
Did you encounter an error in Mailware? Following are common errors and solutions. If you cannot find your error message below please Contact Support.

Cannot Connect to Database

Class not registered or Invalid Class String – when attempting to charge a credit card

Access Violation


Cannot Connect to Database

This error most commonly occurs when your workstation has lost its connection to your server or PC where the Mailware database is installed. The first thing to do is try to access that folder using Windows Explorer.

Open Windows Explorer

Browse to the location of your Mailware database.

If you are unable to reach your database you may need to share the folder again from the server. If you are using a mapped drive (not recommended) then you may need to remap the connection from the workstation using Windows Explorer. To do that, browse directly to the folder on the server and then select it. Map the drive using the option in the Windows Explorer text menu. See support.microsoft.com for help mapping drives and accessing and sharing your network folders.

If you moved your data directory or the path to it has changed you can modify the Mailware.ini file directly to specify the new path. Use this method when the above does not work and you cannot open Mailware to change the path using the File>Open Database option in the text menu.

Open Windows Explorer

Browse to the install folder for Mailware (default is C:\Program Files (x86)\Mailware XXXX – where XXXX is the version).

Locate the Mailware.ini or Mailware Configuration file. Double click it to open it in Notepad.

Locate the following sections and change the path to match the location of your Mailware data directory. Use your company name and path where you see cellphones below. Ensure your settings match the ones below. The PrivateDirectory does not have to match as shown, but must be an accessible local folder.

PrivateDirectory=C:\Program Files (x86)\Mailware 2011\MailPriv
NetworkDatabase=Cell Phones4U

Cell Phones4U=c:\mailware\cellphones

Class not registered or Invalid Class String

For PC Charge and IC Verify you must have the same Merchant ID in Mailware as in your credit card software. Some banks provide your ID in a letter with additional digits. Be sure to check the setup in your software.

If you are receiving a “Class not registered” error when attempting to run ICVerify, PC Charge or PC Authorize credit card software you can install credit card support files from the Mailware web site at http://www.mailware.com/download/extras/ccsupport/

If you are receiving a “Invalid class string” and are using xAuthorize as your interface software you need to install the xPayment software.  You can download it from http://www.xauthorize.com/products/xpaymentcom/

If you are using PaymentTech as your gateway and get a “Precondition Failed” error message when trying to process a charge, your IP address has not been whitelisted by PaymentTech.

In PC Charge, if you receive a result message of ” Not Captured” followed by an Authorization Code you may need to close PC Charge, then browse to the PCCW folder and delete the CVVS.PCC and Address.PCC files. Be sure to backup your PC Charge settings first, just in case. You may also need to delete Credit.pcc and Config.pcc.  If you are using PC Charge Payment Server you will need to use the command line switch /UI to start Payment Server up the first time.

Make sure both Mailware and your credit card software programs are running. For networks you may need to run both a server and a client version of your credit card software.

For IC Verify, some providers return a different character in the first position of the approval string (not the approval code you see in the results). If this occurs the charge will appear as approved but will be marked in Mailware as DECLINED. Please contact us for a patch to correct this (we have to modify it for your code). In the meantime, you can manually enter the approval code.

You do not need to create a batch in your credit card software, but you do need to settle the batch created by Mailware. Otherwise, charges will be entered but will not transfer funds into your account.


Access Violation

This is a common Windows error that can mean many things. Because it is non specific it is difficult to determine the cause without details about what steps you took prior to receiving the error.


DBISAM Engine Error #9729 – Duplicate key found

This can occur in tables where the primary key is one of the fields you are entering (like the Operator ID or Product Number) and when the NextXXXX table is corrupt or incorrect (the NextXXXX table contains a record number for table XXXX. For example NextCust contains the next record number for a new customer.

When the error occurs you will receive a message like the following.

If you are typing the primary key you can simply change it. There are few tables in which you type the key, notably when you add a new Operator and when creating a new Product. This error is telling you that the record you are creating already exists. If you want to verify that you can do a search on that screen to find the existing record.

If you are adding a new Customer, Order or other record in which the primary key is controlled by Mailware then the most likely problem is that your NextXXXX table is out of sync. You can Contact Support for help or you can modify the table yourself.


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