
Hello! It’s awesome to talk to the person who made the content in one of this blog’s most popular posts– your work is really lovely!! As far as the credit goes, the original post does have a link to your Etsy store (it looks like this: [x] ), but sadly sometimes people delete/change the original caption when they reblog things, and unfortunately there’s no way for me to edit the post in a way that would add it back to everyone’s reblog of it. Luckily Tumblr makes it so that you can’t change the original “Content source” URL when reblogging a post, so that’ll always link to your store.

Sorry if this is really long-winded or doesn’t make a ton of sense! If it would help to see what I’m talking about, you can take a look at the original post here– the orange [x] is the link in the caption that people can delete (although it’s kinda a jerk move) and the line below it that says “Source: etsy.com" is the permanent source that will always be attached to the post.

If you want me to in any way change the way that I sourced it, I’d be more than happy to, but unfortunately Tumblr won’t make the change on all the past reblogs of it with altered/deleted captions, only the original post and any subsequent reblogs from the original. 

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