
This weekend, may we refuse to carry half-truths and tired assumptions. May we choose grace instead of grudges, laughter instead of shame, and love instead fear.

Enjoy your weekend, friends. Here are a few good reads for along the way.

A Steady Soul by Sarah Mae // Because during those seasons of flat out overwhelm, I long for a friend with a steady soul and, in turn, hope to be one for others.

One Reason Many of us Have a Hard Time Connecting by Hillary Rector for Storyline // Because my Dad was a DJ for 30 years and we called the “circus voice” the “puke voice” – and because I always need reminders that when it comes to connection, people don’t want fancy and expert.

Of Toddlers and Truth by Erin Loechner for Design for Mankind // Because parenting is more art than science, and it always makes me feel better to read how someone else messed up and even more, how they’re making it right. Such a great post.

The Lazy Genius Collective by Kendra Adachi // Because being genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t is pretty much the best life advice ever. And because when this new site launches you will want to be the first to know.

Simply Tuesday Conversation Guide // The guide is now available to anyone who buys more than one copy of Simply Tuesday from our partner’s at Givington’s. We are also offering other bonuses for bulk purchases, including signed book plates, a discount code to our online shop, and a Skype session with this girl. Check it out!

The post For Your Weekend appeared first on emily p. freeman.

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