
By Al Benson Jr.
Posted on
April 21, 2015

In the past I have commented on how most people view public schools, how many have commented on their gross failure to educate and I have stated that the public schools have really not failed—at what they were instituted to do—the dumbing down of our kids. At this they have been a smashing success.

What they have failed to do, and this is on purpose, is to educate the children committed to their charge. They continue to turn out graduates who don’t even know what century the War of Northern Aggression was fought in or who Hitler was, or who was president before our current Commissar took the office.

I am not saying that every public school teacher is a “bad” person or even that everyone working for a public school system is a bad person—I have a niece that is a public school teacher and she is well acquainted with many of the tragic problems in that system. There are lots of good folks that, in one way or another, work in the public school system and it’s not them that are evil—it’s the system itself and the agenda of the Educational Establishment in this country.

The main problem with the public, or government, school system is that its founders and true adherents have a messiah complex. The wish to replace the Triune God with their educational system—not to educate children, but to control and manipulate them—to make them into compliant little robots to be used by the New World Order as they deem fit. The mindset of those running the current governmental education establishment goes all the way back to the Tower of Babel—they are going to build a tower that reaches to Heaven and make a name for themselves and create a people that will do their will, not God’s.

Unfortunately “their will” is something most Christians and patriotic people wish to remain blissfully unaware of. “Don’t tell us that “right-wing stuff” we don’t want to be aware of all that. If we are we might have to assume some responsibility personally for our kids’ education, and that’s the absolute last thing we want.”

Personal responsibility—ugh!!! Forget that—let the schools do it—and the public schools are only too happy to do it—at the expense of your kids’ souls!

Just recently, I came across an article on http://www.thearrowsoftruth.com titled The Rockefeller School System: Compulsory Indoctrination Camps for Social Control that was published back in November of 2012. The article stated: “The first federalized U.S. educaton boar was the 1870 founded NEA (National Education Administration) which quickly announced that countrywide school science courses must be restructured to teach ‘evolution’ as fact, not theory. Having gained a fair amount of pull in the NEA, in 1903, John D. Rockefeller created the GEB (General Education Board) in an effort toward ‘this goal of social control.’ Later, in 1923 he would also created the International Education Board providing over $20 million to promote education abroad. The Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ford groups have often funded (and thus steered) American education more so even than the government.” One thing you need to realize here from this statement is that these people are the “real government” that calls the shots and the people you thought you elected to office are often little more than political puppets being directed by the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Fords, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderbergers. That’s where the real power in this country lies—not in those you voted for—they are just the “house slaves” carrying out Massa’s orders, for which they get “house privileges” and assorted perks.

The article continues: “Reading through the papers of the Rockefeller Foundation’s General Education Board an endowment rivaled in school policy influence in the first half of the twentieth century only by Andrew Carnegie’s various philanthropies, seven curious elements force themselves on the curious reader: 1. There appears a clear intention to mold people through schooling. 2. There is a clear intention to eliminate tradition and scholarship. 3. The net effect of various projects is to create a strong class system verging on caste. 4. There is a clear intention to reduce mass critical intelligence while supporting infinite specialization. 5. There is clear intention to weaken parental influence. 6 There is clear intention to overthrow accepted custom. 7. There is a striking congruency between the cumulative purposes of GEB and the utopian precepts of the oddball religious sect, once known as Perfectionism, a secular religion aimed at making the perfection of human nature, not salvation or happiness, the purpose of existence.

The agenda of philanthropy, which had so much to do with the schools we got, turns out to contain an intensely political component.” And this is a quote from the John Taylor Gatto book The Underground History of American Education.

And the article gives a short list of organizations funded by the Rockefellers. Some of them are: Atlantic Union, Council on Foreign Relations, Federation of World Governments, The Trilateral Commission World Affairs Council, United World Federalists. Notice any trends in this list? All of these groups in one way or another promote World government.

In his informative book The Rockefeller File which I believe can be found on the Internet, author Gary Allen noted comments by a former Baptist pastor, Frederick Taylor Gates, who had pastured a church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Gates left that pastorate, was appointed secretary of the American Baptist Education Society, and, in that post, he championed a Baptist university in Chicago, which became the University of Chicago—one of the most leftist universities in the country. In 1889, Gates met John D. Rockefeller and became one of his advisors. Gary Allen has observed that: “Daddy Oilbucks (Rockefeller) put his assistant, Fred Gates, in charge of his General Education Board. Gates tipped the Rockefeller philosophy on education in the Board’s Occasional Paper No. 1: In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands.

The present educational conventions fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk.” Gives you the warm fuzzies doesn’t it?

Some commentators have claimed this quote was taken out of context and really doesn’t mean what it sounds like, but if “Rev.” Gates ended up as an advisor to Rockefeller then you have to know that this One World mindset about educational control is where he was coming from. Had it not been, then Rockefeller would have had no use for him. And you have to wonder, looking at the University of Chicago now, where the Baptists lost control. I recall reading a little book, years ago entitled How Red is the University of Chicago?

Allen also noted that “The Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations, which often had interlocking directorates and many times acted in unison, began in the early Thirties to back John Dewey and his Marxist educationists with enormous amounts of money.” This is the same John Dewey that had so much to do with shaping public education in this country, the man that was a signer of Humanist Manifesto 1. Check that one out on the Internet too, while you still can.

The thing to remember here is that those who ran these foundations and had a One World Government mindset are the very ones that financially helped to design the curriculum that most of us were taught in government schools, and they are still doing it. Your kids today are getting fed the same One World Swill we were fed in government schools. It was, and still is, anti-Christian, as it was intended to be from the beginning. You can have all the Christian teachers you want in public schools, but if they are forced to teach this stuff, whether knowingly or not, where is their Christian testimony? The sincere teachers and the kids have been sold down the river and are forced to partake of the One World outlook that goes all the way back to the Tower of Babel. I realize the folks, even Christians, that prefer to have their kids “educated” in this setting won’t be influenced by what I have written here, but at least they will not be able to say no one ever told them. Lots of folks over the past hundred or so years have told them and the fact that they are not listening in the main is one reason this country will be judged.

And, coincidentally, in this vein, Sam Blumenfeld and Alex Newman have just written a book called Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools To Destroy America’s Children. This was published by WND Books in April of this year.

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