
Recently, in response to a survey of MyFitnessPal users, the popular app coined the term, Fitness Tribe. By definition, a Fitness Tribe is a group of two or more people who team up to engage in healthy behavior, build healthy habits, or achieve a health or fitness goal.

At Charter Fitness, we too understand the power of working out and working toward your goals with the support of others. We’ve previously talked about the benefits of working out with a friend and offer multiple training programs built on the idea of strength in numbers.

On your next visit to the club, take a look around and you’ll discover the many ways you can start building your very own Fitness Tribe with Charter Fitness. Here are a few highlights to get you started:

Free Guest Privileges
Signature Circle members can always bring friends to work out free when they visit the club. Together, you and your workout buddy can motivate one another and push each other to achieve your goals.

Personal and TEAM Training
Want to enlist a fitness professional as a member of your tribe? We have you covered. Charter Fitness offers personalized one-on-one training sessions as well as small group training. No matter what you’re trying to achieve, there’s an option for you.

Small Community Feel
The small community feel of our gyms will allow you to not only feel comfortable, but to also make some new friends while working out. These friends will expect to see you every day at the gym. How’s that for accountability?

How do you build your Fitness Tribe? Show us on Facebook! 

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