
I came across these posts while surfing the internet and thought it would be cool to combine them, add pictures and then post on my blog and on Facebook. 

The first list of definitions was written by someone in the Army, the intent was to help ‘Cherries’ understand some of the military slang en-route to war.  The second grouping is mostly inherent to ‘Marine speak’ and some ‘Navy’.  Finally, the last group lists Artillery terms, which might be universal across branches.  Note: in some cases, I have added to the definitions within the first two groups to help clarify them or their uses.  Some of these are also new to me as I’ve not heard them before.

I’m sure the Air Force and other branches also had unique slang within their units while in Vietnam – if they are not listed below and you feel they should be mentioned, then please leave a short note in the comment section of this article (not Facebook)…include the slang term, where used and definition…I’ll update the lists periodically as new slang terms are posted.  Enjoy!

WASHINGTON–If, as Emerson said, language is the archive of history, then U.S. soldiers in Vietnam are writing history with words as well as weapons.

So many slang terms, Vietnamese words and specialized usages are used by U.S. soldiers in Vietnam that language poses a bit of a problem to the new man coming over. Until he picks up the current slang, he is marked as a recent arrival.

With the Vietnam-bound replacement in mind, Army Times has compiled the following list of non-standard terms used in Vietnam.

Each Vietnam-bound soldier should find several terms below which will speed his adjustment to Vietnam.  Terms listed below are common among Army soldiers:

ao dai (“owzeye”): the native costume of Vietnamese women. It has a mandarin collar and is very tight in the bodice with the skirt split to the waist. Worn over loose silk pants.

ba muoi lam (“baa-mooee-lahm): Vietnamese for the number 35. Means the same as “butterfly;” a playboy.

beaucoup: from the French. In Vietnam it can mean many, much, big, huge, very, etc.

betel nut (“beetle nut”): the leaves or root of the betel palm, which are mildly narcotic and are chewed by many Vietnamese, especially aged women, to relieve the pain of diseased gums. The cumulative effect of years of betel nut chewing is to totally blacken the teeth.

Birds:  Helicopters or choppers

Boom-boom:  Slang for having sex

broken arrow: serviceman who tried to be a straight arrow and failed. (See straight arrow.)

Bush:  field, jungle, boonies, indian country – any combination of these words describes hostile areas outside of firebases

butterfly: playboy.

buy the farm: to be killed. Sometimes “buy the six-by-three farm.”

cam on ”cahm oon”): Vietnamese for “thank you.”

Canh Sat (“cahn zaht”): White mice. (which see.)

chao co (ong) (em) (pronounced “chow coh (ohm) (em)”): Vietnamese for hello or good-bye, Miss (Sir) (to a child, animal or very close friend).

cheap charlie: anyone, especially a U.S. serviceman, who does not waste his money. (See “plenty cheap charlie.”)

Chieu Hoi (“chew hoyee”): the Vietnamese-administered “Open Arms” program for defecting enemy soldiers. (See “Hoi Chanh.”)

Cherry:  designation for new replacement from the states.  Also referred as FNG (fucking new guy), fresh meat and new citizens

chop-chop: food, or eat – used primarily by Vietnamese.

CIDG: Civilian Irregular Defense Group. Friendly indigenous forces, usually organized and led by Army Special Forces teams.

Coka: Vietnamese pronunciation of “Coke.”

coup qualified: very old Viet hands, and only those who served in Saigon during a violent overthrow of a Vietnamese government, are said to be “coup qualified.”

cowboy: a Vietnamese ruffian – usually riding a motor bike and swiping jewelry from those they pass by.

crow’s foot: a four-pointed booby trap device which, when thrown, will land with one point up.

C’s: ”C” rations.

cycle: three-wheeled motorized conveyance with a seat on the front.

day off: see “khong lau.”

dep lam (“dep lahm”): Vietnamese for “too pretty (or handsome).”

dep qua (“dep whah”): Vietnamese for “pretty.”

dep trai (“dep cheye”): Vietnamese for “handsome.”

di di (mau) (“dee-dee (maow)”): Vietnamese for “go away (fast).”

dien cai dao (“dee-in-kee-daow”): Vietnamese for “crazy in the head.”

Disneyland Far East: Hq building of the U.S. Military Assistance Comd Vietnam. Name is derived from “Disneyland East” (the Pentagon).

dolphin: a five-ton tractor. (See “guppy.”)

dung lai (pronouneed “zoong lye”): Vietnamese for “halt” or “stop.”

duster: a 25-ton tank armed with twin 40mm cannon.

dustoff: the medevac helicopter system.

FAC: forward air controller. A light plane pilot who directs air strikes and artillery fire from the air.

Fast Mover – Slang for a Jet Fighter. Aptly named due to the rapidity of a Jet Fighter’s movement.

FIGMO: acronym for “Finally I get my orders.” Especially in “figmo chart,” a shortimer’s calendar, usually a drawing of an undraped female form, with numbered sections which are filled in, one each day, as the shorttimer keeps track of days to go.

fini: from the French. Vietnamese meanings include through, finished, depart (as in, “When you fini Vietnam, GI?”) and even kill (as is, “She fini him with knife.”).

First Light – The time of nautical twilight when the sun is 12 degrees below the horizon.

flower seeker: a term used, especially in the Vietnamese press, to describe a man in search of a prostitute.

freedom bird: a jet aircraft which flies returning servicemen to the U.S.

FSA: forward support area (or activity); one-stop service base established by logistical units near an operation or forward base camp.

Fugazi – Completely out of whack, ****ed up, screwy. This term originated during the Vietnam War and experienced limited use by civilians.

grunt: noun, an infantryman.

gunship: armed helicopter with the primary mission of fire support.

guppy: a stake-and-platform trailer of the type pulled by a five-ton tractor. (See “dolphin.”)

Hanoi Hannah: the Tokyo Rose of the Vietnam war.

headman: the boss man of a local community. His word is usually law.

Ho Chi Minh sandals: sandals made from worn-out truck tires.

Ho Chi Minh trail: the complex of jungle paths through Laos and Cambodia which serves as the principle Viet Cong and NVA supply route.

Hoi Chanh (pronounced “hoyee cahn”): a returnee. An enemy soldier who voluntarily gave himself up. Many are employed by the Vietnamese government or the U.S. Army.

Hong Kong rubber: the variety used by many Vietnamese girls to help them put on a good front. Standing joke among Vietnam-based servicemen: “And to think I could have bought stock in Hong Kong Rubber when it was down to 31.”

Howard Jobnson’s: any of a multitude of pushcart vendors selling food in the street.

idiot stick: 1, a rifle 2. the curved yoke used by Vietnaese, usually old women or children, to carry two rice baskets, water buckets or what have you, one hung from each end of the yoke.

Incoming! (always exclamatory): “Hit the dirt!”

incountry: in Vietnam.

Khong lau (pronounced “kohng laow”): Vietnamese for “nevah hoppen.”

 lai day(pronounced “lye dye”): Vietnamese for “come here.”

lam on (pronounced “lahm oon”): Vietnamese for “please.”

LBJ: 1. Long Binh Jail; the USARV Stockade, 2. Camp Long Binh Junction, home of the 90th Replacement Bn, through which most individual replacements are processed.

Left Handed Monkey Wrench – A non-existent tool. Often the object of fruitless searches undertaken by recruits at the behest of more experienced servicemembers.

lima charlie: international phonetic alphabet words for “LC,” short for “loud and clear” in Army radio parlance.

LZ: landing zone…anywhere a helicopter could land

Malayan gate: a booby trap device which depends on a ful-crum for action and usually employs spikes as the killing device. Devised by Malay communists during their unsuccessful 10 year fight against the British.

mau len (pronounced “maow len”): Vietnamese for fast, or speed. As in, “Let’s mau len it up a bit, Papasan.”

Meat Wagon – Slang for an ambulance, or any other medical emergency vehicle

medevac: short for medical evacuation.

Mike Boat: landing craft, mechanized.

Military General Orders (11):

1. To take charge of this post and all government property in view.

2. To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing.

3. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce.

4. To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own.

5. To quit my post only when properly relieved.

6. To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, field officer of the day, officer of the day, and officers and petty officers of the watch.

7. To talk to no one except in line of duty.

8. To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder.

9. To call the petty officer of the watch in any case not covered by instructions.

10. To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased.

11. To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.

Monopoly Money:  MPC – Military Payment Certificates used by the military in Vietnam.  Greenbacks were illegal.

numbah-one GI: serviceman who spends a good deal of money onthe Vietnamese economy.

numbah-ten GI: serviceman who spends little money on the Vietnamese economy, or one who refuses to make a proposed purchase.

numbah-ten thousand:  The worst of the lot

nuoc mam (“noouk mom”):. the Vietnamese national dish; fermented fish sauce.

pedicab: a foot-powered cyclo.

plastic: type of explosives favored by sappers. As in, “I was in the middle of a steak at the Hoa Lu BEQ when they found 200 pounds of plastic behind the bar, so I stuck my fork in my steak and di-di-maued.” (which see)

plenty cheap charlie: one who wastes even less money than an ordinary cheap charlie.

P’s: piastres; basic Vietnamese monetary unit. $1 equals 118 piastres, as this is written.

Puff: originally “Puff the Magic Dragon”; a C-47 armed with miniguns or other rapid fire weapons.  It is said that if firing while flying over a football field, a bullet will hit every square foot of the field.

punji stick: sharpened stake, usually bamboo, planted in the ground with the point sticking up. Often used in booby traps and often employed with the point smeared with feces as a poisoning element.

Quan Canh (pronounced “kwuhn kein”): Vietnamese military police.

Rats: an “in” term used by some Saigon warriors for “white mice.”

Real Life (always capitalized): civilian life. As in, “What do you do in Real Life, Jonesie?”

Redball: 1. the system used in Vietnam to expedite delivery of critical supplies and repair parts. 2. Camp Redball, a small base camp near Go Vap, a Saigon suburb.

RF/PF: Regional Forces/Popular Forces.

rice wine: an alcoholic drink, very inexpensive, made from rice. Usually tastes like kerosene.

Rog (pronounced “rahj”): short for “Roger,” the radio term for “I read (understand) your transmission.” Also, in the expression, “That’s a Rog, Baby” (That’s right).

roundeye: Caucasian woman.

Saigon Tea: colored water (sometimes soda) purchased in thimble-size glasses as the price of a hostess’ company in a bar or nightclub. The hostess gets a commission, and she can drink as many as the customer can buy, as fast as he can buy them.

Saigon warrior: drugstore soldier, especially one who serves or has served in Saigon.

Shit on a Shingle – Slang for a piece of toast with chipped beef and gravy.

Shitters:  outhouse like enclosures – usually 3 or 6 holes (3 and 3 across from one another) cut in a wooden plank and suspended over 55 gallon half barrels.  Usually in firebases – no place for modesty

Shit burning:  day-long ritual at firebases where filled half-barrels are pulled out from the enclosures and replaced with empties.  A soldier or Vietnamese is assigned to burn all the waste with a mixture of kerosene and diesel fuel – continuously stirring the contents during the 10 hr. process.

so mot (“sah maht”): Vietnamese for “numbah one,” the best.

so mudi (sah mooee”): Vietnamese for “numbah 10,” the worst.

sapper: a soldier, especially an enemy soldier, whose job is to blow things up.

siesta: Vietnam quits from noon to 2:30 p.m. This period of each day is known as siesta.

slick: transport helicopter. (See “gunship.”)

STIF: acronym for “Saigon Tea Is Fini,” a now-defunct organization formed to combat increases in the price of Saigon Tea. Members would fill a bar which had raised its prices and sit sipping beer without buying Tea. Their “drink-ins” met with limited success.

straight arrow: serviceman who remains faithful to his wife or Stateside girl friend throughout his Vietnam tour. (See “broken arrow.”)

the country store: any one of thousands of village shops catering to U.S. servicemen.

the ‘Nam: Vietnam.

The Pill: any one of several types of tablets taken weekly by all servicemen in Vietnam as a defense against most types of malaria.

The World (always capitalized): the U.S.A. As in, “Where you from back in The World, Sarge?”

ti ti (“tee-tee”): Vietnamese for “small.”

Toi khong biet (“toy kohng bee-ech”): Vietnamese for “I don’t know” or “I don’t understand.”

Toi yen em (nhieu lam) (“toy you em (nyoo lahm)”: Vietnamese for “I love you (too much).”

tomorrow: never make a date for “tomorrow” with a Vietnamese girl. “‘Tomorrow’ nevah come in Vietnam, GI.”

troi oi (“choyee oyee”): an emphatic expression in Vietnamese which can mean just about anything the user wants it to mean. Troi duc oi (choyee duck oyee) is the same expression more emphatically stated.

Un-Ass – To move immediately or leave one’s current position.

upcountry: any place outside the Saigon-Long Binh-Bien Hoa area.

USELESS: homonymic pun on USIS, the United States Information Service.

white mice: the Canh Sat; the Vietnamese national police force. Its members wear white shirts.

white space: the most prevalent element on the front pages of the best Vietnamese newspapers when censorship is in effect, which is usually.

Wickham trolley: an armored railroad locomotive of the type developed by the British during the Malayan rebellion.

xau lam (“saow lahm”): Vietnamese for “numbah ten thousand” (indescribably bad.).

xin loi (“sin loyee”): Vietnamese for “Sorry ’bout that.”

‘Yard: short for Montagnard, a French word meaning; “mountaineer.” Member of any one of a number of semi-nomadic, aboriginal tribes which live in the mountains of Vietnam.

zap: to kill or seriously wound.

Zoomie: jet jockey.

Compiled by By Wayne Draper, Times Staff Writer

Marine Corps Speak in Vietnam

aboard:  on base; with us.

actual:  radio talk for unit commander.

all hands:  everyone.

amtrack:  amphibious tractor; landing craft.

ao dai (viet.):  formal attire worn by vietnamese women.

as you were!:  resume what you were doing; correction.

assholes and elbows:  in a hurry; quickly.

ba mui ba (“33″):  vietnamese beer.

bac si (viet.): doctor, used for corpsman.

bam:  broad ass marine; derogatory name for woman marine.

barracks cover:  garrison (frame) cap.

battle pin:  necktie clip.

bcd:  bad conduct discharge.

belay:  stop; quit.

billet:  assignment or job; place of residence.

bird:  aircraft.       

blouse:  n. jacket; v. tuck in, secure.

blousing bands:  elastic bands used to secure utility trouser cuffs.

blues:  dress blues.

blt:  battalion landing team.

boondocks (boonies):  rugged isolated backcountry.

boondockers:  low-topped work boots issued to reservists.

boot:  recruit.

boo-coo:  (fr. beaucoup) much, many.

brain housing group:  your gourd, mind, brain, or head.

brass:  officers.

brig:  jail.

brig rat:  jail inmate.

brig chaser:  mp assigned to escort prisoners.

brother:  black marine (also splib).

Brothers-in-Arm:  All Veterans united – having a special bond between them

brown side-out:  desert camouflage pattern.

bulkhead:  wall.

by-the-numbers:  in sequence.

cannon cockers:  artillerymen.

carry on!:  resume what you were doing; as you were.

casual company:  unit of marines awaiting reassignment.

cc:  corrective custody; jail, the brig.

chuck:  black marine’s term for white marine.

cg:  commanding general.

chieu hoi (viet.):  freedom; safe conduct pass; program whereby VC who surrendered were assured safe conduct.

chit:  written authorization or receipt.

chow:  food.

chow hall:  mess hall.

click:  one notch of adjustment on a rifle.

cinderella liberty:  time off which ends at midnight.

co (viet.): girl, woman.

colors:  n. the flag; v. ceremony of raising or lowering the flag.

con biet?  (viet) do you understand?

c-rats:  c rations, canned field rations.

com rats:  commuted rations; in lieu pay for meals eaten off base.

corpsman:  navy medic serving with marines.

cover:  hat.

cover ass:  take precautions to avoid blame.

the crotch:  derogatory term for marine corps.

cruise:  period of enlistment; tour of duty.

deck:  floor.

deuce-and-a-half:  2 1/2 ton truck.

di-di (viet.):  leave, go, move out.

di-di mau  (viet.):  emphatic of di-di.

diddy bag:  cloth, drawstring bag for small items.

diddy bop:  swagger; affected walk.

dink:  vietnamese.

dinky-dau (viet):  crazy.

dog-and-pony-show:  special presentation put on for visiting dignitaries.

double time:  quickly; at a run.

dry fire:  practice.

dry run:  practice.

du-dit (viet):  fuck you!

eighth & eye:  headquarters marine corps.

entrenching tool (e-tool):  small folding field shovel.

every swinging dick:  all hands, everyone.

eye fuck:  scrutinize; inspect closely.

fartsack:  mattress cover or flight suit.

field day:  general cleanup of barracks.

field scarf:  necktie.

field strip:  disassemble; take apart.

fire in the hole!:  warning that explosives are about to be detonated.

first shirt (also top):  first sergeant.

float phase:  sea deployment of a marine unit.

fmf:  fleet marine force.

four-by:  light truck.

front leaning rest position:  pushup position (“the position”).

galley:  kitchen.

gang way!:  stand back! move away!

Gedunk –  Refers to snack foods, such as candy and chips, as well as the place they’re sold. Associated with the Navy, and can be used in the phrase “gedunk sailor” as a pejorative remark for inexperienced sailors.

gear:  equipment.

gi can:  garbage can.

gizmo:  gadget; anything that defies description.

gourd:  head; where you hang your cover.

green side-out:  woodland pattern camouflage.

grab a hat:  leave.

grinder:  parade ground.

guidon:  pennant bearing unit designation.

gung ho:  lit. work together; (from chinese) highly motivated.

gungy:  gung ho.

gunny:  gunnery sergeant (E7)

grabass (organized grabass):  play; sports, frivolous activity.

green machine:  marine corps.

ham:  hairy assed marine; male marine.

ham and mothers:  “ham and motherfuckers;” generally detested c-ration meal posing as ham and lima beans.

hatch:  door.

hard charger:  motivated marine.

head:  toilet.

high-and-tight:  standard marine haircut; shaved sides and short on top.

hollywood marine:  san diego mcrd graduate.

hooch (jap.):  any kind of shelter, residence.

honcho (jap.):  boss; man in charge.

house mouse:  drill instructor’s go-fer.

hump:  to march; to carry; to be burdened with.

huss:  a favor; a break e.g., “gimme a huss;” archaic name for hu34d helicopter.

incoming!:  hostile fire being received!

irish pennant:  string dangling from clothing indicating unkempt appearance.

itr:  infantry training regiment.

jarhead:  marine.

jibs:  teeth, esp. front incisors, e.g., “i’ll bust your jibs.”

jing (also jing-wa, jap.):  change; money.

joe shit the ragman:  bad example, un-squared-away marine,  boyfriend of rosy rottencrotch.

junk-on-the-bunk:  complete clothing and equipment inspection (also things-on-the-springs) laid out on the rack.

k-bar:   marine-issue fighting knife.

klick:  kilometer – 6/10th of a mile.

ladder (or ladderway):  stairs.

lai day (viet.):  come here!      

leave:  authorized absence of more than 24 hours.

liberty:  authorized absence of less than 24 hours.

lock and load:  arm and ready your weapon; get ready!

make a hole!:  stand back! gang way!

maggie’s drawers:  red disc used on the rifle range to signify missing the target.         

mos:  assigned job specialty.

mustang (mustanger):  enlisted man who becomes an officer.

non-qual:  marine who fails to fire a qualifying score at the rifle range.

office hours:  summary court marshal, official inquiry or reprimand.

office pogue:  desk-bound marine.

ontos:  armored tracked vehicle mounting six 106 mm recoilless rifles.

outstanding!:  exceptional; well done!

overhead:  ceiling.

over the hill:  absent without authorization.

over the hump:  more than halfway through enlistment.

passageway:  corridor; hallway.

piece:  rifle.

piss cutter:  envelope-shaped overseas cap.

piss-and-punk:  bread and water punishment.

piss tube:  field urinal; rocket launcher (bazooka), which resembles one.

pogue:  lazy individual, also office worker.

pogey bait:  candy, sweets.

police call:  time allocated to clean up an area.

police up:  clean up.

poop (also dope, scoop):  information.

pop-flare:  hand held and launched aerial illumination flare.  The cap is removed and placed over the opposite end…hold center of flare with left hand and point it upward, then using the heel of your right palm, come up and hit the bottom…a firing pin will engage the explosive and send the flare into the air.

pt:  physical training; exercise.

quarters:  living space.

rack:  bed, bunk.

rappel:  descend from cliff or helicopter by rope.

recon  (also force recon):  force reconnaissance marine.

romp ‘n’ stomp:  to drill, march.

round:  bullet or artillery or mortar shell.

rubber lady:  inflatable air mattress.

salt:  experience; an old-timer marine.

salty:  smart-mouthed; opinionated.

scoshi (or scosh’): small, short, a little bit.

scuttlebutt:  rumors; a drinking fountain.

seabag:  duffle bag.

sea duty:  billeted aboard a ship.

sea going bellhop:  derog. for marine, from marines assigned to the bridge of a vessel.

sea story:  a lie or an exaggeration.

sea lawyer:  self-appointed expert.

secure:  tie down or make fast; also to recycle or dispose of; to put something in its proper place; to desist.

seven-eighty-two gear:  field equipment; canvas web gear.

shit bird:  messy or undisciplined; a fuck up.

shit can:  (v) to dispose of; (n) garbage can.

short:  nearing the end of a tour of duty or enlistment.

short round:  ordnance, which is landing short of the intended target.

short time:  a very brief love affair.

shorttimer:  marine nearing the end of an enlistment period.

sick bay:  clinic or hospital.

six-by (six-by-six):  standard three-axle truck.

six-six-and-a-kick:  the ultimate general court marshal punishment consisting of six months forfeiture of pay, six months hard labor, and a dishonorable discharge.

skipper:  captain; commanding officer.  

skivvies:  underwear.

skivvie honcho:  a lothario; a ladies man.

skivvie house:  brothel.

slopchute:  diner; restaurant.

smoking lamp:  authority to smoke when it is lit.

snap in:  practice, esp. on the rifle range.

snoopin’ and poopin’:  reconnoitering.

snot locker:  nose.

sound off!:  assertively voice.

sorry ’bout that!:  assertion of mock apology.

spud locker:  pantry.

squad bay:  barracks.

squared away:  neat, orderly, organized.

squid:  (derog.) sailor.

stack arms!:  command given to place 3 rifles in a pyramid.

stacking swivel:  appendage near muzzle of rifle allowing stacked arms; neck.

stand by!:  prepare.

standby:  waiting status.

starchies:  starched utilities.

stroke book:  porno magazine.

survey:  dispose of; recycle.

swab:  mop.

swabbie:  sailor.

ti ti (viet.) (pron. tee-tee):  little, small.

top:  sergeant major.

topside:  upstairs; on deck.

trops:  khaki tropical summer dress uniform.

turn to:  begin work.

ua:  unauthorized absence.

ud:  undesirable discharge.

utilities:  olive drab field uniform.

willie peter:  white phosphorus.  Units in the field request marking rounds which explode in the air at a set of coordinates – when shooting an azimuth with a compass and estimating the distance (using sight and sound -counting the seconds before hearing the explosion) their location can be verified on a grid map.

the word:  confirmed official information; the straight scoop.

zero-dark-thirty:  pre-dawn; early.

Compiled 1990 by Nicholas Del Cioppo, all rights reserved

I was a machine gunner (infantry, mos 0311) in Vietnam with the 2nd battalion, 4th marines, 3rd marine division from June of 1965 until the end of 1966.

Semper Fi,

Nicholas Del Cioppo


Large caliber, crew served firearms (cannon), launching projectiles (usually explosive) against distant targets. Typical field artillery weapons include howitzers (short barreled), guns (long barreled), mortars (high angle firing).


Arty weapons were grouped by caliber and type into “batteries” of 3-6 weapons. Howitzers had calibers of 105mm, 155mm, and 8inch. Guns were 175mm. Mortars were 4.2inch caliber. Smaller mortars (81mm) and ‘direct- fire’ weapons (106mm recoilless, tanks and ‘Dusters’) were classed as Infantry weapons and not included in the Field Artillery.

 Each battery included the necessary gun-crew for aiming (FDC), firing, handling ammo and maintaining the weapons. Gun-crew members were slanged as ‘gun-bunnies’, ‘lanyard-pullers’, ‘cannon-cockers’, and ‘ammo-humpers’.

Batteries were grouped into Battalions, supporting a particular AO within the Division. Batteries included weapons of a single caliber, thus an Arty battalion might consist of several 105mm batteries, a couple each of

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