
Standards-related programming - Compiled by ALCTS Standards Committee
ALA Midwinter Chicago, January 30-February 3, 2015

As part of its charge to support and promote work within ALCTS related to standards, the ALCTS Standards Committee is pleased to present this compilation of standards-related programs at ALA Midwinter 2015.

Friday, January 30

Competencies and Education for a Career in Cataloging Interest Group

Description: Shawne Miksa (University of North Texas), Gretchen Hoffman (Texas Woman’s University), Allyson Carlyle (University of Washington) – library science professors who teach cataloging – will present their perspectives on the state of cataloging and metadata education. Panelists will address course content, the balancing of theory and practice, and pedagogical approaches. Discussion will explore the challenges of teaching cataloging in the context of the broader, and rapidly evolving, metadata landscape. Meeting will also seek input concerning the drafting of a cataloging and metadata core competencies document.

Where: McCormick Place West, W176a

When: January 20, 2015 – 1:00-4:00 p.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25674

Saturday, January 31

Cataloging Norms Interest Group

Description: Presentations include: “Utility of the legacy MARC records: Analyses and Ways to Support Discovery Services;” “Ready…Set…URIs… Actionable! –Experiencing a Linked Data Mindset Now. –Preparing For the Next Generation Search and Discovery Environment;” “MarcMaker: A Metadata Creation Tool.”

Where: McCormick Place West, W181c

When: January 31, 2015 – 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25794

Catalog Management Interest Group

Description: Presentations include: “OCLC Hybrid records;” “RDA Enrichment at the University of Colorado Boulder;” and “Full catalog RDA enrichment in a cloud-based LMS.”

Where: McCormick Place West, W196C

When: January 31, 2015 – 1:00-2:30 p.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25808

MARC Formats Transition Interest Group

Description: Presentations include: “Experiments in BIBFRAME: A modular approach,” by Nancy Fallgren, Metadata Specialist Librarian, National Library of Medicine; “BIBFLOW: An IMLS Project,” by Xiaoli Li, Co-head of Content Support Services Department, University of California Davis.

Where: McCormick Place West, W187a

When: January 31, 2015 – 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25860

Sunday, February 1

Linked Library Data Interest Group

Description: The ALCTS/LITA Linked Library Data Interest Group is hosting three presentations during its meeting at the ALA Midwinter Conference in Chicago. Presentations include: “The Linked Data for Libraries project: an update,” by Nancy Lorimer, Interim Head of Metadata Department at Stanford University Libraries; “Opening up science with VIVO,” by Kristi Holmes, Director of Galter Health Sciences Library at Northwestern University and a VIVO Project Engagement Lead; “BIBFRAME: A Way Forward. Moving Libraries into a linked data world!” by Victoria Mueller, Senior Information Architect and System Librarian, Zepheira.

Where: McCormick Place West, W192b

When: February 1, 2015 - 8:30-10:00 a.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25876

Metadata Interest Group

Description: The meeting will include two presentations to be followed by a brief business meeting.

Jennifer Wright and Matt Carruthers from the University of Michigan Libraries will present “Breaking the Bottleneck: Automating the Reconciliation of Named Entities to the Library of Congress Name Authority File.” Nancy Fallgren and Barbara Bushman from the National Library of Medicine will present “Linked Data Initiatives at NLM.”

Where: McCormick Place West, W176c

When: February 1, 2015 – 8:30-10:00 a.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25875

Cataloging and Classification Research Interest Group

Description: Three presentations and discussions of cataloging-related research and projects. Presentations include: “Cataloging in Publication: Moving Beyond the Print,” presented by Caroline Saccucci, Dewey Program Manager and Acting CIP Program Manager, and Camilla Williams, CIP Program Specialist at the Library of Congress; “Establishing Best Practices: Cataloging Unpublished Screenplays with RDA,” presented by Laura Evans, Metadata/Cataloging Librarian at Binghamton University Libraries; “MARC and Non-MARC Metadata for Digitized Government Documents,” presented by Kathryn Lybarger, Head of Cataloging & Metadata, University of Kentucky Libraries.

Where: McCormick Place West, W176a

When: February 1, 2015 – 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25806

Continuing Resources Standards Forum

Description: Discussion of timely topics in continuing resources standards, including demand-driven acquisition (DDA) and access and license indicators.

Where: McCormick Place West, W474b

When: February 1, 2015 – 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25173

LC BIBFRAME Update Forum

Description: Opportunity to share progress and concerns about BIBFRAME, the new bibliographic framework initiative led by the Library of Congress.

Where: McCormick Place West, W196a

When: February 1, 2015 – 10:30-11:30 a.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25170

Acquisitions Managers and Vendors Interest Group

Description: “Using what we’ve got – analyzing data in a useful way” – Usage data has become more and more important in collection development today, but how are librarians to use this information in a way that informs collections thoughtfully. Should historical usage drive acquisitions, or should collections be built with maximum usage in mind? What kinds of decisions are made based on usage patterns? How much weight should be given to usage versus “just in case” collection building. The panelists will speak of best practices for obtaining, analyzing, and putting to use the myriad data available today.

Where: McCormick Place West, W176a

When: February 1, 2015 – 1:00-2:30 p.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25643

Collection Evaluation and Assessment Interest Group

Description: Tentatively includes three presentations about collection assessment projects to support data-driven decision making in academic libraries. Presentations include: “Planning for certain future cuts when the future is uncertain,” by Beth R. Bernhardt, Assistant Dean for Collection Management and Scholarly Communications, University of North Carolina Greensboro; “Right sizing the print collection: collection assessment methods for ensuring that Shippensburg University has the “right books” for its users,” by Ashley N. Esposito, Collection Development and Assessment Librarian, Shippensburg University; “Assessment methodology: information gathering for serials review,” by Carol Seiler, Account Services Manager, EBSCO Information Services and Kelli Getz, Assistant Head of Acquisitions, University of Houston.

Where: McCormick Place West, W184d

When: February 1, 2015 – 1:00-2:30 p.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25639

NISO Annual Update Meeting

Description: The NISO Update provides the latest news about NISO’s current efforts, including standards, recommended practices and community meetings covering many areas of interest to the library community. Working group members will provide updates on projects newly underway or recently completed. Presenters include Nettie Lagace, Associate Director of Programs, NISO, and Todd Carpenter, Executive Director, NISO.

Where: McCormick Place West, W475b

When: February 1, 2015 – 1:00-2:30 p.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/26373

Collection Management and Electronic Resources Interest Group

Description: “Resource Sharing of Electronic Resources: Problems, Opportunities, and Alternatives” – We will discuss how resource sharing electronic resources differs from interlibrary loan services based on physical materials. Changes in technology, license terms, business models, and best practices for electronic resources management require that libraries reinvestigate how to provide the best possible information services to the contemporary user. What are the implications of these changes for libraries in terms of administration, organizational structure, and professional specialization, as well as routine business processes and workflows?

Where: McCormick Place West, W176c

When: February 1, 2015 – 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25645

PCC Participant’s Meeting

Description: Program on linked authority data, bibframe and the future of cooperative metadata projects

Where: McCormick Place West, W196a

When: February 1, 2015 – 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25937

Monday, February 2

Subject Analysis Committee II (Cataloging and Metadata Management Section)

Description: Presentation from 1:00-2:00 p.m. by Gordon Dunsire, Chair of the Joint Steering Committee for RDA, titled “What is an RDA subject?” Abstract – The JSC agreed at its meeting in Washington, D.C., November 3-7, 2014, to add the high-level relationship “Subject” to RDA. It will be applicable only to the Work entity. Subject relationship designators will be accommodated in a new appendix M in RDA Toolkit. This presentation will describe the reasoning behind the JSC’s decisions and the intended impact on the utility of RDA. Specific issues include alignment with the FRBR and linked data (Dublin Core Abstract Model) models, clarification of the treatment of embedded descriptions in RDA such as Expressions which contain (meta)data describing another RDA entity, and changes to the RDA element set, relationship designators, and RDA Registry.

Where: Hilton Chicago, International South

When: February 2, 2015 – 1:00-4:00 p.m. (presentation from 1:00-2:00 p.m.)

Link: http://alamw15.ala.org/node/25682

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