Fortune Green and West Hampstead residents, local employers, employees and local voluntary groups are invited to attend meeting at Hampstead Synagogue Community Hall, 1 Dennington Park Road in West Hampstead on Wednesday 19th February from 7 p.m.
Local councillors will discuss what’s happening in the area, and guest speakers talk about specific topics.
At 7 p.m. there will be an opportunity to meet ward councillors informally over tea/coffee
The meeting proper begins at 7:30 p.m. and subjects to be discussed are
• Local policing (Safer Neighbourhoods) and community safety
• Neighbourhood Development Plan consultation – more detail overleaf
• Healthwatch – (Shelly Khan)
• Any other business
The gathering is a chance for all of us to be kept up to date on what’s happening in Fortune Green and West Hampstead, get more involved and express our views.