
We are now one month into the new year and away from the start of your resolutions and goals. How are you doing? Are you as excited and motivated as you were the day you set them or has your resolved started to fade? I have to admit that a couple of my goals have already started to lose steam so I thought it was a good time to hit the gas pedal before I come to a complete stop.

7 Ways to Self-Motivate When Your Goals Lose Their Gusto

Listen to Helpful Podcasts or Playlists

Sometimes tickling your ears has big benefits! Whether it’s music or words, put enough good in, and good things are bound to work their way out.

Google Play Music (formerly Songza) has Motivation Radio, Uplifting Pop Motivation, Country Motivation, Weight Room Rap Motivation, Fearless Motivation and just about every other kind of motivating mix that you can dream up.

XOJane recommends these 5 Motivational Podcasts to get you out of a funk.

Want more?

12 Inspirational Podcasts for Entrepreneurs

Self Improvement Podcasts (Android)

25 Best Personal Development Podcasts of 2015

Use Motivating Quotes

I don’t just read the quotes  and forget them. I put them where I can see it, and see it often. I pick one that relates to a goal I am struggling with or the attitude I’m trying to keep. It becomes my screen saver, gets put up on my mirror, and goes to work with me where I can see it. Then I thought about the one thing that I keep close and look at way more than I’d like to admit. My iphone! So I decided to get it involved in my  “get after my goal plan” too.

Enter CaseApp, a site where you design your very own phone case, iPad skin, or laptop case cover. At fist glance, I was pretty intimated with the thought of creating my case because I thought I’d literally have to draw/create my design and upload. Which I could do, but they also have fun templates and overlays already there to choose from. Now we’re talking!

I found a great quote that encourages me to never give up on my dreams. There are some big ones that I sometimes feel like letting go of and this quote reminds me to keep hope in my heart and not to forget those dreams.

The design process was really easy and there were so many ways I could have designed it. I chose the hot air balloon because it’s one of the things on my bucket list so it’s a good representation of my dreams.

When the phone arrived I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of the product and its design. I tend to drop my phone a lot, and this case is very durable. Yet it looks good. As it should when it’s staring at me day after day, and now playing the role of life coach ;).

Set up a Reward System

I am not above bribery and while I know that it doesn’t motivate everyone, it works for many! Myself included :). You can do an old-fashioned check and calendar system, where you simply buy yourself something when you succeed (i.e  new Lululemon pants if I work out 5 times a week for a month) or you can up the stakes enlist the help of others.

Pact is an app that pays you cash when you meet your goals, by the people who don’t! Not only does this help get you cash, but it also motivates you because you don’t want to give your money away either! They have 3 goals you can choose from eating vegetables, exercise, and a food log. I need this for other areas too!

Stickk is similar, but if you don’t meet your goal your money gets donated to an anti-charity or person that you don’t want it too. How’s that for incentive?

If it’s not about money, and you’re more of a gamer Habitica is a video game where your good habits conquer monsters, find prizes, and build your avatar. You can join interest groups and compete with friends!

Read an Empowering Book

There are so many books that can offer help and inspiration on a range of subjects. Find the one you need and let it kick you into gear.

16 Inspiring Books You Should Read in 2016motivation

12 Books All Girl Bosses Should Read

Visualize it Happening

My biggest challenge. Being truly positive with my outlook and thoughts. It makes a difference!  Try to catch yourself when you’re in the middle of a thought that is taking you further from your goal and not towards it. Make a vision board with pictures, words, and phrases where you see those affirmations in plain sight. Write down a list of positive statements and repeat them all over and over until you believe them. This may come easier to some people than others. For me, it is an exercise that I have to practice if I want to get better.

Acquaint Yourself With Accountability

Technically this isn’t self-motivation, but you have to be the one to reach out for the accountability so the ball is in your court (which makes it kind of self-motivation). Besides your friends and family, there are so many ways in this technology age where you can find like-minded people that struggle with the same thing you do. Facebook is the first place I’d look. There are groups of all different kinds with the focus to help each other. Don’t see one that you like? Start one!

Make a Mentor

Not make up a mentor, but find someone who is already living how you want to, or who has mastered whatever skill you are trying to learn. If possible, ask them questions! See how they do things and hopefully inspiration will strike.

What are some ways that you push yourself when you feel your resolve and goals start to fade? Do you have any favorite inspirational books or playlists? I encourage you to find a quote that speaks to you and put it everywhere you can think of! There is still a lot of time left in the year to get it right!

The post 7 Ways to Self-Motivate When Your Goals Lose Their Gusto (& Case App Review) appeared first on Chasing My Halo.

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