You may have an online business that is doing well. You may have started with a shared web hosting plan for your business but today, it is outgrowing the limits that come with a shared web hosting plan. For instance, the bandwidth, disk space, email accounts and other facilities may start to become redundant and you need to upgrade. Then there is a critical question for you to consider – do you upgrade to a VPS service or a dedicated server service? Those who were running their business with a shared web hosting plan were enjoying facilities at a minimum cost. However, when the time comes to upgrade, the question of cost naturally comes up. Along with that, what are the benefits that one gets in a VPS solution as compared to a cheap dedicated server solution? These are questions that need to be weighed carefully in order to come to a decision.
Why People Opt For Cheap Dedicated Server Plans
When people ask the question whether to opt for dedicated or virtual private server plans, many often opt for the cheap dedicated server plans as they think that they will get the best of both worlds in this way. It is often advertised that the maximum resources are realized in a dedicated server plan. Again, when one opts for a cheap dedicated server plan, the costs are comparable to a VPS plan. However, there are certain misconceptions that need to be cleared in order to take an informed decision.
Comparing VPS With Cheap Dedicated Server Plans
When one compares a Linux based VPS server plan with a cheap dedicated server plan, one makes the mistake of looking at the costs primarily. However, one needs to concentrate on the resources and the hardware that is being provided in both plans. When compared, one will find that, CPU, memory, storage capacity as well as cost of transfer look comparable on both plans. While the dedicated server plan may have slightly better CPU power and memory capacity, one should remember that there are soft limits set on such features on a VPS plan as opposed to a dedicated server plan where the limits are harder to revise as they are the components of a real physical server. With a VPS plan, one can get their CPU power higher as well as memory capacity enhanced as per request of client. The upgrades take less time unlike a dedicated server plan. The server hardware is usually of top quality in VPS plans as one server services many clients. Thus, the performance of a server is bound to be more responsive in a VPS plan. There is going to be minimal downtime as well since a VPS plan manages several clients and multiple domains at a time.