









He’s huge….

That’s Deep Blue, they think she’s the biggest white shark ever filmed

Of course it’s a girl. She’s beautiful and I’ll keep my hands inside the cage at all times

I…I love her.

My daughter is beautiful and strong.

her dorsal fin is longer than a full grown adult but I in all my 5'2" glory still wants to protect her

I am, I believe, the reasonable amount of scared of sharks that a smart soft mammal should be, but I definitely just said “whos a big pretty girl” at the screen.

Thank you, tumblr, for reminding me that things I’m afraid of are beautiful too.

So I got curious and look this giant up and found this picture of the diver high fiving her as she passed.  According to the article, not only is Deep Blue big but in the picture she’s super pregnant too.

Deep Blue is amazing for sure but who is the balls-to-the-wall diver who high-fived the biggest shark ever caught on film

Like I know sharks don’t often attack humans and are safe yadda yadda but my friends I am not high fiving a giant pregnant shark, I don’t care if they are literally the kittens of the ocean. I don’t high five anything capable of dislocating its jaw and swallowing me whole.

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