
Professional Growth and Development Opportunities:

Book Business;

Artstor and Shared Shelf;

Library Journal

Accessible Archives;



People, Process and Technology: Redefining Your Publishing Value Chain (Book Business)

Date: Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Time: 2:00 p.m. (ET)/11:00 a.m. (PT)

Sponsored by SPi GLobal

The publishing value chain has been completely transformed by technology, reducing costs in some areas while adding costs in others. It has given publishers new ways to manage the value chain, both domestically and internationally, but these new technologies need support in differing ways. Infrastructure is the key. The moving parts are complex and need to be managed carefully to maximize performance and opportunities

John Prabhu, Vice President and Solutions Architect at SPi Global will discuss some of the biggest issues surrounding this topic

Delivering Content in a Multi-Channel World (Book Business)

Date: Thursday, February 26, 2015
Time: 2pm ET/11am PT

Sponsored by Canon

Featuring: Paul DeHart, Co-Owner, President, and CEO, BlueToad; Carlos Bernal, Director of Marketing, Accu-Time Systems

Duration/Cost:One hour/FREE!

Publishing and has become more complex than ever. Publishers need to deliver content wherever their readers are, and they are being asked to create everything online in addition to print. With so many readers switching from print to digital, it’s hard to know how and where to publish your content. Publishers need to integrate rich media to enhance the experience and engage the reader. They are seeking quick, simple, and affordable solutions. Publishers as well as book and publication printers need to understand tools and technologies and how to use them to move seamlessly between print, mobile, and online editions…

Questions? Email us at cswebinars@napco.com or give us a call at (215) 238-5300.

ARTstor and Shared Shelf Webinars (2 sessions)

Administering the Artstor Digital Library: Using the stats site

Learn how to interpret the usage statistics at your local institution. February 16, 12:00 PM EST.

Teaching Architecture with the Artstor Digital Library

Learn about the Artstor Digital Library’s 450,000 architectural images spanning all periods and numerous cultures. February 17, 10:00 AM EST.

The Visible Library: Learn how the Web sees libraries today and how you can use its power to deeply connect with your community (Library Journal)

Learn how the Web sees libraries today and how you can use its power to deeply connect with your community.

Join us for a free webcast that will give your institution the background and insight needed to start conversations on–and take first steps towards–greater Web visibility for your library.

Learn about the current state of library Web visibility

Learn practical steps you can take to gauge and enrich your library’s Web visibility.

See how others are using Web technologies to move beyond the traditional notion of libraries as a physical structure.

Thursday, February 26

Register: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET

Register: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PT

Accessible Archives Webinars

Take an hour  to get an overview of everything that is happening here at Accessible Archives as we aggressively add new content to our collection of 18th and 19th century primary source databases.

We’ll be presenting an overview of our collections including  the latest content coming online now.

Please register in advance to participate in these presentations.

Dial-in instructions will be provided upon registration.

Friday, February 13, 1:00 PM EST

Friday, February 20, 10:00 AM EST

New Directions in Faculty Scholarship: What Libraries Need to Know to Stay Ahead of the Game webinar ( bepress)

When: Tue, February 17, 11am – 12pm |11 am Pacific / 2pm Eastern (map)

Description: The explosion of digital forms of scholarship has greatly increased the spectrum of what faculty want to share, preserve, and organize. From multimedia to datasets, from archival documents to course materials, faculty needs for digital expertise are rapidly expanding. This changing landscape means that it is a critical time for libraries: to understand the changing nature of faculty needs, to demonstrate the full potential of its digital expertise, and to partner with faculty in supporting their work. Based on research that examines a number of exemplary faculty projects, this presentation explores some of the main drivers behind changing faculty needs. What compels faculty to come to the library for help? What comprises the main areas of faculty need? What kinds of faculty projects are the best fit for the library?

Promita Chatterji, Outreach Associate at bepress, will share what we’ve learned and provide some new tools to identify the greatest areas of faculty need on your campus.Register here: https://attende





Modeling the Future of Undergraduate Publishing (bepress)

When: Tue, February 24, 11am – 12pm

Description: With increased focus on undergraduate research and student learning outcomes, institutions are finding creative ways to publish their best undergraduate work. Showcasing student research online meets curricular goals and opens up exciting opportunities for undergraduate scholars. This webinar features exemplary publications from a wide range of schools and academic disciplines, including: * student-led, peer-reviewed journals; * research conferences and symposia; and * unique collections, such as video essays from a student trip to Bali and oral histories from interviews with local farmers.

Aurora Arding, an expert on undergraduate research and a member of the bepress Digital Commons Consulting Services team, will introduce a variety of ways to publish and promote undergraduate work. Join us for a look at top undergraduate collections and learn best practices for promoting student research on campus and beyond.

Register here: https://attende




Designing Assignments for Information Literacy and Library Instruction

Credo, … is pleased to announce a new webinar for librarians: Designing Assignments for Information Literacy and Library Instruction. Two sessions are scheduled for Tuesday, February 10 at 6:00PM EST, and Thursday, February 12 at 10:00 AM EST.

The webinar will offer tools and best practices to help librarians to both improve students’ research skills and better collaborate with faculty. The session is a follow up to Credo’s Instructional Design Best Practices session from September 2014.

Credo Instructional Design and Library Specialist Melissa Engleman, MA, MSLS, will discuss how information literacy instruction has changed in recent years for students, faculty and librarians…

Register soon, as space is limited.

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