Professional Growth & Development Opportunities
Reference and User Services Association (RUSA);
Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA)
Late summer brings a tidal wave of topics with the ACRL-Choice Webinar program
ACRL-Choice webinars connect academic and research librarians with content and service providers, publishers, authors, and other experts. Since the launch of the program in 2013, thousands of participants have attended these free interactive webinars, with topics ranging from using social media to build library communities and the latest reference databases to open access.
The ACRL-Choice webinar series is an ongoing program, offering dozens of presentations each academic year. This late summer/early fall, ACRL-Choice webinars will present a variety of subjects and experts; see below for the programs and links to register.
August 18, 2:00 p.m. Eastern: “The Power of Video Testimonies: The Video History Archive” with Douglass Ballman, Manager of External Relations – Online Archive, USC Shoah Foundation, sponsored by ProQuest.
August 23, 2:00 p.m. Eastern: “Write With Style: APA Style® Showcase” with Emily Ayubi, Business Development Director, APA Style, Chelsea Lee, Product Development Manager, APA Style, and Melissa Ceraso Science and Technology Editor, Choice, sponsored by the American Psychological Association.
September 8, 2:00 p.m. Eastern: “Innovative LibGuide Applications and Integrating LibGuides into Library Websites” with Ryan L. Sittler, Assistant Professor – Instructional Technology/Information Literacy Librarian, California University of Pennsylvania, sponsored by Rowman & Littlefield.
September 13, 2:00 p.m. Eastern: “Teaching Visual Learners with Data Visualization—Delivering an Active Learning Experience for Engineering Students” with Anselm Spoerri, Lecturer and Assistant Professor, School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University, sponsored by McGraw-Hill.
September 22, 2:00 p.m. Eastern: “Measuring Reach and Impact of Books and Chapters” with Martijn Roelandse, Head of Publishing Innovation, Springer Nature, sponsored by Springer Nature.
September 27, 2:00 p.m. Eastern: “Researching Researchers—Designing the User Experience at ProQuest RefWorks” with Mathias Burton, User Experience Lead for Research Tools, ProQuest, sponsored by ProQuest.
RUSA offers new ecourses: Research methods, resource sharing and communication in the library
According to ALA News “beginning in October, the Reference and User Services Association (RUSA) will offer new six week ecourses on empirical research methods, an updated ecourse on ILL practices and procedures, and a new ecourse on communication in the library.
Each ecourse registration is $130 for RUSA members; $175 for ALA members; $210 for non-ALA members; $100 for student members and retired members. Registration can be found here…”
LLAMA webinar helps you plan an ecologically sustainable library
Library communities and stakeholders increasingly place a high value on the ecological sustainability of their facilities and programs. For library directors and managers, the question often is, “Where do I start?” The Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA) will present “Creating Sustainable Libraries and Programs,” on at 1:30 – 3:00 pm (Central time) on Wednesday, Sept. 21.
This webinar will introduce participants to practical approaches for planning facilities and operations that are ecologically and economically sustainable, including LEED and alternative standards. It will also suggest ways that library programs can best respond to community interest in climate change; and provide tools for evaluating ecologically sustainable buildings, operations, and programs…”