
Secure Device Solutions, the new European PKI token vendor, and charismathics, the world leading expert in PKI middleware, announce today their co-operation aimed at offering 4D customer freedom.
Domino-Key® from Secure Device Solutions is much more than just another PKI stick. It stands out from the crowd to many extents: it is smart card neutral as a SIM card reader can be, but compact in size as a USB key; it is not affected by flash memory price fluctuations and does not even oblige the customer to buy this add-on: the user can in fact utilize his own USB mass storage device and simply plug it into this token; and unlike most solutions around it does not interface with laptops only, but also with smart phones and tablets, basically with all other peripherals that support USB OTG/Host. 
Such a versatile concept matches extremely well charismathics vision. Since it was founded the company has stood up for customers’ right to select the PKI architecture that over time proves the most effective, and therefore the right to modify some of its elements without losing the initial investment. Whether the user should be upgraded 
from one operating system to a different platform
, or shifted 
from one smart card operating system to a new one
, or if a 
PKI application
 should be changed, charismathics smart security interface would remain stable and would keep on interacting with legacy products as well as new evolutions.
After several years of experience gained in the IT security field and long time spent supporting directly 
charismathics agnostic middleware
, Secure Device Solutions Managing Director, Michel Chapot, felt the market was in need of additional independence from a hardware perspective, also in view of nowadays massive deployment of new communication devices, like tablet PCs and smart phones. He then declares: “We therefore came up with the idea, which we then patented, of turning a passive USB cap into a technological piece of the structure, a USB hub, eventually featuring AES on the fly encryption too, which would open the way to more savings and options for the customer.”
charismathics Director Product Marketing, Daniela Previtali adds “We all have seen 
 growing as a PKI democratizer in this industry; with Domino-Key from Secure Device Solutions we can further expand the concept and supply customers with even more flexibility than ever before.” Security standards remain actually at the top while the client is fully empowered to create his own puzzle, selecting exclusively the one and only components that best fit with the corporate and/or national requirements, reducing thus logistic and support costs and keeping up with current times.
Together charismathics and Secure Device Solutions will be able to address new market opportunities especially in areas that are newer to PKI introduction and more sensitive to cost savings. 

Secure Device Solutions
 has developed DOMINO-Key®, a new generation of USB keys enabling the connectivity of your digital certificate with different terminals (desktops, notebooks, smart phones, tablets provided they support USB OTG/Host). In addition, DOMINO-Key provides a USB port extension for the plugging of any USB 2.0 HS peripheral of your choice.
Thanks to DOMINO-Key and TWIN-cap®, end users can utilize the same digital credential ID on any platforms to sign a document, log onto their operating system and for more PKI related operations. Unlike regular USB keys which feature no such connectivity, DOMINO-Key also reduces the need of hand carrying additional components like USB hubs or smart card readers. The device can be enhanced with new functionalities at any time to offer the best ROI.

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