misunderstandings. But the main point is toxic masculinity is terrible and fucks everything up.

7. We are absolutely not going to see eye to eye on this if you think that institutional misandry is perpetuated against men and institutional racism is perpetuated against white people. There’s not a lot of leeway here with me.

Please do not ever tell me who I am or what I believe in ever again.

Oh fun, we get to speak again.

Your concept of equality is incredibly biased and wrong.

Now let us go through your admittedly petty words and
analyze, shall we?

“1. You think
calling someone silly is just the same as using a slur against them, since all
insults are the same.”

I specifically mentioned gendered insults. You cannot advocate to stop one
gendered insult while perpetuating another. That makes you a hypocrite.

“2. You think that
if you look at someone’s advantages instead of their disadvantages 24/7, you’re
completely ignoring the problem.”

Incorrect. Between
the two of us the one ignoring equality is you. When you deny that males have
to go through some terrible stuff based purely on their gender, you are not
displaying a proper concept of equality. When you excuse behavior of people
because they are attacking the “right” groups, you are not displaying a proper
concept of equality. When you don’t even put effort in researching before
declaring that men don’t have to deal with stuff, you are doing a pretty bad
job at the whole equality thing.

“3. You are physically incapable of reading the words “toxic
masculinity” anywhere they might be, since that doesn’t ever seem to help your
argument at all.”

“Toxic Masculinity”
is what feminists use to blame men for their strict gender roles. You are quick
to defend gender roles for women, but when you see men adhering to them, you
make fun of them and blame them. Let me ask you, when a female magazine writer
made up the thigh gap and got a bunch of girls self counsious about their
thighs, what did you do? You blamed boys. A problem started by and perpetuated
by women had women to blame. What about women not liking men who aren’t fit?
Cant be that individual woman’s fault, no that is men’s fault. Men not coming
forward as victims of domestic violence? Cant be Mary Koss’s, the woman who
prodiced the deluth method and made it dangerous for men to call the police for
protection against women, fault because then we cant blame men,

“4. You really
like making yourself sound wrong!”

Not even worth
responding to

5. You think laying down on seats is something only females do.

When your entire
argument against “manspreading” is that seats are taken up, then instead of
attacking the men with a biological need, why not attack the people who bring
tons of shopping bags on buses? Why not go after people who lay down on the buses?
No, you would rather paint men as bad than address that women may be part of
the problem. Men spreading their legs is not some active attempt to hurt women. It is biological.  Men’s legs naturally extend outward.

“6. You have a
really good idea about how many men are raped. WAY better than any idea I could
have had on it. You’re the authority on this and you hold all the knowledge
about it - so why would I even try to argue?”

Well, when you
put  no effort into researching, then
yeah. When you don’t believe that men can face misandry, you don’t notice
things like entire countries not counting it as rape when women do it, skewing
rape rates in studies. When you make it into a womens issue based on popular
opinion instead of facts, it would be best not to argue.

“7. You don’t believe in institutional racism.

So basically, you’re someone who has a set argument, set agenda,
and doesn’t need to take care in their response because you already have all
the knowledge you could possibly want.

See how ridiculous that was?”

Not really? If I
do, as you say “have all the knowledge”, then I should be able to defend my
claims, which I do well.

Now onto your next post. “Bastard” is much more gendered
than “bitch”. It is just as much used for description. If a woman smacks food
out of your hand and laughs as she runs away, you may call her a bitch. A man
does the same thing, and you may respond by calling him a bastard, dick, asshole,
ect. You are one of those people who defends the woman being called a bitch
while agreeing with the man being insulted. They are both gendered insults. Either
they are all okay or none are. Your concept of oppression means nothing here.

“2. No. Not
everyone experiences racism. You can say that everyone experiences hate or
prejudice, but not racism.”

You are just
naming synonyms now. If you are hated for your race, you are a victim of
racism. You cannot change definitions to meet your fabricated concept. What you
are saying s “yes, you can be hated and negatively generalized for your race,
but it isn’t racism. “ Racism, by definition, can happen to anyone. For
instance, if you hate white people, you are racist. It doesn’t matter what your
race is. Here we have an example of you defending the horrible actions against
a race of people.

“ Racism is
institutional. White people are not discriminated against by the country/system/society
as a WHOLE for being white.”

Ah, but they can.
Off the top of my head comes affirmative action. A potentially more qualified
white person can be denied a job or college to make room for a potentially less
qualified black person. Being denied admition to college or a job strictly because
of your race IS racist.

“ Gay men are not
discriminated against by the country/system/society as a whole for being men.
They are discriminated against for being gay. “

Incorrect. I
literally showed you an entire list, but you didn’t even take the time to read.

Just like straight
men, gay men are men and suffer from…

Men are the overwhelming majority of rape victims

Male rape has been called “The most closely guarded secret of American prisons.” (Weiss and Friar 1974)

There are estimated to be over 300,000 male rapes per year in American prisons and jails.


According to the 2009 United States National Crime Victimization Survey estimates, only 55% of rapes and sexual assaults were reported to law enforcement officials. When a male is raped, less than 10% are believed to be reported. Female-male and female-female rape are ignored altogether in this survey.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Crime_Victimization_Survey

(since gay men can still get married to wimen and have children, and many do)

Men get screwed over in divorce and custody courts

A woman is the party filing for divorce in about 66% of divorce cases.

“How often was it that many more of women wanted the divorce more than the men?
2/3. The same as the amount responsible for divorce filings. And yet another study of divorced couples found that the majority of divorced wives and husbands both agreed it was the wife who wanted out.”

Women receive custody in about 84% of child custody cases.

In the spring of 2002, an estimated 13.4 million parents had custody of 21.5 million children under 21 years of age whose other parent lived somewhere else. About 5 of every 6 custodial parents were mothers (84.4 percent) and 1in 6 were fathers (15.6 percent), proportions statistically unchanged since 1994



According to Los Angeles divorce consultant Jayne Major:

“Divorced men are often devastated by the loss of their children. It’s a little known fact that in the United States men initiate only a small number of the divorces involving children. Most of the men I deal with never saw their divorces coming, and they are often treated very unfairly by the family courts.’”

Paternity fraud is rampant in the U.S.

30% of those named as fathers who test for paternity find they are not the biological father.

Not only is all this imbalance around marriage and children unfair to men, we must also consider that the damaged inflicted on fatherless children is staggering:


Men are often screwed over in the Justice System as well.

There is blatant anti-male discrimination in the criminal justice system and the sentencing disparity between men and women exceeds that between whites and any other minority.

Avg sentences for crime by gender:

Female – 18.51 months
Male – 51.52 months

“Judge bashes Probation Department for gender bias in favor of leniency for girls”

The 2006 United States’ rate of incarceration of 751 inmates per 100,000 population is the highest reported rate in the world, well ahead of the Russian rate of 628 per 100,000.

93% of the prison population is male with over 60% having no High School education.   America has now passed Russia as the country that has the largest percentage of its population incarcerated, yet we still claim to be the freest country on earth.

The number of persons on probation and parole has been growing dramatically along with institutional populations. There are now 7.2 million Americans incarcerated or on probation or parole, an increase of more than 290 percent since 1980.

The problem of sentencing disparities is compounded by an epidemic of false accusations:

205 (and growing) wrongly convicted people have been exonerated by DNA evidence since the beginning of the Innocence Project.

204 of the wrongly convicted were men.

Most of them were falsely imprisoned for rape.

As we saw in the Duke Lacrosse rape case  fiasco, false accusers are rarely prosecuted and when they are it is only as a misdemeanor (at most), while rape itself is vigorously prosecuted as a felony. The Duke false accuser, Crystal Gayle Mangum went on to commit assault, arson and finally murder before authorities made a good faith intervention.

One attorney speaking at premiere for the movie, After Innocence, estimates that there are between 20,000 and 100,000 wrongly convicted still in prison.

Valid research puts the estimated false rape reporting rate at 41%







Capital Punishments Target Men Almost Exclusively

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, there have been over 1,200 executions in the United States. Eleven of them, or less than 1%, were women. This stands in stark contrast considering women commit, by DOJ estimates, 10% of all murders, are involved in 35% of all domestic homicides (are involved often means they get other people to kill for them) and nearly 30% of murders where the victim was another family member.

In America there are over 270 women’s commissions, but only one for men in New Hampshire.

There are over 700 Women’s Studies programs on colleges and universities throughout the United States teaching thousands or tens of thousands of classes from the gender feminist perspective, but not one program or class, teaching men’s studies from the masculist perspective.

Men are fully half of the victims  of domestic violence (26% of intimate partner homicides), yet are denied service at most tax payer funded domestic violence shelters.

The CDC reports that in cases of non-reciprocal intimate partner violence (one directional) that women are more than twice as likely to be the aggressor. The report cites that women comprise 70% of perpetrators, men 29%.

Men are subject to extreme discrimination in healthcare.

Men today die on average 6 years sooner than women.  In 1920 the variance was one year.  The death rates for prostate and breast cancer are similar, but because men die of other things more frequently-accidents ,war, heart disease etc., there are fewer men left to die of prostate cancer.  This is akin to saying people from a nation like Zimbabwe are immune to Alzheimer’s- but in fact they die of other things before they can get old enough to contract Alzheimer’s.

To date, there are numerous federal offices on women’s health, and not a single one for men. Also, the lion’s share of gender specific medical research is done on behalf of women.

Men and boys are suffering decline in the educational system. Department of Education graph:

Boys are facing a significantly harder time in early education than girls. Yet girls, from primary education through college still benefit from many more special programs designed to help them gain “equality” with males.http://aspe.hhs.gov/hsp/08/boys/factsheets/ed/index.shtml

So as you can see,
gay men face many of the same challenges straight men face.

“Now, if you will refer to what I wrote in my previous post,
you’ll see that I pointed out how looking at why something happens is basically how you tell whether
it’s a positive stereotype or not. Why do more white people get away with the same crimes
black people don’t really get away with? Even if you say that we put both white
people and women up on pedestals, then it does go back to white privilege and

“why” was already addressed, with examples. You deem it as women
being seen as weaker, but with groups of women laughing at another woman
cutting off a guy’s penis, women cheering on Tiger Wood’s wife for beating his
face in with a golf club, and women being excused while publically beating their
boyfriends, you cannot argue “women are seen as weaker”.

“white privilege” and “misogyny” are not in the same league. It
would be “FEMALE privilege” and “white privilege”. Are you so determined to
ignore the advantages you face for being female?

But! The difference here would be who’s putting who on a
pedestal. Relating to the whole court case theme we have going here, the
question becomes “who’s the judge?”. Is a black judge putting a white
person on a pedestal? Or is the judge white as well. Is a female judge putting
a female on a pedestal? Or is the judge male?”

we already discussed this, with proof. In the video, both men
and women were ignoring the man being attacked by the woman. In the videos,
women were sided with the attacking woman. They were putting her on a pedestal.
History has nothing to do with it. In these cases, we see the bad actions of
women being excused by other women and men, and even police officers. This
means that society is the one who is so eager to defend their bad actions.

“why is #killallmen so important to you, then? I get that it’s a
double standard but why put your argument there instead of arguing against
false facts about rape jokes? ”

I did both. You even admitted it on your response. If a group of
people is so adamant about being outspoken about one crime joke, then they shouldn’t
literally be starting their own with millions of posts in support of it.
Hypocrisy. It shows that they only care about the issue that they made up when
it is applied to what they deem is a womens issue. But it is perfectly fine
when it happens to men.

“If you look at the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice
Statistics, you’ll see that while yes, males are more likely to be murdered
than females (77% of murder victims are male) they are also most likely doing
the murdering (90% of murderers are male).”

Let me ask you, does the fact that about %90 percent of murderers
of black people being other black people reduce the fact that black people are
killed at such a high rate? Does that soften it and make it a non issue? You
cannot even claim oppression with this because oppression has nothing to do
with who someone decides to kill.

In addition to that, there’s a difference between genocide and
murder and one requires massive amounts of power”

That is why I mentioned both genocide AND murder. Genocide has
been attempted many times in the past, and the people involved often didn’t think
it would get that far. Just because you don’t think it can be done, doesn’t mean
that it cannot. America had something
close when men were drafted to a war they didn’t even want to be in. many many
many men died. Women were exempt (female privilege) and continued on by doing
the incredibly hard and dangerous jobs that men had already been doing. Most
countries put men out for war. Want to drastically reduce the male population?
War is the answer.

I already addressed “manspreading” and “Toxic masculinity” so I
am not going to repeat myself.

“7. We are absolutely not going to see eye to eye on this if you
think that institutional misandry is perpetuated against men and institutional
racism is perpetuated against white people.”

When laws specifically exclude men as victims of crimes, governments
refuse them govt funded help based on gender, when men are receiving harsher
punishments and treatment by the penal system, it IS institutionalized,

When white people are losing opportunities based on race, when
ENTIRE COUNTRIES refuse to allow white people to own land based on race, it is

This is why I mentioned that you do not care about equality. You
version of equality has an asterisk next to it, excluding things men face
unless you can blame men for it, and defending groups that you deem appropriate
to hate based on race and gender.

I am judging you by your actions. Your actions can be seen as a part of this list.As someone who does not support equality for all, but only for groups that you like, I can say that you do not care about equality,

One post.

One post where they acted reasonable before breaking out the passive-aggressive snark.

I agreed with this at first, but I stopped reading once they insinuated that Amy Poehler was a radical man-hating feminist. Were you perhaps thinking of Amy SCHUMER, the woman who made a career out of objectifying men and bragged about raping a man?

You sure like putting words in peoples mouth. Perhaps you should finish reading.

Amy poehler is closer to a radfem, and uses her power and influence to shame people into joining feminism.

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