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If you have not done so already click Tools>Preferences on the text menu to open the Preferences dialog. Then click the Credit Card tab.


Set up Mailware to approve credit cards using your software.

Quick Jump To:

Supported Credit Card Software

Setup PC Charge

Setup IC Verify or XCharge

Setup PC Authorize

Setup Authorize Net

Setup PaymentTech

Test a Charge in Mailware


You can choose which credit card software and merchant services provider you would like to use. Mailware includes support for over 100 providers (see list below) and supports several third party software programs which work with the vast majority of providers. Export reports are included too, so you can use other packages as well.

Mailware supports the following credit card software. If you use one of these now, or if your provider accepts charges from one, Mailware will connect to the gateway and charge the credit card during order entry or batch order processing. It will enter the approval number for you into the order and mark it paid. The supported software packages are:

PC Charge (http://www.pccharge.com/)

IC Verify (http://www.icverify.com/)

Authorize Net (http://www.authorizenet.com) and many other gateways (see list below)

For Authorize Net and other supported gateways you will need the xPayment component which is included with Mailware 2010 and above.

Chase PaymentTech (http://www.chasepaymentech.com/)

For Chase PaymentTech and other supported gateways you will need the xPayment component which is included with Mailware 2010 and above.

XCharge (http://www.xcharge.biz)

First, install and test your credit card software. It must be working before you attempt to process a charge through Mailware.

Next, click Tools on the text menu and select Preferences

In the dialog that opens, click the Credit Card tab

Interface Software- Select your credit card software from the pulldown. The Credit Card Preferences screen displays the fields needed for your particular software. Once these preferences are set an Authorize button will appear on the Payment tab on the Order Entry screen.  Click on the links below for setup instructions for your interface software.

PC Charge

IC Veryify /XCharge

PC Authorize


PC Charge Setup

PC Charge is supported for single stations, and multiple stations on a network.

Install and test your credit card software, then open Preferences, click the Credit Card tab and select your Interface Software as described above.

When you select PC Charge the following fields appear.

Enter the data as follows:

Merchant Number – Enter your merchant number exactly as it is entered in PC Charge. You can find it in PCCharge under Setup>Credit Card Company. Note: This may not be the same number you received from your bank or merchant services provider.

Use Table – Check this box if you have multiple Merchant Numbers. See the Set Up Multiple Merchant Accounts topic for help setting up your multiple ID’s.

Processor – Select the appropriate processor from the pulldown. This information can also be found in PCCharge under Setup>Credit Card Company.

Time Out – The value you enter will determine how long your credit card software will wait before returning a “cannot connect” message. In most cases enter 45 seconds unless a different time out is recommended by your merchant services provider.

Last Valid Year – For 2 digit credit card expiration dates enter the last year to be interpreted as belonging to the 21st century (20XX). For example, if you enter a Last Valid Year of 30, an expiration of 01/30 will be interpreted as 2030, and an expiration of 01/31 will be interpreted as 1931. This field allows for year 2000 compliance with 2 digit years.

User Name – Enter a Unique Name for this PC. For example, enter User 1 on the first PC, User 2 on the second etc.

Path – Enter the path where credit card information will be stored, and retrieved during authorization. This should be the same directory for all workstations. You can also use the browse button to locate the path on your PC or network.  This is the path to the PC Charge application, normally it is c:\Program Files\PCCW although this may vary depending on the configuration of your system.

Note: The bottom section contains information specific to each workstation on your network (or a single PC). The User Name must be unique and must be entered on each workstation.

Click the button to save your changes. An button will be available on the Payment tab of the Order screen and the Process Payments tab of the Process Orders action.

ICVerify and XCharge

ICVerify and XCharge are supported for single stations, and multiple stations on a network.

Install and test your credit card software, then open Preferences, click the Credit Card tab and select your Interface Software as described above.

When you select ICVerify the following fields appear.

Enter your data as follows:

Merchant ID – Enter your Merchant ID as supplied to you by your credit card provider.

Use Table – Check this box if you have multiple Merchant Numbers. See the Set Up Multiple Merchant Accounts topic for help setting up your multiple ID’s.

AVS Mode – Select which AVS mode your provider requires (the default of 1 does not perform AVS checking).

License Time Out – Enter the time in milliseconds Mailware should wait for a response from ICVerify before giving a non-connected message. Default is 10000 (10 seconds).

Base Users – For the Max and Base users: Enter 1 in each if you are using a single license version of ICVerify. For multiple stations enter 1 in Base Users on the first PC, 2 on the second etc.

Max Users – In Max Users enter the total number of stations you purchased.

Request Directory-The Request Directory is usually C:\ICVERIFY\REQ_DIR however you should browse to it with the button (the folder button next to the field) to ensure you point to the correct folder.

Click the button to save your changes. An button will be available on the Payment tab of the Order screen and the Process Payments tab of the Process Orders action.

PC Authorize
PC Authorize is currently supported at one station only.

Install and test your credit card software, then open Preferences, click the Credit Card tab and select your Interface Software as described above.

When you select PC Charge the following fields appear.

Enter your data as follows:

Service Application – Enter the path to your installation of PC Authorize. You can also browse to the PC Authorize directory with the button and select the program by double clicking it.

Cashier ID – (Optional) Enter a name or other ID to associate with authorizations made from this PC.

Department- (Optional) Enter a Department to associate with authorizations made from this PC.

Note: When using PC Authorize you should avoid opening a batch in PC Authorize and processing approvals from Mailware at the same time. Mailware will use the batch created by the PC Authorize session which may be confusing.

Click the button to save your changes. An button will be available on the Payment tab of the Order screen and the Process Payments tab of the Process Orders action.

Authorize Net is a web based gateway. You will need a utility available from xAuthorize that allows Mailware to communicate with Authorize Net (see the Supported Software section above for details) or for Mailware 2010 and above the included xauthorize tool. Contact Us for your Key and to download the utility.

Install and test your credit card software, then open Preferences, click the Credit Card tab and select your Interface Software as described above.

When you select Authorize.net the following fields appear.

Before you can set up Authorize.Net to work with Mailware you will need to obtain the API LoginID and the Transaction Key.  Below are instructions on how to obtain those.

Open up Notepad

Login to your Authorize.net account

Click the “Account” link at the top.

Click on the link : “API Login ID and Transaction Key” Click the generate button(s) if needed.

NOTE: If you have already generated a API Login ID and Transaction Key, the system will ask you to respond to a security question.

Copy the API Login ID to the clipboard and paste it into the Notepad.

Copy the Transaction Key to the clipboard and paste it into your Notepad on a different line

Enter your data as follows:

Gateway – Select Authorize.Net AIM from the drop down

Login -API Login ID

Password – Transaction Key

E-mail Merchant on Success - Check this if you would like to receive a confirmation email on each charge.

E-mail Merchant on Error - Check this if you would like to receive a confirmation email on each error.

E-mail Server - Enter your SMTP email server (you can locate this in your email software).

Merchant Email – Enter your email address.

Click the button to save your changes. An button will be available on the Payment tab of the Order screen and the Process Payments tab of the Process Orders action.

Chase PaymentTech
PaymentTech is a web based gateway. You will need a utility available from xAuthorize that allows Mailware to communicate with Authorize Net (see the Supported Software section above for details).

Install and test your credit card software, then open Preferences, click the Credit Card tab and select your Interface Software as described above.

When you select Authorize.net the following fields appear.

Before you can set up PaymentTech to work with Mailware you will need to do the following

Contact Paymenttech to have the ip addresses of the CC processing machines Whitelisted.

Enter your data as follows:

Gateway – Select Paymenttech from the drop down

Login -Paymenttech Merchant ID

Secondary Login-BIN Number (usually something like 000002)

Password – TerminalID (usually something like 002)

E-mail Merchant on Success - Check this if you would like to receive a confirmation email on each charge.

E-mail Merchant on Error - Check this if you would like to receive a confirmation email on each error.

E-mail Server - Enter your SMTP email server (you can locate this in your email software).

Merchant Email – Enter your email address.

Click the button to save your changes. An button will be available on the Payment tab of the Order screen and the Process Payments tab of the Process Orders action.

Test a Charge in Mailware
After you have completed the setup of your software you can enter a test order in Mailware and test your connection.  If you experience any problems during the test see the Troubleshooting section below.

Once your credit card software is set up you can approve credit cards immediately. Enter an order (see the Take an Order help topic for details on entering orders). Then click the Payment tab at the bottom of the Order screen. Enter the credit card information then click the button.

Note: Your credit card software must be running, however, you do not need to create a batch. One will be created automatically when you process your first charge each day.

The following dialog will open.

Edit the cardholder name and address if necessary, then click the button.  A Results section will appear at the bottom of the dialog, and a Stop button will be available if you need to cancel the transaction.

Your software will contact  your provider and retrieve the approval information. Within a few seconds an approval code should appear in the Results section. Click the button. The approval code and amount paid will be automatically entered on the Mailware Order screen.


If you experience problems processing a charge after completing the above the tips below may help.

For PC Charge and IC Verify you must have the same Merchant ID in Mailware as in your credit card software. Some banks provide your ID in a letter with additional digits. Be sure to check the setup in your software.

If you are receiving a “Class not registered” error when attempting to run ICVerify, PC Charge or PC Authorize credit card software you can install credit card support files from the Mailware web site at http://www.mailware.com/download/extras/ccsupport/

If you are receiving a “Invalid class string” and are using xAuthorize as your interface software you need to install the xPayment software.  You can download it from http://www.xauthorize.com/products/xpaymentcom/

If you are using PaymentTech as your gateway and get a “Precondition Failed” error message when trying to process a charge, your IP address has not been whitelisted by PaymentTech.

In PC Charge, if you receive a result message of ” Not Captured” followed by an Authorization Code you may need to close PC Charge, then browse to the PCCW folder and delete the CVVS.PCC and Address.PCC files. Be sure to backup your PC Charge settings first, just in case. You may also need to delete Credit.pcc and Config.pcc.  If you are using PC Charge Payment Server you will need to use the command line switch /UI to start Payment Server up the first time.

Make sure both Mailware and your credit card software programs are running. For networks you may need to run both a server and a client version of your credit card software.

For IC Verify, some providers return a different character in the first position of the approval string (not the approval code you see in the results). If this occurs the charge will appear as approved but will be marked in Mailware as DECLINED. Please contact us for a patch to correct this (we have to modify it for your code). In the meantime, you can manually enter the approval code.

You do not need to create a batch in your credit card software, but you do need to settle the batch created by Mailware. Otherwise, charges will be entered but will not transfer funds into your account.

Some gateways support crediting charges. In order to credit a charge your provider may have limitations such as: 1) Original charge must have been charged by your gateway, 2) The refund amount cannot be more than the original charge 3) The credit must be within 120 days of original charge. Please refer to your terms of agreement with your provider to determine requirements before testing credits through Mailware.

Mailware 2010 and higher includes xAuthorize (aka xPayment) to allow you to integrate with over 100 gateway services. See the list of supported gateways below.



Support for 116 gateway services.

Complete data encryption using SSL.

Reliable and fast processing for high volume applications.

Multiple transaction types (selected gateways):







Complete status reporting (declination reason, etc).

Support for Email notification.

Support for Address Verification and CVV2 Services.

Compatible with any environment supporting COM objects.

Support for alternative currencies.

Support for EChecks for deductions from the customer’s bank account.

Designed for ease of use and rapid development.

Full support for test-mode operations (selected gateways).

Includes test accounts (selected gateways).

Includes test credit card numbers (with selected gateways).

Transaction Logging Capability

Multiple transaction log types – daily, monthly, single file.

Latest interface specification for all supported gateways.

Includes sample programs.

Includes sample Visual Basic projects.

Includes sample Active Server Pages.




Complete List [116]


Authorize.Net AIM 
ACH Direct Credit Card Service
ACH Direct EFT Service
Bank of America eStore
BluePay Version 2
ClearCard CNWB
CollectPay Connect
CollectPay Connect ACH
Concord EFSNET
3 Delta Systems
Authorize.Net ECheck
eCollections Portal
eCollections ECheck Service
ECX QuickCommerce 3.0
Elavon Merchant Direct
Epoch Systems
EPoint Processing
eProcessing Network
EPS Secure NET
eWay ECommerce
EZNP Internet Solutions
Fast Transact
Fast Transact ACH
FirePay – Terra Payments
Harbor Payments
Harbor Payments Phoenix
iBill Processing
IntelliPay ExpertLink
IONGATE Processing
iTransact RediCharge
Janus1 – Marqi Nutrition Ltd.
Link2Gov Web Payment
Link2Gov Web Payment ECheck
LinkPoint Secure
LinkPoint Virtual Check
Merchant E-Solutions
Merchant Partners
MiraServ OFT
Moneris eSelect
Moneris eSelect V2
Net1 Payment Services Gateway 
Network Merchants
NexCommerce Online
Official Payments
Paradata Systems Inc
Pay By Touch
PayCom Processing
PayPal Pro
PayPal PayFlow Pro ACH
PayPal PayFlow Pro ECHECK
PayPal PayFlow Pro Credit Card
PayReady Link
Payscape Gateway
Payscape Gateway ECheck
Pay Trace
Planet Payment
Plug ‘n Pay
PRIGate Payment Resources
PRIGate Payment Resources – ACH
Processing Network
Profit Stars ECheck
Protx VPS Direct
Protx CA VPS Direct
QuickBooks Merchant Services
RBS Lynk
RealEX Payments
Right Connection
SecurePay Australia
Synapse Gateway
TransFirst eLink – CC
TransFirst eLink – eCheck
TrustCommerce CTLink
TrustCommerce ACH
USAEPay Gateway
USAEPay ECheck
Velocity Pay
VEREPAY Web Services
Verisign PayFlow Pro ACH
Verisign PayFlow Pro ECheck
Verisign PayFlow Link
Verisign PayFlow Pro
Verisign PayFlow Pro Australia
ViaKlix (Nova)
ViaKlix (Nova) – Version 2
ViaKlix (Nova) – Virtual Merchant
Virtual Card Services
YourPay (LinkPoint)
WorldPay Junior Invisible
XOR Gateway


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