


 by Carmen Schwartz

This is the day, ladies and gents. This is the day where romance is number one on everyone’s wish list. Celebrating are the couples who are the luckiest, who have spent decades together bringing children into the world, and are now enjoying those beloved grandchildren (really enjoying because they go home…right Grandma?) Also celebrating are those couples with new romances, perhaps just getting on their feet or soaring into the sky. But no matter which category you are, this IS the day to celebrate all that love, luck and life.


There are ways to celebrate this Hallmark event that not only offer the perfect gift to give to that person whose heart you cherish, but will also bring a little bit of perfection into the world. Going green, as everyone knows, involves doing all different types of things to help our environment, air, water and the world around us, so that the next generation of those grandchildren can enjoy a healthy life. So if you are looking for that imagination surge which will put a smile on the face of your true love while also bringing an added extra shot of happiness to Earth, itself…look no further.


What is the most popular gift when it comes to Valentine’s Day? It is the gift that decorates absolutely every shelf in almost every store right now: Chocolate heaven. BUT, organic chocolates are even more fantastic, and by purchasing organic chocolates, you’re talking about giving a gift that does not cause more harm to the planet. No pesticides are used in the chocolate production, and fair trade principles are used when it comes to producing these delicious gifts. Which means people out there working hard are actually being paid correctly. Meager wages and other huge problems come with regular chocolate production, with wars even developing in the industry. By turning to organic and fair trade chocolates, you will feel good and lend a hand to support sustainable agriculture.


Along with the chocolates there is usually something else in hand as you present your gifts to the person you love the most. Yes, the flowers. Always stunning, this is the gift that can take the breath away (and having great words of love to speak also add to the event, so get to thinking). But when it comes to the world of flowers, giving a plant this year is even more special. Think about it. Whereas the bouquet of beauty will, unfortunately, wither fairly quickly, a plant will continue on. Together, you can watch that plant grow, and have it as a symbol for how your love continues to blossom each and every year. Look for that nursery in your area and pick up one of those stunning white carnation plants, and watch it grow hand-in-hand with the love you feel for each other.


If the bouquet is still your favorite choice, pick some truly beautiful organic flowers. There are companies that produce eco-friendly flowers that bring the beauty and help the rest of the world.


Something even more special? Your local Humane Society is just the place to purchase the most perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. A new best friend in the cutest puppy you could imagine; a furry kitty to be a part of your world – you name it, adopting an animal is a precious gift that will become an automatic member of the family.


Arts and crafts are also among the most amazing ideas when it comes to this holiday. A creation from your own mind, heart and soul will go over far better than a store bought gift, because you are the one who put your skill into making him/her the gift of a lifetime.


Yes, jewelry is a wish for some. Many will look forward to this day as being ‘the day’ when the big question is asked and a diamond is placed on the finger. But, remember, there are other stunners that will not only show your love, but will also not be a part of the conflicts and wars that continue to be waged in the world of diamond mining and marketing. Give from the soul, but make sure that the gem given is part of a conflict-free world.


And don’t forget the lingerie, ladies. There are a host of companies that are more than happy to provide you with sustainable lingerie. Good for the environment, good for you, and most definitely will make your significant other extremely happy. And there are many shades of green to choose from!






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