
New EUnetHTA joint action, co-financed by the EC and participating bodies from nearly all EU Member States,  is due to start in early 2016.

One of the work packages will be dedicated to evidence generation, dealing with the question of early dialogue on initial data collection for new products. Particular focus will be on observational data collection and registries. Close cooperation with ENCePP is envisaged particularly in relation to the development of methodologies and the EMA project on registries.

EUnetHTA Joint Action 3 – Formal Preparatory Work Starting

The first formal meeting in preparation of the Joint Action 3 on HTA (as put forward in the 2015 Work Programme of the EU Health Programme) took place on October 15, 2015 in Brussels

The first formal meeting in preparation of the Joint Action 3 on HTA (as put forward in the 2015 Work Programme of the EU Health Programme) took place on October 15, 2015 in Brussels. The meeting was organised by the HTA Network Secretariat (DG SANTE). More than sixty organisations from 27 Member States and Norway were nominated by their respective Ministries of Health to participate in the final joint action on HTA that aims at defining and implementing a sustainable mechanism for the scientific and technical cooperation on HTA in Europe. The JA3 as the scientific and technical level of the European cooperation on HTA will be implementing the HTA Strategy approved by the HTA Network in October last year.

The National Health Care Institute (ZIN), Netherlands, will lead the work on developing the JA3 proposal as the JA3 Coordinator. During the meeting, first draft considerations on the content, organisation and governance of JA3 were discussed, and the following work packages (WP) were identified for further structured content development:

–          WP1 Network Coordination

–          WP2 Joint Production

–          WP3 Evidence Generation

–          WP4 Quality Management, Scientific Guidance and Tools

–          WP5 National Implementation and Impact

The majority of the nominated organisations participated in the meeting last week. There was a general consensus that the issues of national implementation and utility of the European level joint work will be the focus driving development of objectives and specific activities in JA3, ultimately affecting the success of implementing a sustainable mechanism for the scientific and technical cooperation on HTA in Europe.

The JA3 proposal will be developed by a consortium of the nominated partners and delivered to the Commission (CHAFEA) by December 17, 2015.

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