
Mama mia, the thing I responded to in the ask, there’s more.

Damn me for scrolling down slightly.

Immortality: “It is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious.”

It is not possible to be aware of being unconscious from your own perspective.

Lucid dreaming. Actually I shouldn’t bring this up. I don’t want to end up reading about how our dreams are real.

You cannot be aware of not being aware. You can be less aware/conscious, such as when you are asleep, but not completely unconscious (dead), because time would stand still for you. A billion years could pass, and you would not know it.

How do you know you are dead? It is not possible to be aware of any gaps in life; it is continuous and never-ending from your own point of view.

So you figured out that when things die, they stay dead. Good for you.

Death and birth are a continuous event from your own perspective.

And you ruined it. You were on a role. One whole fact!

You will die physically, but you will be born into a new physical body.


Being born happens, or you would not be here now. You were born into this life. It is what we know happens. There is no evidence anything else happens. True or false?

I can accept that I was born and exist now but I cannot accept the premise that I was born before I was born and will be born after I die unless there’s any evidence for that notion. So far I only know I exist, not that I had nor will.

The “you only live once” theory: Many people say that they do not believe in reincarnation; they believe when you die, you’re dead. What about fish, clams, horses, bears, flies? People that say you only live once are saying some souls get to live just one life as a worm, and that is it for all of eternity.

Yes, kind of sucks but then again, worms aren’t smart enough to have an existential crisis over this so it’s no matter.

Other people believe you are judged by a god after you die. Is the worm judged?

Theists tend to say that animals don’t have souls until some small child cries over the fact that fido won’t be in heaven greeting him in which suddenly all of the divine laws of the universe are changed and dogs go to Heaven.

Many people think human beings are the only animal that is conscious. Is a dog or cat conscious?

There is sufficient evidence that dogs and cats are self aware.

Where do you draw the line? Is a bird conscious? The truth is, all animal life is conscious and alive just like us.

That’s a pretty bold claim there, sport. Got any evidence?

The only thing that makes humans different from other animals is that we have a mind that can think and reason at a high enough level to know the truth of life, and those that know rise above animals.

I guess thumbs can go fuck themselves then.

It is time to see and accept the truth the evidence supports.

You are immortal; it is impossible to not be, because it is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious.

The contradiction of being conscious while unconscious  doesn’t prove a damn thing. Hell, certain scenarios can even prove that it’s not a contradiction. Such as being aware that you’re in a coma.

Just that one sentence proves it. It is like these sentences: It is impossible for it to be light and dark at the same time,


Hold grey up to black and it’s light. Hold it up to white and it’s dark.

you cannot have your cake and eat it too.

You still need to provide actual evidence and not work games, yo.

They are simple, but certain facts. The sentence “It is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious” is a simple and certain fact.

Didn’t stand up very well to my flippant answer.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another. Albert Einstein

You gave a basic definition of the first law of thermodynamics and then mentioned one of the most famous scientists in history. Is this supposed to be a quote?

Like energy, consciousness cannot be created or destroyed.

Consciousness is the product of chemical reactions within the brain. When the body dies, it, including the brain, decomposes. The ultimate fate for any energy is to become heat which is part of the second law of thermodynamics.

Nothing in physics says consciousness has to last forever. Hell, one law even states that it’ll inevitably have to end.

This revelation will change your life. Now you know where you come from and what you have been doing for about half a billion years (evolving).

Life has existed for over a billion years.

The next question is how does life work and what is next, and we can know that too.

Well there’s actually plenty of places to learn how life works be it DNA, cells, physiology, etc and plenty of people are willing to speculate on man’s future but what’s your answer which I’m sure involves no actual science at all.

People are trying to understand the universe independent of consciousness, and it is the most important factor in the equation.

There is nothing about the universe that relies on consciousness.

If the word ‘quantum’ comes up in the next page I will break you, little man.

The universe as it relates to conscious life can be understood now. It is the ultimate truth; the truth that will transform mankind and the world.

How? You never actually demonstrated that the universe is dependent on consciousness.

“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."FAB = -FBA

Quotes by FAB = -FBA as opposed to Isaac Newton.

People do not realize what Isaac Newton’s third law of motion really means.

Just about everyone who even reads it will have a general understanding of what it means.

Everything is balanced

Good grief. Now you’re just making word salad. It’s like reading that pleb shit spirit science instead of watching it.

Everything physical (matter/energy) goes back and forth in balanced circles, cycles, or the equivalent. Birth-death, old-young, big-small, strong-weak, start-stop, up-down, rich-poor, beginning-end, fast-slow, hot-cold, pain-pleasure, win-lose, day-night, full-empty, high-low, in-out, success-failure, united-divided, give-receive, creation-destruction, on-off, positive-negative, etc.

You can’t just toss around opposites and then say that a law of physics applies to all of them. Newton’s third law has shit to do with society, economics, philosophical concepts, and spirituality. It is simply a law that described how nature works.

Positive and negative forces moving in balance are the physical universe.


There are no exceptions to the laws of nature Newton revealed.

The entirety of quantum physics and relativity had to be formulated BECAUSE people kept finding exceptions. As it turns out, Newtonian mechanics breaks down at the very small and the very large.

They apply to all matter and energy. Human beings are matter and energy, thus you and all humans are governed by the same laws.

I’d say you’re right but honestly I don’t want to give you that much credit.


More accurately: statistics.

Good luck and bad luck are the balance in action and the way the balance most affects our lives.

No, not really.

Luck is manifested on many levels. There is the day-to-day luck, from little things like getting a good parking space or a bad one, to big things, such as winning the lottery or finding out you have cancer. Then there is the long-term luck. You are lucky if you are born with good looks, money, health, talent and intelligence. You are unlucky if you are born unattractive, poor, sickly and without talent or intelligence. Most people are in between the extremes, but it does not matter, because we are immortal, and it will all balance out. Luck will move back and forth; everyone will get equal amounts of good and bad luck.

What goes around comes around. Everyone gets their turn.

Not only are you scientifically wrong, but you’re also philosophically wrong.

Things don’t always work out for people. right now some bastard was probably born in some impoverished nation and will starve to death before he sees his first birthday. People will likely live and die suffering under the rule of dictators.

On the flip side, bad people can get away with things. Kim Jung Il died the leader of North Korea and never had to face justice. Stalin too never faced consequences for the millions of russian lives he took.

Things don’t get better for some people because there isn’t this grand balance. The universe doesn’t shift itself because it’s this guy’s turn to have a good day. That just doesn’t happen. The world is only what we make it to be and though one person cannot realistically do a lot, it would be best to live life as well as one could because that’s all they get.

Yeah, it fucking sucks. It fucking sucks that some people in North Korea are born and die in prison because of generational punishment. It fucking sucks that con artists and charlatans swindle people of their money and get away with it. But that’s life.

The most one can do is improve themselves and try to improve others. Teach people critical thinking skills so they won’t be filled by frauds. Argue in favor of good ethics so that people might treat each other that much nicer. The more power you have, the more you can do but trying to delude everyone into thinking that the universe is going to make everything okay for you simply because of some balance bullshit isn’t helping anyone.

Death is the great equalizer: If you are born with advantages, you can have more good times than bad times in your life, but when you die, you are reborn with disadvantages, and have more bad times than good times and vice versa.

There’s literally no evidence for this.

In the long run, no one has it better or worse than anyone else does, because life will always balance eventually. It is the known nature of the universe we live in.

Again, such a disgustingly ignorant statement especially if you have half an idea of what goes on in the world.

If you flip a coin a thousand times, it will come up heads about half the time and tails about half the time.

No. There’s nothing necessarily saying you can’t get all heads save for tails one or two times.

I’m going to just highlight key points from now on.

This is why on the Fourth of July, about 162 people will be killed in auto accidents, and every fourth, about the same amount are killed. An average of twelve auto accidents happen every minute; about six-thousand teenagers are killed in auto accidents every year in the US. About four million people are bitten by dogs.

Why is the number about the same every year?

A lot of these sound like estimations at best but consider this: There’s only so many people in the US and so much time for them to be driving on the Fourth of July. There’s probably a little more driving than usual since it’s a holiday but I’d venture to guess that it’s not that much different from any other day.

Problem is, I have no reason to assume you didn’t pull those numbers out your ass since this is uncited.

Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for insects as well as for the stars. Human beings, vegetables or cosmic dust; we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance. Albert Einstein

You’re not smart enough to know what Einstein was talking about. Please stop.

Destiny: Not being in control does not mean our future is predestined. No one knows the future; the future cannot be known. Anything can happen.

Way to contradict yourself in the very next line, bub.

So anything can happen? Like being conscious about being unconscious? :^)

The good news is, all of the best things are going to happen to you; the bad news is, so will all of the worst things, if you do not learn the truth.

Considering that this is a force that happens to people who didn’t even know about this shit, it sounds like it doesn’t actually matter what you know. Can’t even keep your bullshit straight.

The greatest present: For the first time in history, the first time in our 700 million years on this planet,

[Disturbed autism intensifies]

we can know life, know what we are, where we come from, and where we are going. We have to take advantage of this brief opportunity. It has been a long time coming and will be a long time gone. This book will give you the power to change our present course to one that leads to a place without pain, fear or suffering, a place some western religions call heaven.

Who woulda fuckin’ guess? You’re trying to sell people something!

Cognitive dissonance: Get to know these two words.

Please take your own advice.

I honestly don’t give enough of a shit to read the rest. This is such bunk.

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